Status: I have no idea where this is going at the moment, but Im working on it. Please comment.

My Guardian Angel

Now you've done it...

Katie woke up feeling oddly refreshed instead of the usual grogginess. She looked around her room, looking for any signs that last night had happened. She looked towards her desk chair and found no traces of a bottle of pills that had crashed on her desk and rolled on to the floor - nothing.

It was a Monday morning. She got up, got ready for work (she works for her college in the Administrative building), and left her house in 15 minutes, dismissing last night as just some crazy dream. The drive to work sucked, as it was pouring rain outside and her day at work sucked just as much. Her co-worker, Omar, - who she addressed as “the fuck-I-work-with” in her head- was going on about how anyone who did any of the things Katie was into was a giant idiot. Her boss seemed pissed at her all day for no reason, and she even was able to piss off the Dean of Students whose office was connected to hers.

This was not shaping up to be a good day at all. Home was no better. The moment she walked in the damn door she was greeted with the pissy attitude of her moms boyfriend. Something about her leaving the hallway light on, and accusing her of not caring since she wasn’t the one who paid the electric bill. She wasn’t in a good mood and she snapped back at him and argued how he didn’t exactly pay them either.

In hindsight, this was the worst thing she could have done. Too bad her mouth starts before her brain does. Her one comeback resulted in her getting yelled at, accused of being her father (who she loathes), and told she was going to be kicked out of the house. After the hour of being screamed at she headed upstairs to her room, turned on her computer, started iTunes, put the speakers on as loud as they would go and then sat down on her chair. She opened her desk drawer and located the bottle of pills, that in her crazy dream had crashed to the floor, opened the bottle, and without thinking twice about it, popped all of them into her mouth.

It took a few moments, but she began to feel really odd. Her head pounded for some reason, and it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe. The light entering her eyes began growing dimmer and soon there was nothing for her to see at all.

She felt her conscience begin to come back but everything remained dark and quite. Suddenly a loud, annoyed voice pierced the dead, black silence.

“Well, you’ve fucking done it now haven’t you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment, because I don't know if I should keep this going. I have an idea of where to make it go, but if I'm not going to get feedback to let me know if people like it or not....well you know.