Status: teenage pregnancy


Blooming Chapter 22

“Valentine’s Day,” I rolled my tongue around in my mouth, still tasting the words on my lips. “Why do we even have this holiday? I mean, really. What’s the point of it?”
“Sav, everything’s going to be fine. Chilax.” Lucy said. She was fixing my hair and make up before Riley arrived for our ‘big date’.
“I’m just saying.” I complained. “Who invented this holiday? It’s not that important. We don’t get out of school for it or anything....”
“Savannah,” Lucy shouted holding onto my shoulders. “You’ve been talking about this for hours. Read my lips. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE.”
I sighed and nodded trying not to think of....
“That’s him,”
While my best friend and I headed towards the front door of her house, I couldn’t help but notice the huge pit in the bottom of my stomach and as we continued to make our way to the entrance, Mrs. Palmers stopped me.
“Savannah, I know you’re nervous,” Of course Lucy had told her mother about Darren and me. I should’ve known. I looked back at her scowled.
“I’m a cheater.” I stated though I hated the word.
Mrs. Palmers simply shook her head.
“You’re confused. But you’ll do what’s right.” Her confidence in me gave me the courage to face Riley. But the look on his face when I answered the door made the guilt come flooding back.
“Wow,” he breathed, eyes wide. “You look....amazing.”
I attempted to smile at him before turning back to Lucy, giving her a terrified look.
“Thanks for helping me get ready,”
She wrapped her arms around me giving me a squeeze.
“It’s going to be fine,” she whispered in my ear. “Good luck,”
With that, we were on our way.
Riley had set a reservation for the nicest restaurant in town. It was equipped with low lights, violinists, and foreign food. I was thankful it was cool inside for I was nervous with sweat even considering the dress I was in. My heart was pounding in my chest and I had already lost my appetite.
“You okay?” Riley asked putting a hand on my knee. I jumped, startled.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine, really.” Dang. I stuttered.
He looked me straight in the eyes, his own concerned.
“Tell me,” he said.
Just then, the waiter came with our food. Throughout the passage of our meal, we both were silent. For a while, I even thought I was going to get out of this with my secret still locked away at the bottom of my heart.
But, of course, I wasn’t getting off that easy.
“You look really good tonight,” Riley said after our meal. We were walking through the spot of our first date; the park.
“Thanks. So do you.” My mind was elsewhere and as I glanced at the nearly blooming rose buds, I let it drift.
“We should go out more often,”
“Uh huh.”
I still hadn’t told Riley about my decision for the baby, though I knew it would come out at some point. I silently wondered why I couldn’t find even a sliver of courage to tell him.
“Next week we get to tell if the baby’s a boy or a girl,” he urged excitedly.
I smiled and placed a hand on my stomach though I kept my eyes on the nearby lake in the center of the park.
Just then, Riley stopped directly in front of me.
“Let’s sit, Savannah,” he said motioning for the bench behind. “What’s on your mind?”
He helped me sit before doing the same and taking my hand.
“Nothing,” I refused, looking away.
“Savannah, I know you well enough to know when something’s up,” he protested.
Just tell him! You have to, a voice in my head was saying.
“Really. I’m fine.” I lied. With that, he looked me straight in the eyes and simply waited for answer. Why did he have to be so difficult?
Tell him! TELL HIM, the voice yelled.
“Please?” he whispered into the cool February air.
Don’t just sit there! TELL him!
“I....” The words wouldn’t come out.
“What is it?”
I could feel the sweat dampening my forehead and palms. My heart was beating a mile a minute and I couldn’t stop the words from coming out.
“I cheated on you!” I shouted, now aware of the fact that I was standing.
Immediately, the tension built up around us. I put my hand to my forehead to hide my ashamed face.
For a while, we simply sat there. It was as if melancholy had taken a human form and was sitting beside me. I couldn’t look up, wouldn’t dare see how much I’d hurt him. I silently dreamed of our future together hoping we still had one. But just as I let my mind travel to the unknown, he got up and started to walk away.
“Riley!” I shouted, praying he’d turn around.
“What?” he yelled, the pain in his voice immediately clear. He whipped around and faced me.
“I’m sorry,” I said through my tears. I could feel my heart, beating faster than ever just minutes before, start to break.
He closed his eyes slowly, sighed deeply, and put a hand to his head.
“Look, Savannah. We all make mistakes....and I love you and yours,” He moved his eyes from mine to my bulging abdomen and back before speaking the words he promised he’d never say to me. “But I can’t do this anymore.”
And, just like that, as quickly as he had walked into my life, he walked right out of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? Not really sure what people think of this story....