Kill All My Friends

Chapter 17

"Yay....Villie's outta the hospital!" Bam sang as he skipped round the car park.

"Barely." Mandy said, carefully helping Ville into the car and glaring whenever Bam got too close.

"Bammy - calm down or you'll end up putting Ville back in the hospital." Kat said as she and Linde walked up to the car. They'd had to sign Ville out of the hospital. "Where's Knoxville?"

"Here." Knoxville shouted from inside the car.

"Okay - let's go home!" Bam shouted as soon as everyone was in the car.

20 minutes later...

"F**k...remind me to never let you drive!" Kat yelled at Bam as he swerved for the 5th time during their journey.

"My car...I drive how I want!" Bam replied.

"You're such a child!" Kat yelled glaring at him in the rear view mirror.

Bam poked his tongue out at her and slammed on the breaks.

Everyone lurched forward.

"Bam what the f**k?!" Knoxville yelled.

"Missed the bloody turning!" Bam said putting the Hummer into reverse.

"You missed the turning to your own house?" Ville said clutching his side, "You're an idiot."

"Awwww you love me really." Bam said smiling as he turned into the drive way leading to his house.

"Yeah...sure." Ville muttered coughing.