Kill All My Friends

Chapter 19

"Stop pouting, Willie Walo." Bam said as he walked outside.

"Never!" Ville yelled, cackling like a maniac.

"What's wrong with him?" Linde asked as he and Kat walked outside.

"Mandy walked away and Bam told him to stop pouting." Mige replied.

"Strange." Kat muttered as Ville continued cackling.

"Why is he cackling?" Mandy asked as she walked back outside with her board.

"Because he's strange." Bam replied, holding up his piece of paper triumphantly.

"I don't even wanna know." Linde muttered.

"But you must - you are to take over Ville's place because he is incapacitated and crazy." Bam replied, talking like a 12yr old and jumping up and down on the spot.

"Wow - Bam knows big words." Dico said as he walked over and sat on the floor.

"Of course I do - Floccinaucinihilipilification!" Bam shouted as he carried on jumping up and down.

"Shut up." Kat muttered, pushing him in the pool as she walked past him to go back into the house.

Everyone burst out laughing and Bam tried to get out of the pool (unsuccessfully, I might add).

"So...what did you have planned, Bam Bam." Ville asked when Bam had managed to get out of the pool.

"Ummm....oh, yeah!" Bam shouted, holding up his, now-soggy, piece of paper. "Well, we're going to......"