Kill All My Friends

Chapter 20

"Well...I dunno actually..." Bam started.

"What?! got us hyped and then tell us you don't know!!!" Dico said pouting.

"Well no...uhhhh...i'm not sure that it will actually work out." Bam said

"What were you thinking?" Gas asked.

"I was trying to think of things to do for Viva La Bam..." Bam replied.

"Aaaaaaaaaand?" Mandy asked sitting on the grass.

"I was thinking something on the lines of 'Don't Feed Phil' aaaaand ' Community Disservice'." Bam replied squinting at the piece of paper.

"O...kay," Dico said, "Who are you gonna rope into this?"

"Well...Kat and Mandy of course...Ville and, Dunn, Rake, Raab, Knoxville will prolly join, Ape, Phil, Vito and prolly Stev-o at some point." Bam replied grinning.

"Your ideas always worry me..." Ville said from his chair.

"Ahhhhh don't worry Walo..." Bam said, "nothing should go wrong."

"With you nearly everything goes wrong." Ville replied.

Kat walked back outside and went to see what was going on. She went over to Linde and hugged him.

Linde returned her hug.

"Whats going on?" Kat asked.

"Uhhhhhhh Bam has an idea for Viva La Bam...and we are going to be in it apparently." Linde said looking slightly worried.

"I'm not sure I want to be." Kat laughed.

Bam pouted, "We will need to try and fix my ATV though."

"I'll go see if Rake could help with that." Dico said as he started to wander off.

"Righto...ohhh and go find Dunn..." Bam yelled after him.

Dico gave him the thumbs up sign and walked into the house.

Bam turned around and looked at Kat and Mandy, "Ohhh yea...dudes...I have a special...well actually a really important job for you two..."