
I Keep Wandering Around in Circles; In A Daze

Aimee was probably having the worst day ever. Besides the fact that she had had to get up for work at six am, her work clothes were still wet from the wash when she had to leave, and her car had failed to start resulting in her being late for work for the third time that week, she had just found out that the plans she had made for that evening (the plans that she was counting on to turn her shit day around) had fallen through.

Cursing the day that seemed to just get worse and worse as she walked from the office building she worked at to her small Cleveland apartment, Aimee just wanted to lay down in bed and forget the day. Sure, it was only six in the evening, but after working a nine to five shift at work as a secretary, she was done for the day. She wanted to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the night.

Working in an office really took its toll on her. She was simply not a corporate worker. She could probably make better money waitressing, if she found the right restaurant to work at. She was twenty three years old, had gone to school and gotten a degree in communications, and what had it gotten her? A job as a secretary in a law firm. All day all she did was type and file and send out memos and get her bosses coffee. It was easy to see why she hated it.

Standing at the edge of the sidewalk, she shivered as she waited for the walk signal. Aimee let out a large yawn, silently cursing herself for not dressing warmer. Dressing in a pair of grey slacks and heels kept her legs warm, but she hadn’t remembered to bring a coat to work, since it had been warm in the morning. Now, she was freezing on her walk home in her tight silk blouse. Sure, she could have buttoned the top buttons, shielding her chest from the wind, but then no one could see her cleavage. What fun was that?

Her apartment building was within sight, and snuggling into her warm and comfortable bed was sounding more and more inviting by the minute. As the orange hand telling her stop disappeared and the lit up man telling her she could walk replaced it, she stepped out onto the street.

She heard the screeching of tires and a sharp pull on her stomach, but after that it was all fuzzy.

Blinking her eyes open, she felt her head pounding. Bringing a hand to her forehead, she let out a groan before opening her eyes completely. She squinted in confusion. She had no idea why she was sitting in the passenger seat of a rather nice car, but more importantly, she had no idea who the person driving was.

Except, she did know who he was...

So, really the question was why the fuck was Grady fucking Sizemore driving her somewhere?

Aimee opened her mouth to ask her question, but Grady shook his head, his eyes never leaving the road. “I’ll explain everything, just rest your head, okay?” Aimee nodded. Grady sighed, “Some asshole was going way too fast, apparently couldn’t see that the light was red and that there was a girl trying to cross the street.”

Aimee groaned. Her day would be topped off by almost getting hit by a car.

“I was coming out of the coffee shop on the corner when you started to cross. Luckily, I grabbed you in time and pulled you back. But, uh, I think I underestimated my own strength and you hit the ground with me pretty hard.”

Aimee laughed, even though it hurt. The image of what had happened was slowly coming back to her. The screeching tires of the man trying to brake. He was going way too fast, and if Grady hadn’t pulled her out of the way, she would have worse off, or even dead, really.

“I guess I’m lucky that baseball gave you great reaction time, huh?”

Grady grinned, “Yeah, I guess so. We’re almost at the hospital. We’ll have you cleaned up in no time.”

Aimee was grateful for Grady, no doubt. Of course, she would have been grateful if anyone had saved her from what could have happened, but it seems just that much better because it had been a hot baseball player. Was there really anything better?

Grady pulled into a parking spot just outside the emergency room entrance, quickly hopping out and running to Aimee’s side of the car. He opened the door for her and helped her out, seeing as she was still woozy. She grinned sheepishly at him, totally embarrassed by the situation. He asked her if she wanted a wheel chair, but she quickly told him, “No! Let’s make this as least embarrassing as possible.”

Grady laughed and continued helping her through the door, taking her to the sign in desk. He saw that the waiting room was pretty empty, save for a couple people, so he hoped she would be seen by a doctor relatively quickly. Ushering Aimee into a seat, he grabbed the clipboard and all the forms he needed to fill out.

Hospital policies were bullshit.

Sighing, he sat down next to Aimee, turning toward her. “I can fill these out, if you’d like?”

“Nah,” Aimee laughed. “These things are painful. I can manage.”

Grady nodded, wringing his hands together in his lap as Aimee started on the papers. Glancing down at the clipboard, he smiled at the first line of information.

“Aimee, huh?”

“What?” She asked. “Oh! Yeah, my name’s Aimee. I think I forgot to mention that… Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Grady laughed. “You obviously had other things on your mind.”

“Yeah,” She nodded as she flipped the page to fill out more information. “Like how I almost died if it hadn’t been for you.”

“It was nothing,” He shrugged.

Aimee shook her head, but she turned to him, “Seriously, though, thank you.”

“Aimee, what was I supposed to do? Not pull you out of the way and let you get hit by an SUV? Come on…”

“I guess not,” She said as she stood up to hand in the forms, but she guessed she must have stood up too fast, because she stumbled backwards and into Grady’s lap.

“Whoa,” He sighed, one hand on her hip on the other wrapped around to hold her stomach. “Let’s not overdue it.”

Blushing red in embarrassment again, she let Grady walk her to the desk, where a nurse immediately came out from behind and grabbed the forms, ushering Aimee into a room. “What happened, honey,” The nurse asked, but before Aimee could answer, Grady did for her. “I pulled her out of the way when a car almost hit her. She fell backwards with me and bumped her head a bit, the left side.”

Aimee grinned, “Shit always happens to me.”

The nurse laughed and looked down at Grady and Aimee’s intertwined hands, smiling at the gesture. Aimee followed her gaze and blushed, having not even realized that Grady had been holding her hand. But, he didn’t seem to notice, snd he held on, staring intently at the nurse.

“I think she’ll need stitches,” Grady mumbled, making Aimee’s eyes widen. She was bleeding? Of course, she was. That was her luck. Everything happened to her. She grimaced when the nurse parted her hair on the left side of her head and pressed a gloved finger very, very lightly to the space where her supposed cut was.

”Yes, you’ll need stitches,” She sighed, taking out the proper tools, making Aimee wince even further. But Grady squeezed her had, signaling that he was there, and to not be worried, and surprisingly, she wasn’t anymore.

The nurse was done before she could even blink, saying she was going to get a doctor to give her a prescription for a stronger than over the counter pain medication for her headache after she had also done tests on Aimee’s eyes, ears, and memory to determine that she did not have a concussion, something she was very grateful for.

Grady smiled at Aimee, “That wasn’t so bad, right?”

“Nah, piece of cake,” She laughed. “You know, you can leave…”

“And just how would you get back to where you were headed before this all happened? The hospital’s not exactly close to where we were at.”

“Ah, shit. Yeah. Okay, stick around.”

Grady laughed, shaking his head as the nurse came back in with a prescription in hand, telling Aimee she could file it at any drug store she needed to. Thanking the nurse for her time, she headed back to the front desk to deal with the bill. After filling out the correct form for the hospital to send her a bill, she again let Grady lead her back to his car.

Again, he opened the door for her and helped her get in, before climbing in himself. He turned to her, gesturing with his hands as he asked, “Where to?”

“Home,” She said, sighing slightly, wanting her bed now more than ever. “It was just up the block from where we were when I almost died.” Laughing at the way she said it, Grady pulled out of the hospital parking lot and headed back where they had come from.

Aimee was sleeping by the time he got to where she had almost gotten hit by the car, so Grady bit his lip and guessed that the apartment she had been referring to was the one that was indeed on the next block. Pulling his car into a free spot on the street, he grabbed her purse from her lap and pulled the wallet out, as well as her keys.

Checking her license, he nodded knowing he had the right address. Putting her wallet back into her purse, he had no choice but to sling it over his shoulder like he did before, carrying her from the street to his car. Now, he carried her from his car to her apartment door. Luckily one of her neighbors was coming out as he reached the door, and he just slipped in.

He navigated his way through her apartment after dropping her purse off on the living room couch. Finding her bedroom, he gently laid Aimee down on her bed, placing her head on the pillow. He smiled down at her before turning the light off and closing the door almost all the way behind him.

He wrote her a note telling her he hoped she felt better soon and that she should call him soon. Grinning, he left his number on the bottom of the note and left the apartment.

All he had to do now was hope she’d call.
♠ ♠ ♠
Totally a flashback, in case you couldn't tell.
Remember that for future chapters. Big chunks of italics = flashback.
Still for Aimee, because I love her and spoil her. <3
