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Recipe for Happiness


The glass felt alien in his hands, and to ignore the awkward silence, his eyes scanned each detail of the glass. The way the shadows unfolded in the water was almost magical, but as he lifted his head to look around – the smile that had formed idly on his lips faded. There, inside the ballroom, looking out – stood his father.

Adriens mind went completely up in smoke.

If his father spotted him now, then he would surely be recognized as who he was.
For if people sometimes forgot his name, his father was very rarely forgotten.

He was Choi Seung Hyun, the face of London’s advertising. He ran several of the important magazines and news papers, and all the well-known commercial campaigns were his work.

Licking his lips, he put his glass on the rail and looked at Anastasia.
“I… have to go” he said, distantly “Work, Got to serve the duchesses, kings and … businessmen”

Her face was one beautiful question mark, and he… really had to go.

Clearing his throat, he gave her his card.
“I got this off one of the men in there. He works for Clazziquai, and they need a cover model for their 100th issue” he swallowed “I… think you would be exactly what they are looking for”
And with that, he rushed from the balcony.
Like Cinderella, he had left her before midnight.
… With a card that had his number written on it.
She just didn’t know it was his number.

He returned back into the ballroom, he felt his throat thicken up and he had trouble breathing again.
He found his way to the men's room, threw his cardigan in the can and threw freezing water in his face. With water dripping off his face, his eyes met his reflection.

He looked sick – exactly how he felt.
He doubted he would ever see the young girl in the blue silk, ever again.

“Pull it together, Sun Ho” he whispered, loosening his tie and drying off his face.
His father stood right outside the bathroom door, causing him to jump in surprise.

“Appa, I didn’t see you”
“I thought you looked familiar, are you OK?”
“I’m actually about to leave,” Adrien said, quickly and gave his father a weak smile.
“Did you find someone?”
“Expect a beautiful girl at the front desk tomorrow morning”

On his way out, he spotted her, again in the corner of his eye.
Back into her partners arms, laughing and smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm... Not too sure about this one.