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Recipe for Happiness


The room fell silent for a short moment, before Adrien smiled, and crossed it – only to balance his camera in one hand and stick the other one out for Anastasia to take.

“I’m glad you could make it,” he said, honest “You might have guessed, I’m not a waiter. I’m all over any job I can get” he laughed, which earned him a raised eyebrow from his assistant – Phillip.

His eyes narrowed when he spotted where his assistant held his gaze
“Ya! Phillip, 꺼져” he muttered, before turning his attention to Ana.
”I don’t think you got my name the other day,” he smiled ”My name is Adrien, and I’ll be your photographer for the day” he guided her to the backdrops, his heart beating like crazy.

She really did look beautiful – and in the back of his mind, he could see why Phillip had picked out that dress in particular. It looked as if it was custom made for her – and once again, he found himself at the verge of staring.

To keep his mind occupied, he turned his attention to the camera in his hands – and as he spoke, he started adjusting the settings.

“What we’re going for is a classic, clean look. Since most of the readers of Clazziquai are young, rich girls… Well, I guess you can understand why” he gave her another smile, and felt his mood lighten up as soon as he couldn’t hear Phillip mutter curses in Korean his way.

As the hours went on, and in between changing backdrops and clothes – Adrien still had troubles keeping his eyes away from her for long periods of time. Not only was she angelic, she was incredibly photogenic.
Each frame he shot was perfect, and he didn’t hesitate to tell her so.

So when Phillip returned to take her out for lunch, Adrien felt horribly alone.
Wondering whether or not to ask to join them, or simply just do so – he decided that it would be up to them to decide. However, if Phillip had his way (which he often did), – he would be left alone.

Darkly, he muttered “I can just fire him when he gets back” before returning to his computer to look through the digital copies of each frame.
♠ ♠ ♠
꺼져 means get lost
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