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Recipe for Happiness


Drinking from his already cold cup of take-away coffee, Adrien continued watching Ana’s modeling. They had been working for almost ten hours – well, if you set aside the 3 hours Phillip decided to delay their work by taking the model out for drinks and dinner – they had only worked 7. Thinking of all the material they had from this shoot made him more than pleased with todays work.

However, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that his assistant was up to something.
This, he got confirmed when his phone rang – and as he read the caller ID, a long sigh escaped his lips.

“Yoboseyo, Appa.” He said, looking sideways in Phillips direction as he spoke. When he replied, the speed of his words was almost comical.

“He’s just upset because I won’t allow him to flirt with the model” pause
“… You truly believed that? Aish, Appa. You should know better. I’ll let you know when I have the cover ready. I’m hanging up”

Another sigh escaped his lips as he looked in Anas direction. She looked tired, and he didn’t blame her. Slowly, he walked towards her. Dropping down on the chair next to her, he took off his blazer and draped it around her shoulders.

“Hey, Thank you” he scanned her face “For working so hard, you must be exhausted. I’ll drive you home, if that’s Ok?” he gently hugged her shoulders, before getting up.

“Let me just go tell Phillip”

As he walked, he mentally prepared a long string of curses to yell at his assistant – but in the end, he settled for something much more effective. When he finally found him, hidden in a corner, he had a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

“You might be my senior, Phillp – but I’m your boss, not my father. I run Clazziquai, and whether you like it or not, calling him results in you looking bad, not I” his words caused the other man to scoff in his general direction, taking out his cigarette and blew a few rings of smoke.

“Where do you know her from?” He asked, bluntly.
“I don’t know her, I just happen to have met her before” Adrien replied, wetting his lips “Look, hyung, I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t bother her”
“Why not? So that you can confess?”
“I don’t know her,” I said dryly “I’m just trying to keep her away from you; you have a tendency to break hearts”

Getting up from his seat in the corner, Phillip let his cigarette drop to the tiled floor, and stepped on it.

“We’ll see” he said, sending the other man a sly grin – before he walked quickly back in to the building.

“Ana~, Time to go!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yoboseyo* Way to greet someone on the phone
Hyung* Older brother/Way to adress someone older than you (man/man)
Appa* Father
Aish* Way to express frustration.