Status: Please comment; We greatly appreciate the feedback!

Recipe for Happiness


He spent a good three hours picking out the best pictures, re-touching them, and making the cover.It was already dark outside, and he only noticed because it suddenly became harder to work. With a sigh, he got off to turn the lights on. On his way back to finish off his work, his stomach gave a loud groan in protest.

Adrien shook his head, smiled, and went back to his seat – only to save his work, turn off the laptop and grab his jacket. Taking a quick look in the mirror, he noticed his glasses had crooked. Fixing them, he wondered if Ana would notice him wearing them.

“Why would she?” he muttered, before turning off the lights he had just switched on, and walked outside.

The cold hit unexpectedly, and caused him to wrap his arms around himself and walk faster. He couldn’t help but wonder where he had taken her. Probably some fancy restaurant, since he’d ordered out his limousine to take them somewhere.
Adrien made a mental note to make sure to remove some money for Phillips next salary.
While he continued walking, his thoughts were elsewhere. Was it normal to be this... drawn to someone you had met at a party? Someone you didn’t really know anything about? Except for her name?

He sighed at the thought of Phillip alone with her. Right now, they were probably feeding each other spaghetti or... even worse, holding hands.
But why did he care so much? He could get any girl he wanted, and he knew it – but he didn’t prefer like that. He wanted the whole thing. to fall in love, and stay in love.
Not buy someone to be your girlfriend.
Before he knew it, he stood outside a fancy looking restaurant, and there they were.

Holding hands
Smiling at each-other
Oh, how he wanted to just go in there and ask her out.
In front of him.

His eyes scanned her face, and he noticed that some spaghetti sauce had smeared her left cheek. How cute she looked, oblivious to the fact. Of course her escort, wasn’t. As if he knew he had someone watching, he unfolded his napkin and wiped off her cheek – so... not like the Phillip he knew at all.

Could it be that he was genuinely interested in her?
He didn’t want to know

As he turned around to leave, he had only reached around the restaurant and on his way across the street when he heard his name. Puzzled, he looked up to see Ana in front if him, with Phillip right behind. He looked awfully pleased with himself, smiling like an idiot.

“Adrien! Come get something to eat?”

He’d love to.

““Unfortunately, we were just about to head off. You’re welcome to join us.” Phillips words got slurred from his cigarette hanging in between his lips “He should be celebrating with us.”

The invite, however, sounded slightly more threatening coming from his assistant than it had from the girl standing in front of him. Her face was glowing, and as much as he would hope it wasn’t true, Phillip probably had something to do with it.

“Sorry,” he heard himself say “I was on my way to have dinner with my father”
Then, he remembered the small envelope he carried. With a crooked smile on his lips, he handed it to Ana.

“I thought you might like to have these; as a thank you”

A small nod, and a few smiles – and he walked past them.
He walked past the restaurant he should have met his father in.
He walked straight until his thoughts stopped.

“What is it about her that makes her so special to me?”

To that, the dark haired man had no answer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, and not so good. :( Sorry!