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Recipe for Happiness


The room was badly lit up, and it was giving Choi Adrien a headache. No, a headache did not cut it. It felt as if someone had decided upon smashing a really heavy chair against the back of his head, for then to put on loud music to sting his ears.

Sitting on the edge of his chair, chewing on a pen, Adrien had a hard time trying to keep his mind focused on the ten-twenty men seated at the table around him.

Mention numbers and graphs, and his mind would almost instantly disconnect and drift away to some place else. Much to his own displeasure, this did not help his headaches - nor did it help that his father was sending him death glares from the other side of the table.

"Young master," one of the men said. He had already forgotten their names. When they all dressed the same, and all were his seniors, he did not bother learning them. Besides, he still had about four more meetings before he was free for the evening.

Adrien lifted his head, sat up straight, and let his pen slide back into his front pocket. Focusing on the man who had just spoke, he nodded, and got up from his seat.

"I will have to agree with the president," he said "We should not launch this product yet, but wait until we have gotten more feedback from our customers" he cleared his throat, which caused several of the men to give him strange looks. It was looked upon as impolite to do such a thing during meeting where the president was present.

The man nodded, following his speech with praises, with a accent so thick he could have just said it in his own language and he would have made a bigger impact.

Sitting down on his chair, Adrien sighed. The clock had barely passed 7 PM, and by the time he was finished, it would surely be long past midnight.

When the meeting finally ended, and Adrien was on his way to the next room who surely would be as badly lit, with just as many boring conversations and topics - his father surprised him by blocking the door.
"Adrien-ah" his deep voice cracked at the end "I heard the late season débutante ball is held this evening, and I want you to go"

Surprised, Adrien smiled.
"To work, I presume?"
"It is better than in one of these offices, no?"
"Nè, appa. Thank you"

The father hugged his sons shoulder, and watched him hurry down the hall.