Status: Please comment; We greatly appreciate the feedback!

Recipe for Happiness


“Hey, Ana, can you come to the hospital? It’s nothing major, just a small accident. Jessica, the stylist, remember her? We were working on a shoot when part of the light rigging came undone. A few others things fell, but I managed to save her – however, we both got slightly hurt. Yes, we’re both fine, she’s currently passed out. It’s nothing she won’t live through. Okay, see you soon.”

Phillip hung up, trying to smirk despite the fact he had stitches placed on his forehead and lips.


Having rushed out of the house, leaping straight into the car, she was soon on her way to the city hospital. Good thing she wasn’t driving – her mind was too occupied. She kept trying to replay the events that had taken place the night before. Her mind was a little hazy; alcohol had been involved; yet she didn’t wake up hung over.

What she could remember, however, was an incredibly close Phillip, gentle kisses, and amorous fingers. She was sure that they hadn’t been ‘full-on’, but still, something major had happened. Becoming far too embarrassed to consider what had truly occurred any longer, she was relieved to find herself at her destination.


“There you are!”

Ana was greeted with open arms, which she took to instantly, hugging Phillip tight.

“I was worried about you. Are you alright?”

Her words were muffled into his shoulder, something she was grateful for – her voice faltered at first; not because of overwhelming emotion, but instead, the risk she’d sounded false. Well, it was false. Had she worried about him? Not as much as she normally does, nothing like that at all. Her reaction wasn’t too far from apathetic. She felt arms curl themselves around her, pulling her in closer.

“I’m fine, just fine. A few stitches here and there, but nothing a strong man such as myself can’t handle.”

Pulling away, she smiled a genuine smile, before soft fingers traced over his wounds.

“Does it hurt?”

“Not at all.”

“Because you’re a big strong man who doesn’t cry whatsoever.”

“You know me too well.”

He kept his arms wrapped around her waist, keeping her right there, close to him. Slowly, he raised a hand to stroke her cheek, pulling her in to place a kiss on her lips.

“I missed you.”

She was speechless. She remained so as he placed kisses across her face, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of smooth skin against his lips. For some strange, foreign reason that she couldn’t identify, her heart was sinking. His voice interrupted her static-like thoughts.

“If you’re wondering about Jessica, she’s okay too. No need to look so frightfully worried. Won’t be able to ‘style’ for a few days, but she’ll just have to accept that.”

A soft chuckle escaped her, and she nodded in acceptance.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Another interruption came in the form of a doctor checking up on Phillip. Anastasia was asked to leave. She did as she was told, almost gratefully. Once she was allowed back in, Phillip instructed her to go home.

“They want to scan me for a few things – it won’t take too long, but I don’t want to leave you here bored.”

“Are you entirely sure about that? I can always go get you something to eat, or keep you entertained or something.”

“No, thank you. You’re too sweet.”

His lips were on her neck, kissing a path up to her ear. He whispered silkily into her ear, causing a slight shiver to run its way up her spine.

“Go home, and we’ll meet up later.”

“You have to promise to take care though, and no more heroics.”

“I promise.”

She nervously kissed his forehead, earning a painfully executed smile.


Having told the chauffeur to go home when she’d arrived at the hospital, she chose to walk about instead of going straight home, getting some fresh air into her system. She was unusually thankful for the chance to be by herself, alone with her thoughts.

This peaceful time alone didn’t last long, though – she managed to accidentally walk straight into Adrien as she turned a corner.
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I'll just leave this here. <3