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Recipe for Happiness


“You look beautiful, dear.”

“You’re too kind.” Ana said earnestly, trying not to let a pale pink brush her cheeks.

She’d become rather fond of the woman she called ‘mother’. Some may say one’s biological parents are their true parents, but this was not the case. Her father was left with her from the moment she was born. He remarried a few short years later.

In Ana’s opinion, he could not have picked better. Penelope was unfailingly kind, endearing, and most of all loving. Not to say she was what one could call a pansy, not at all, she did have her moments of passionate anger, but for the most part, she was as laid back as they came. Ana thought she’d be horizontal if it wasn’t for gravity.

Penelope gently tugging the hem into place brought her back to reality, and they both smiled at each other via the mirror.


“I’m glad you think so.”

They stayed there for a while, not feeling the want or urge to move. Both enjoyed moments like these, one where the beauty of the world could be fully felt. It wasn’t until Penelope snapped into a sudden frenzy that either of them moved.

“We almost forgot the most important part!”

She dashed over to the dressing table and picked up a felt box, the colour matched Ana’s dress. Revealing its contents inside, Anastasia couldn’t help but let out a gasp.

“I didn’t know we had these!”

“But of course, they were my great-grandmother’s. One of the wonderful heirlooms she left my mother, who then left this to me.”

She placed the two strings of pearls around her daughter’s neck, chuckling as she tried to get the clasp to shut. It took her a while, but she succeeded soon enough.

“There, now you’re ready.”

Ana let out a happy sigh, twirling a bit to admire the way her dress moved. That was part of it for her; not just the way it looked, but the way it reacted to movement.

“I suppose we should make a move.” Penelope suggested, taking her daughter’s hand and guiding her out into the hallway. As they descended the stairs, her father waited for them, beaming as always.

“There they are, my two wonderful girls!”

“Dad, please.”

“What? You already made me promise not to embarrass you three months in advance! Yes, I remember that, seeming as you stuck post-it notes everywhere with ‘you promised’ on it.”

“I found some in my underwear drawer and wondered what was going on.” Penelope mused, the whole thing making more sense in her head.

Anastasia was bright red by this point.

“I think we should get in the car.” She rapidly spouted out, rushing to and opening the door.

“Of course, darling!” Her father cheerfully shouted after her, letting Penelope attach herself to his arm. “Ah, life is wonderful.”
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I am having way too much fun writing this, even if it sucks or not. I'm bad at judging, so.

Again, eeen-joooyyyyy. :D