Status: Please comment; We greatly appreciate the feedback!

Recipe for Happiness


As he slipped into the car and almost fell over from fatigue as soon as the door was closed, Adrien realized how tired he really was. The car started moving, and he was forced to sit up straight to not fall forward and hit his head. The thought of his head hurting more than it already did made his mouth dry, and he felt a small but not serious urge to vomit.

"Where are we headed, young master?" the chauffeur asked politely, looking at the man sitting in the back seat. He noted how tired he looked, and a worried look brushed across his face before he positioned his eyes back on the road - still awaiting an answer.

"The débutante ball, near the city hall" his voice was a mere whisper, and as he finished his sentence, he reached out for a bottle of water. The cool plastic sent a shock through his body, shaking it off, he emptied the bottle and reached out for another one.

"Chauffeur Kim-shi," he asked "Do you by any chance have any aspirin?"
"Aniyo," his reply was short, yet polite "Master, may I ask you a question?"
"Should you not change into something more fitting?"

Adrien looked down himself, and smiled. His suit was ruffled, his shirt a mess.
Meeting the older mans gaze, he nodded.
"Let's stop by the usual place first then"

Flashes from cameras were the first thing that met him as he climbed out of the car. It had been an hour since he had left the office, and he now looked much better. His white shirt had been traded for a plaid one, with a cardigan over it. He had even changed his signature black tie to a red and black one. The reporters quickly flocked around him, to which he seemed oblivious to. Hurrying inside the building, Adrien breathed out a sigh of relief.
Letting a hand run through his dark hair, he opened the door to the ballroom, and stepped inside. A small smile on his face formed, as his eyes searched the room.

About to go greet his friends, Adrien remembered why he was there. Quickly, he fished out his cellphone from his pants and wrote down three words;

In a room filled with pretty young women, it should be easy - right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Some language notes; as most of the characters Adrien interacts with are employers at his dads company - which is a Korean one.

sshi/shi is a polite way to address someone. (like sir/madam in English)
ah is a more informal way, and is usually only used by family and close friends.
Nè is yes and Aniyo/Ani is no.
When someone yells "Yah" it's a way to get attention (pretty much like "OI, YOU!" in English)

That being said, I hope you enjoy our story! :D