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Recipe for Happiness


Having managed to enter with the grace of a swan, she also had managed to not fall over the moment she moved anywhere else. ‘This was good’ she thought, ‘very good indeed’. Falling over in front of what could potentially be the person you spend the rest of your life with would be bad, to say the least.

She’d been introduced to three lovely men, all of whom were filthy rich and rather attractive. Yet, none of them truly got her stirring. She couldn’t picture settling down with anyone of them, worst of all.

Following her parents around the room, she took in the room of people, wondering who she’d be introduced to next. One person had caught her eye, an Asian fellow, with the most stunning face. She was convinced it had been carved by angels.


It wasn’t until the seventh man approached her that she started to dance. As her father always said, this was the point where all the remaining men fell in love with her, if they hadn’t already.

The guy she was dancing with was highly attractive, with deep-set eyes and black hair. In any other situation, one could be scared by his appearance – very tall, with a slight hunch when he spoke, in order to be heard. Now, however, he was at his full height, smiling and occasionally muttering random things to her in his dark yet smooth voice.

“Oh he definitely likes you, I’m surprised you couldn’t tell.”

“No way, 1984 is without a doubt George Orwell’s defining work.”

“I think you’d look good with dark hair, but it isn’t all what it seems.”

She was enchanted by him, smiling and laughing with him, unable to focus on anything else.


They danced for three more dances, enjoying each one as much as the last. He then offered to get her a drink, to which she joyfully accepted. Following him across the dance floor, she waited by him at the bar; laughing as he made quips about the times he’d encountered various, oddly named drinks.

Little did she know, the man who she’d spotted earlier was only an earshot away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoosh, and another one!