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Recipe for Happiness


That was most unusual.

Firstly, angel man was a waiter?

Secondly, why couldn’t he look at her? Was she that ugly in comparison that he couldn’t bear to?

Third, why did he look like he was about to puke out on the balcony?

The answer to the first question must’ve been ‘yes’; he was wearing the right clothes and had a bottle of champagne. That signalled he was indeed a waiter.

The second and third questions tormented her though, to the point of her whipping around, checking to see if he was still there, and turning back to her dance partner.

“Excuse me Peter, I’d like to take a quick breather outside, if that’s okay by you.” She laid a reassuring hand on his arm, hoping to keep him inside while she investigated.

“Of course! Like me to come with you, Ana?”

“No, I’ll be fine, thank you! I promise to be back to dance with you again soon!” And with that, she practically ran out of the balcony doors, launching herself into the cold night air. Startled to find him not where she thought, she glanced either way down the elongated balcony that ran the length of the ballroom. She found him at the other end, leaning on the marble rail.

“Are you okay, sir?” She mentally berated herself for not being able to word that better, but it got his attention.

“Would you like me to get you some help?” She edged closer, hoping to not offend or scare him by moving too fast or getting too close. The moonlight beautifully light his face, and she couldn’t help but want to advance further forward.

When he didn’t respond, she got seriously worried.

“Sir, has someone ripped out your vocal chords in the time between now and when you served my dancing friend a drink?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no words. :D So much fun.