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Recipe for Happiness


All thought power had disappeared the moment he spoke. His voice sounded so raw, yet strangely powerful. She feared if he spoke louder she’d be entirely paralysed, and that would simply not be conducive to trying to help him.

“I’m not sure, I’m not the main event of the evening. And, princess, hah, I wish.” She sighed wistfully before thrusting her hand out in front of her, accompanied with a smile. “Uhm… Anastasia. Not a princess, sorry.”

Her feeble attempt at trying to interact with the newly named ‘angel man’ made her cringe. But, it was an attempt, one that he responded to. They shook hands, before simultaneously pulling their hands away, nervous as to what to do next.

“Can I at least get you a glass of water, please?”

It was at this point he started to feel a little relieved she didn’t recognise him – at least not yet. While he pondered what to do next, she gestured towards the door.

“Should I go in and get you a glass of water while you wait out here and get some fresh air? This may sound rude, but you look like you need it.”

He felt he couldn’t exactly refuse the almost princess, so he nodded twice, in a jerky manner. Beaming at him, she glided inside, and managed to get some water from the bar with no one noticing her. She was very good at slinking through the crowds when she wanted to.


Once she had successfully navigated her way back out of the ballroom without being dragged into conversation, she handed him the glass, hoping it would help him.

“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”

He nodded a few times before sipping the water, watching as she leant against the rail, looking up into the sky.

“Very beautiful indeed,” he sighed quietly after swallowing.
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I should mention the dance partner is the tall guy who's also named Peter. I failed at demonstrating this in the actual writing, so.