You Are My Sunshine

A New Friend

The weather the next day was really unexpected. The whole sky was overcast with very dark gray clouds, which dampened the mood of everybody. But because it was just the beginning of summer, the weather became very humid and sticky, which put no one in a good mood.
“Ugh,” everyone in the class groaned as our English teacher, Mr. Mason, handed out a new assignment. I looked at the top of the sheet of paper with the assignment information on it. The first line read: ‘Romeo and Juliet’.
“Yes,” I said quietly, so no one would hear. Romeo and Juliet was my favourite Shakespeare play, I had watched the theatre production I don’t know how many times.
“I expect this assignment to be handed up to me by this time next week,” Mr Mason told the class. More groans erupted.
The bell then rang, and I packed up my books, ready for lunch.
On my way to lunch, a small girl with black spiky hair caught my eye. I could have sworn she was from the primary school down the road, but when I got a good look at her face, she seemed more like a girl my age . . . a little. Her features seemed a bit more pixie-like rather than child-like, I decided.
She smiled a toothy grin as she strangely began to approach me. Her smile was so infectious, I had to return it. Who was this girl?
“Hi, I’m Alice, I’m new here,” the girl said to me.
This was different. New girls never came up and talked to me, especially a girl who dressed in – now that I realised – designer clothes that couldn’t be bought for less than forty dollars.
“Uh hi. I’m Isabella. But I like Bella,” I replied. Her smile became bigger, if that was possible on her small face.
“Do you mind if I sit with you for lunch? The only other person I know here is my brother, but I don’t wanna sit with him,” Alice said, scrunching up her nose like a child, making her look all the younger.
“Uh, sure,” I replied, leading her over to the table where my friends were already sat.
I introduced her to the small group of friends I had; Angela and Jessica, plus the boys, Mike, Eric and Tyler, but they were dorks. The boys demonstrated their dorky-ness when I introduced them to Alice. All Mike did was leave his moth hanging open. Then they got into some heated discussion that I really didn’t want to know the subject of.
Angela and Jessica seemed very welcoming of Alice, but I knew Jessica would probably be having very different thoughts to what she was saying, like about her hair, her clothes, all that kind of thing, but that was just Jess. Although Alice probably didn’t really notice it, Angela was a lot more welcoming and open to her than Jess was. I could spot that sort of thing sometimes.
We all kept up a very relaxed conversation, until Alice started to daze off and lose her concentration on the conversation. And every time she did this, she would always look to her left, towards the ‘popular’ tables. I tried to figure out what or who she was looking at, but she always turned back to the conversation before I could figure it out.
The bell went and we all started to head towards out next class. Alice walked beside me while the others went ahead.
“So,” Alice began, “um, do you know everyone in the school?” She asked.
“Uh, I know most people’s names, but I don’t actually know them,” I replied. What was she getting at?
“So, do you know who they are?” Alice pointed at the most popular group in the school. Of course I knew who they were, who didn’t? The girls in the group looked like super models, and the guys looked like they could each be a son of Brad Pitt. I didn’t like them much. The worst part of them was my brother was a part of that group.
“That’s the most popular group of people in the school. Um, that’s Tanya Denali, and her sister Kate, James Nomad (A/N: I couldn’t think of any other last name to give him . . . don’t question me) and his girlfriend Victoria Lyon, and my stupid brother Emmett and his girlfriend Rosalie Hale,” I pointed out everyone I could see.
“And what about him?” Alice asked. Who? I thought I had said everybody.
Alice saw the confusion on my face, so she pointed towards a guy with dirty blonde hair, walking on the other side of Emmett where I couldn’t see him before. Alice seemed to then zone out again as she looked at him.
“That’s Jasper Hale, Rosalie’s twin brother,” I told her.
“Jasper,” was all she said.
I then realised how long we had been standing there, and told her we had to get to class. I pointed her off in the right direction, and then headed off to my biology lesson.
I walked into the classroom just in time, the teacher, Mr Molina, was only putting his books down when I sat in my usual spot alone at the bench. Sometimes I found it helpful to be sitting by myself during biology; it could help me concentrate more. But some days, like this one, I wanted someone to be next to me, someone to talk to.
Just as Mr Molina was about to start the lesson, there was a knock at the door. Then the last person I expected walked in the door and to the teacher’s desk, handing Mr Molina a piece of paper and saying a few quiet words to him. They spoke briefly, and then they both turned around to face the class.
No. No, no, no, no, no. He cannot be living here. He cannot be going to this school. He cannot be in this class. He cannot be sitting next to ME.
Suddenly, I didn’t feel like talking anymore.