You Are My Sunshine


I stared at her, wide eyed. Was she serious? How could they be related? There was absolutely no resemblance between them, yet they were brother and sister? This couldn’t be happening. This day kept getting weirder and weirder.
“Bella? Hello, you there? Earth to Bella!” Alice was waving her hand in front of my eyes, trying to get my attention. It didn’t work. My eyes were glued to the man walking towards us with a volleyball in his hand.
Alice noticed and turned around. I spotted her rolling her eyes. “Oh. Great,” was all she said.
He stood there, now with an amused smirk on his face. He handed me the ball. “I believe this is yours,” he said as I took the ball from him.
“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” I gave him a half smile, trying to avoid his eyes as my cheeks began to burn up again
Then, he gave me the most irresistible crooked smile I had ever seen. My breath caught in my throat. Alice sighed and rolled her eyes again. “Bella, this is my brother Edward, Edward Cullen. Edward, this is my new friend, Bella Swan,” she pointed her fingers between us as she said our names.
So Edward was the name of the man who had been making me feel so guilty today.
Edward smiled. “It’s nice to finally learn your name, Bella Swan,” he said with that gorgeous crooked smile.
Oh great, here comes the blush again. I let my hair inconspicuously fall onto my face, just enough to cover my redness. “Uh, you too,” I replied.
With confusion on her face, Alice was about to ask what we were on about. She opened her mouth, but was interrupted.
“Guys! Come on!” Jess shouted to us. She was waving her hand from the volleyball net.
Oh, yeah. I had almost forgot we were in the middle of P.E right now. Alice and I began to walk over to the waiting girls.
“See ya later, Edward,” Alice waved from behind me.
“Okay, see you soon Bella?” He asked me.
I spun around in confusion. Why was he asking about me? He probably doesn’t even like me, because I’m still quite annoyed about how he treated me on the beach.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” I really had no idea what else to say. I spun back around and the volleyball game continued.

School was over, and I headed out the front gate and started to walk home. I had only walked about ten metres when a car horn beeped at me. I looked to the road, ready to sneer at the most likely teenage boy, when I recognised Alice poking her head out the passenger window of a shiny silver Volvo. “Hey Bella, you want a ride home?” Alice asked me.
I didn’t need a ride home; if I kept walking I would be home in two minutes. I didn’t want to waste her time, so I declined. “Nah, it’s okay, I’ve only got a two minute walk. I’ll see you tomorrow?” I said.
She turned towards the driver’s seat for a second, and I spotted Edward’s bronze hair shining in the tiny bit of sunlight that had come through the clouds. He then leaned across Alice slightly so I could see his eyes. The glare from the window caught them and they seemed to . . . almost sparkle, like a thousand tiny diamonds made up his one eye.
My breath caught for the second time today, and I put my hand over my chest.
“Are you sure, Bella?” His velvety voice called to me.
For that one moment, I had never felt this sort of thing before. All the hatred and annoyance I had held towards him since that day on the beach washed away like sand in the waves, and my heart filled with something else. All I wanted to do was sit in that car forever, and never have to get out.
Knowing me, I would never get out of the car, so I shook my head and declined politely again. “No, really, it’s okay.”
“Okay then. See you later,” Alice said. Then the shiny silver Volvo drove down the street in a flash.
I opened the front door in a haze, walked to my room in a haze, and attempted my homework in a haze. Every time I would blink, he would be there under my eyelids, his gorgeous green eyes staring back at me. Every time I walked into a different room of the house, I imagined him standing there, waiting for me. I couldn’t get him out of my mind.
The next morning, the weather was the same as the day before – dark clouds and horrible humidity. The road was even a slightly darker shade of grey because of the rain the night before. Once again the waves were also looking rough and very dangerous, but a few daredevil surfers were out there, giving it a go.
“Idiots, “I muttered to myself. They would get themselves broken necks or even kill themselves surfing in those kinds of waves. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out if I knew them, but I didn’t recognise any of them.
It wasn’t long before I was walking down the street and towards the school. I almost didn’t see the car zoom past me, it was going so fast. It was silver, and looked like only a small car.
I realised – as I walked into the school gates about two minutes later – that it was Edward’s silver Volvo speeding down the road. I shook my head to myself. Didn’t he know how dangerous it was to speed, especially down the main road I was walking along when he drove past? I would have to mention that to him later . . . maybe. I wasn’t sure if I could talk to him. I wouldn’t be able to look into his eyes when I do it, that’s for sure.
Everything went by in a blur; it was like I was asleep until I found myself sitting with my chatting friends at lunch time.
“Bella? Bella? You there?” Alice was waving her hand in front of my eyes.
I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind, and blinked rapidly. “Uh, yeah, sorry what?” I asked her. What was she talking about?
“I said I’m having a girl’s night in on Saturday and I want you to come,” she said, annoyance in her tone.
“Oh, uh yeah okay, sounds like fun,” I replied. And it did. Alice was a great person to be around, although I’d only known her for two days.
“Great!” She clapped like a child. “Jess and Angela, you want to stay over too?” Alice asked.
They both shook their heads, claiming they had other commitments.
“Okay, looks like it’s just you and me, Bella!” Alice said excitedly.
“Cool,” I replied. Staying at her house sounded like a lot of fun. If the weather improves, maybe we could stay down at the beach for a while. Maybe I could even teach her how to surf. That would be interesting. I remembered the very first time I tried surfing, I absolutely sucked at it.
But maybe she’d surfed before. Edward surfed after all . . .
Wait. Edward and Alice were brother and sister. That meant that they lived in the same house. Where I would be staying on Saturday night.
No. I couldn’t face him like that. It would be so awkward!
I quickly turned to Alice, but as soon as our eyes locked, she unexpectedly squealed with excitement, and wrapped her arms around my neck. This was random.
“Alice! What is it? Calm down!” I said to her.
She unwrapped her arms and smiled at me. “I just thought of the greatest idea EVER!” she told me.
“And what would that be?” I asked. I was beginning to worry. What had she come up with?
“Oh, you’ll see,” she nodded knowingly, a devious grin on her face.
That look worried me even more. Although I didn’t know exactly how Alice’s mind worked, it wasn’t hard to figure out that she had a very mischievous plan brewing inside that small head of hers. And it didn’t look like she was going to tell me anytime soon.
I guess I’d just have to wait til Saturday.