Fragments of a Broken Mind

Chapter 17


The four of us were sitting in the lounge chatting following dinner. It had been a month now and Gerard had moved back with us and Bob pretty much lived here too. I didn’t mind that fact because I adored Bob for the way he made my brother smile. Not that I didn’t like him before of course but now I adored him. I relaxed in Frank’s arms and looked over to watch Bob lean against Gerard and rested an arm across Gerard’s lap. Gerard was lovingly stroking that blonde hair and smiling softly.

“So, Ray couldn’t make it tonight then?” I said.

“No, I think he has a date,” Gerard replied with a grin, “he has been all secretive of late when it comes to where he is going so I bet there is a girl involved. Obviously we don’t know that at all, we are too stupid.”

Frank laughed, “of course,” he rubbed gently at my side, “we just have to wait until he tells us and when he does it will be a complete shock!”

We all laughed, “I can think of better things to be doing that speculating over Ray’s love life,” Bob said with a grin, “I suggest we drink that wine and play truth or dare, you up for the Gee?”

Gerard smiled, “I don’t drink but it shouldn’t stop you.”

“I didn’t mean you drink silly, you know I wouldn’t encourage that,” he leant over to give Gerard a quick peck on the lips, “I meant will you play?”

“Oh, that’s a given,” Gerard gathered Bob in his arms and gave him a deep and open mouthed kiss. He pulled back and looked down at Bob with shining eyes, “you know I will always play with you.”

“Ugh!” Frank made a noise while wrinkling his nose, “you pair of love sick puppies! That wine suddenly doesn’t seem strong enough!” he was smiling as he spoke though, I am sure he was as glad as I was to see Gerard happy. “Who wants some Vodka?” he went to get the bottle and some glasses.

Gerard seemed relaxed as he nestled in Bob’s arms. Mind you it had been a long time since he gave up drinking. I resisted my urge to go to his side and instead set about clearing the small table in front so that we could set our drinks on it.

Frank returned, “orange juice for Gerard and Screwdrivers for the rest of us,” he put the tray on the table with the bottle of Vodka sitting there along with the carton of juice. We all moved to be sitting round the table, “um, OK, I’ll start. Gerard, truth or dare?”


“Let me think, um… Do you give or receive?”

“Can I just say here… ew?” I said pulling a face, “Frank, that’s my brother I don’t want to imagine him… ew, ew, ew!” I picked up my drink, downing it before pouring myself another, “I am going to get very drunk if you are asking him things like that!”

Gerard laughed, “Aw, my little brother can’t handle it,” he patted my hand in a patronising way and then turned to Frank, “actually we share that… all equal in out relationship.”

“Ew! Got the visual now!” I whined, downing another drink.

Frank grinned at Gerard, “That’s how we do it, isn’t it babe?” he put his arm round me giggling as I spluttered in reply.

This was going to be a long night.