Fragments of a Broken Mind

Chapter 8

I stiffened as our lips met but then it was my brother who was kissing me. I knew he was doing it out of innocence though and to make me feel better and so I was gentle as I pushed him away, “Gee-Gee, I um…,” I sighed and looked into his eyes as I wondered how to word this, “you shouldn’t… Gee-Gee, it… that was not the right thing to do.”

His lip quivered, “I did bad?”

“I am your brother and we shouldn’t do that to each other.”

“I was making it better!” Gerard squealed at me, “I was only helping but now you say I did bad!” he started to cry and tried to wriggle away from the grip I had on his arms.

“I know Gee-Gee and I am not mad at you,” he didn’t stop wriggling though and he soon wormed his way from my grip, “Gee-Gee please… I didn’t mean you are bad at all but just that it wasn’t the best way to make me feel better.”

“You let Frank do it!” he snarled accusingly, “I have seen it so I know.”

“Frank is my boyfriend and not my brother,” I said, trying to explain, “it’s just different that’s all. Honestly, I understand that you didn’t know and so I am just…”

“You don’t love me!” he wailed and run past a surprised Frank who nearly spilt the drinks he was bringing on a tray.

“What happened?” he said and I could see that half of him wanted to go after Gerard.

“He kissed me and now he is freaking because I said it was wrong. He says I let you kiss me and so I don’t love him,” I sighed and grabbed a cushion, hugging it against me, “go to him Frank because I don’t know what to say without making it worse.”

Frank brought my drink to me and stroked my cheek gently, “he just doesn’t understand baby, nothing you are doing is making things worse,” he smiled and I couldn’t help but smile back. Somehow he always knew just what to say or do. “I will try and talk to him but I think he will react just the same to me,” somehow I doubted that as I watched him go towards Gerard’s room with the drinks.

I sipped at my drink and flicked on the television. I wasn’t watching it but it was something to look at and stop me wandering up to look in on Frank and Gerard. Well, at least Gerard wasn’t shouting I though as I curled on the sofa with the cushion in my arms.

I guess I fell asleep then as the next thing I knew was a gentle shake on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see Frank and Gerard there. Gerard hugged me tightly, “I am sorry Mikes, I know I was bad.”

I held him just as tightly, “I do love you Gee-Gee, you know that right?”

“I love you too,” he replied, “Frank explained it to me and now I know that he can do things to you that I can’t.”

Frank put a hand on his shoulder, “you know that doesn’t make me better than you.”

Gerard nodded and released his grip on me to turn and hug Frank, “Just different,” he grinned and then gave a yawn, “I am sleepy,” he announced and held out his hands to me, “take me to night-night?”

I took his hands, stood up, and gave one hand to Frank, “we both will,” I told Gerard as the three of us went to his room.