Status: Slowly but surely.

And then there was this guy.

Good-bye Texas. Hello Washington.

I was at the airport New Years night waiting for my flight. I wasn't going back home, I was going to my new home in La Push Washington.

Yes I hated moving, but I hated moving in with people I didn't even know more. I would be moving in with my mom's younger brother, Sam Uley and his fianceƩ Emily. I had never met either of them. Well I met Sam once, but that was when I about 3 years old so I don't remember anything about him. But I keep reminding myself that it's for the best and It'll be like a new start.

Anyway, I should probably tell you why I'm at the airport New Years night. I'm here because of my parents. They don't want me around because they are going through some things. Between my moms addiction to drinking and my dads constant walking in at ungodly hours of the night makes it clear that they soon won't be together.

I gave my mom a hug before I headed through security. I tried my best not to cry, but a tear escapes my eye.
"Oh sweetie, it's just for the best." She says giving me a tight hug.
"I know. I just don't want to leave you. You'll be alone."
"I'll be okay and plus I'll be going to visit you in about a month."
"Okay. I love you so much mom." I say letting go of her. My momw as the only one I ever told I loved. Love is so big for me, I can't throw it around like it has no meaning to me.
I could feel her eyes on me as I walked through the metal detectors. I wanted to just burst out crying and cling on to her like a child that's just starting school and doesn't want their mom to leave, but I held it together as best as I could.

While I was on the plane I could remeber the night before and how all this happened
"Sweetie, can you pour me another drink?" My mom asked after finishing her second glass of red wine.
"Sure," I stoped behind her and whispered in her ear "but please don't get drunk." Then made my way to the kitchen. Most of my mom an dad's friends were at the house. All I wanted to do was leave. I hated these kinds of parties because they always ended up in fights between my parents.
I handed my mom the glasswith it half full and walked swiftly to my room. I blasted one of my favorite songs to tune out the noise downstairs. At the beginning of the nest song I started dosing off to sleep. (I didn't realize how sleepy I was.)
I was soon waken up by the sound of glass shattering followed by my mom shouting "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She was drunk because her words were slured.
"You can't tell me to get out! I live here too!" My dad yelled back at her.
'Oh goodness, they're fighting again.' I thought to myself. I ran downstairs and saw that everyone had left, but it wasn't just my mom and dad in the living room. Another lady was there. I knew that was the reason my mom was upset. That was the women my dad had been spending his nights with. I hated him.
I ran stright to my mom while she continued to yell at my dad, trying to get the glass out of her hand.
"Come on mom, you need to go up to your room and get yourself together, I'll take care of everything else, okay?" I said trying to calm her down. She wasn't listening.
"Dad, go. Just go okay?" He wasn't leaving either. "DAD LEAVE!" I was losing my patience with the both of them.
I don't have to listen to you, you little pathetic-"
I couldn't take it any more and started crying, my dad couldn't take it when I cried so him and his 'girlfriend' left.

"The current weather in Port Angeles is 42 degrees with a grey sky." A voice from above said to the passengers on the plane. The plane was landing and Ihad my mind set on only one thing getting my life together, finishing school, and moving back with my mom.

"Thank you for flying with is."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there it is. My first chapter of my Jacob Black story. Please tell me what you thought about it.

Even if you didn't like it.
xoxo Jessica.