Status: slow updates. *searching for inspiration. Stay with me, loves<3

New Lifes. New Journeys.


One Year Later...

His mouth pressed to mines and my hands immediately found the back of his neck. He smiled, placing his hands on the small of my back, leading me to the room. My back hit the bed and he balanced his weight off of me, kissing down my neck.

I moaned as his hands slipped under my shirt as he caressed my breasts. I pulled back and lifted my shirt off attaching my lips back to his. I maneuvered so I was on top and I pulled his shirt off, rubbing my hands down his chest, and smiled when he shivered.

I was going to press my lips to his again, when I heard the soft cry of the baby. Max groaned and I chuckled quickly getting off of him, but he grabbed my waist, pulling me back down and attached his lips to mines, making me moan slightly.

I forced myself to pull away from him, when the crying got louder.

"Babe," I whispered. Max pouted and I laughed and kissed his lips once more, before I stood up and put my shirt back on walking to Lizzy's room. I found Elizabeth staring up at me with her light blue eyes.

She had grown so much and her hair was almost already down to her shoulders, she got my curls.

It had been a year since she had been born and my life was going by so fast. I was already twenty, Max was twenty-two and Claire was officially seven months pregnant with twins!

I picked her up and kissed her cheek. She giggled and I spun around with her and joined in with her contagious laughter.

"Why were you crying sweetie?" I asked.

She looked at me and cocked her head to the side as if understanding me. I laughed and kissed her nose, she wrinkled it, making a disgusted face and wiped her nose off.

"Oh you don't like me kissing your nose, do you?" I asked playfully. I kissed her nose some more and she started laughing, pushing me away slightly.

"Look at my two favorite girls," Max said, standing in the doorway, shirtless with messy hair. I smirked at him, and he winked.

He walked forward and gave Lizzy a kiss on the cheek. She laughed and reached up for him. He picked her up and cautiously threw her in the air, only to catch her.

She began a fit of laughter, as Max tickled her. To this day, it still touched my heart when they played together, Max was the best dad.

"I have to go to work," Max said looking at the time. I frowned but nodded, giving him a kiss, and taking back Lizzy.

Elmo whimpered, and I looked down.

"Are you hungry mo-mo?" I asked. He barked, wagging his tail. I laughed and walked to the kitchen, still holding Lizzy.

I put down his bowl and filled it with dog food.

I sat Lizzy down in her high chair, and fetched her Gerber, banana cream, baby food. I tried her on some solid food, like peas, but she didn't like it. At all.

I sat in front of Lizzy and began feeding her, once she finished, I gave her, her bottle, which she could hold on her own. You bet I made Max get the camera out for that one, and went to go check on Max.

I walked in but paused as I heard him talking.

"What?" he asked. I heard him laugh.
"No I would love to hang out with you too,"

I knew I shouldn't have been doing this but, well, you know me.

"OK Sunday?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything Sunday. Carmen and Lizzy? There fine,"

"So I'll pick you up?" he asked.

I took this chance to make my appearance.

"Hey Max, who's that?" I asked in my best "normal" conversational voice.

"Uhm..yeah I gotta go. Sure," he looked at me, then back to the wall. In a small voice he said;

"I love you too,"

He closed the phone and I eyed him suspiciously.

"Who was that?" I asked again.

"No one special, I'm going to go get ready," he said.

"I thought that what you were supposed to be doing, Max," I said accusingly.

"Carmen, I'm not doing anything," he said. I crossed my arms.

"Then why won't you tell me who's on the phone?" I asked.

"Looks it's not like I'm cheating on you, or something," I flinched.

"I never said that, I just asked who you were talking to," my voice getting angrier.

"Well I really don't have to tell you," he said like a child. "What time is Lizzy going over for her and Mason play date?" he asked.

"I don't think I have to tell you," I retaliated.

He rolled his eyes. "Real mature, Carm," he started walking to the bathroom.

"Your one to talk," I mumbled.

"I heard that," he yelled from the bathroom.

I sighed and took a deep breath. Why was I being so paranoid?. I noticed a flicker of Max's phone. I looked at the bathroom and saw that the door was closed.

I picked up the phone and read the text:

I'm really glad we're getting to know each other more Max, see you soon, -Danni.

I closed the phone. Who the fuck is Danni?
♠ ♠ ♠
well; first chapter.
what do you think?

&who is Danni?
a bit of mystery and drama for you there :)

i wana thank my first 21 subscribers ! :)

& my first commentors!
DevilsxChild X2 :)

thank you guys^^ :)