Status: slow updates. *searching for inspiration. Stay with me, loves<3

New Lifes. New Journeys.

Bite Me.

Anniversary, could be used for a lot of terms. The dictionary definition:
the date on which an event occurred in some previous year (or the celebration of it)

Of course there could be anniversary of a death, or deaths, in my case, but I didn't dwell on the too much. We will deal with what we have, when the times comes. Right?

With the "car incident" in the past, I was excited. One year, and a half, of being together was here. I couldn't believe it, I have never been in a relationship for more than seven months, and that record was with David.

I guess back then I was scared of commitment. Max and Danni had a long talk about what happened, and I was surprised it went down without anyone cursing or yelling.

So as I woke up, it was with a smile on my face. I giggled slightly, I sounded kinda creepy, and who wakes up with a smile on their face, unless you got laid in your dreams.

I chuckled a bit some more, what was I thinking. I smiled even more, when I felt warm arms move around my waist, pulling me closely to an even warmer chest.

"Why are you so happy?" Max whispered, causing me to involuntarily shiver. I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. I really didn't know, I was just happy. Suddenly I felt like, that would all be ruined.

I frowned a bit.

"Wait, the beautiful smile is gone," he whispered. I smiled and gave him a light kiss.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. I shrugged.


He chuckled, pulled me over his chest. I laughed and straddled him.

"Hmm," I replied, making a figure eight, on his chest, with my finger.
"What should I get you, as a present?" I asked smirking.

"I don't know? What should you get me?" Max asked, playing along.

I smiled and leaned down, capturing his lips again. I leaned back and smiled.

"I can think of a few things," I leaned down and kissed him again. I pulled back, as he tried to deepen it.

I pulled back shaking my head.

"Nuh-uh, Max, this is my present to you," I whispered.

He pouted. "But I,"

"No buts’ Max!" I snapped, playfully.

He rolled his eyes, but complied.

I smiled and let my hands, move over his chest, onto his stomach. I leaned down capturing his lips, yet again, and this time, I let him deepen the kiss.

I playfully, tugged a his boxers. earning a moan from him. I was about to relieved him from his "problem" when the door opened and Danni came in, holding Elizabeth and shouting,

"She talked!"

I jumped off of Max, and pulled my bra strap up, that Max, so conspicuously, pulled down. Max covered up his body with the sheets, looking slightly frustrated.

"Danni, god damn it! Knock!" Max shouted.

"Whoa," she said, backing away, covering Lizzy's eyes. "Parents getting it on," she backed out of the room, as quick as she came in.

I sat on the floor, amazed. That did not just happen.

Max walked slowly to me, picking me up, and set me on my feet. He stared at me for a minute, before he busted out laughing.

"Carmen, I wish you could see your face right now," he stated cracking up.

"Oh bite me," I mumbled.

Max smile, turned into a smirk.

♠ ♠ ♠
short, I know.
but I wanted to do a quick update.

Im not going to be here, tomorrow.
going to colarado ^_^

comments ;)