Status: slow updates. *searching for inspiration. Stay with me, loves<3

New Lifes. New Journeys.

Ron Ron.

Max’s POV
December 2010

“For the last time, Carmen I am not going to tell you what’s in the bag. So please, can you drop it?” I asked.

“Not until you tell me.” She pouted.

I smiled and couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her cute face. She had got her hair layer and dyed and now it was a lighter brown with highlights. It made her look incredibly cute and sexy at the same time. I couldn’t help but always look. No. Stare.

I had been Christmas shopping and also birthday shopping for Carmen and Lizzy, who’s birthday was soon coming and Carmen had ambushed me right when I got through the door.

I could tell she was over the whole “incident” with Katelyn, but I knew I had to do a lot more to gain her trust back. I could see it in her eyes, it wasn’t that she didn’t trust me, but she was always so hesitant when I would go somewhere.

“Please Carmen; it’s a Christmas present for Lizzy and you, if you must know.” I stated giving her a bit of information.

She smiled pleased with my answer and went back to my mom and Mira, who sat quietly watching the scene unfold.

They had been planning the wedding for about a month now and I couldn’t wait until Carmen was my wife, my actual wife. Just thinking about it made a sly grin come to my face.

I heard the doorbell ring.

“Max, can you get that?” Carmen asked.


I placed the bag down but changed my mind when I saw that Carmen was watching me intently. I stuck my tongue out at her, getting a giggle and walked to the door, clutching the bag safely to my chest.

I opened it up surprised at the ringer.

April?!” I shouted.

“Max, it’s good to see you again.” She smiled. I laughed and gave her a quick hug, offering her to come inside.

“This is a nice place you guys have,” she whispered looking around.

“Thank You. Where’s little Aaron at?” I asked, looking around for the little toddler, who should now almost be three.

“Me’s HERE!” someone shouted.

I looked behind April to see a little boy running towards me a full speed. I laughed as he jumped into my arms; I gave him a little spin then set him down.

“APRIL!” Carmen shouted.

April squealed and launched herself into Carmen’s hug.

I took Aaron’s hand and walked him to where Lizzy sat.

“You remember Elizabeth?” I asked him.

He nodded and reached out patting the one year olds head. Lizzy giggle and gave his hand a little slap.

“Hi!” she shouted.

Aaron shot his hand out, “Hi, Me’s Named Aaron!”

Elizabeth looked at his hand then back at his face, “Hi RON RON!”

Aaron frowned. “No Ron Ron, me’s AARON!” he shouted.

I laughed and walked away to let them be. I sat down on the couch and watched as the ladies talked and Carmen filled in April on everything.

Life was good; I just hoped it lasted that way.


I sighed at my desk, today as a slow day and nothing big was happening. I loved my job as a journalist, but sometimes I couldn’t think of anything to write about, it was sometimes a little…boring.


I straightened up at the sound of my boss. Mr. Richards.

“Yes, sir.”

“My wife wanted me to invite you to dinner,” he said, awkwardly. He looked down, fixing his tie.

I choke on my spit.

What?” I asked out of habit, I quickly changed my question. “I-I mean, uhm, why sir?”

“I have no clue. She thinks that I never invite anyone to the house like I used to and she wants to get a chance to meet one of my top workers, so I picked you.”

I couldn’t help but swell with pride.

“Wow! Uhm, I’d be honored to come Mr. Richards, is it ok if I bring my wife and my daughter?” I asked.

He nodded.

He walked away throwing over his head, “Dinner’s at 6.” And gave one last smiled before leaving.

I grinned feeling special, but then got deathly nervous. What if I accidently tell a bad joke or I choke on my food? I took a deep breath and realization hit me.

I called Carmen my wife, she wasn’t my wife yet, but it felt nice saying it. It felt natural.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lmaoo, dinner with the boss?
What do you think of Lizzy and Aaron, wink wink*

Carmens New Hair




Thanks To:
False Illusions;

comment ^^ if you want your name on that awsome list ;)