Status: Active

A Twisted Friendship

Chapter 2

This loud noise was giving me a headache. I could hear people rushing around and loud....sirens? I tried to open my eyes and when I finaly did I seen cops everywhere. I tried to say something but my voice failed me. I looked and noticed that I was in a bush with scratchs all over me and people were calling my name.

I was laying just at the begining of the woods. The cops looked like they were walking away from me. I slowly tried to wiggle out of the bush but it just cut me deeper. I watched as they walked away thinking that I wasnt here. Until I heard a voice right next to me.

"I found her!" He yelled. I looked over to find it was my neighbor, Jason. He was 21 and part of the law enforcement. I was crying as they cut me out of the bush. They had to rip the bush apart to get to me. When they finaly moved me I was in unbareable pain.

"Wo,wo,wo, dont move her any more. Bring a paramedic!" I heard Jason yell.

"jjjjj......aaz. Where..i.s jaz." I whimpered. Jason wouldnt look at me as I asked this. He just kept telling people what to do.

"WHERE IS MY JAZ!" I screamed. Jason held me down as I started to fling my arms around and kick people. It hurt like heck but I wanted to know where my sister was.

"Stop it Frost. They took her, ok, are you happy now." He yelled back. I just cried as he looked at me with saddened eyes. Everyone knew how special Jaz was to me, and now she was taken away.

Shortly after they took me to the hospital where they fixed up my cuts and checked out my head. They said that they hit me with a gun and I was lucky they didnt shoot me. I couldnt even stand or walk because of the loss of blood.

I had been sitting in those bush's for more than an hour. My mom got a broken arm. My dad was shot in the leg after I was knocked out and they beat my brother to a mess. After a few days I was aloud to go home.

Jason insisted that he take me since I could barely walk. Once I got home I didnt want to be there. I closed my eyes as Jason took me to my room. He laid me down on my bed and went to go get me some food and water.

I stayed in bed for over a week and still I was weak. I have been living in our basement where I work out almost all day. My mom and dad try to stop me but I still do it. At night I sleep in Jaz's room so I can still be close to her. We havent got any calls or any messages. I was scared for Jaz..

A month had past and still no sign of her. Everything has been the same except that my brother blames me for what happened. I dont know why he does but deep down I blame myself as well.

I put on my leather gloves that were fingerless. I also put on my leather jacket and my jeans. My boots were in front of the door waiting for me to put them on. Once I got out side I breathed in the fresh air. It had been so long since I had fresh air.

I walked down the drive way and hid myself as a car drove by. 'Just as I thought, Jason' I knew his car anywhere. He didnt want me to wander around by myself. But he had been acting weird lately. Hes not the old jason that I knew and loved. (not that way)

I started to walk down the street and into town. When people seen me they started to whisper and talk and point. Well all I can say is they better keep their fingers away from or I'll break em. I started to walk into my favorite coffee store and ordered my special. I sat down just as a group of kids from my school walked in. I was a senior this year and just turned 17 before school started a few months ago.

The second they seen me they turned away and went to the other side of the coffe shop. I already knew what they were talking about. I laid my head back as I took another sip of my coffee. Thats when I heard her name. Something inside of me just snapped right there.

"Dont say her name again." I said in a normal voice.

"Oh, and whos going to stop me." The boy who I assumed had said it smirked at me as his friends told him to knock it off. I got up from my seat and walked over to the boy who had said it. I slammed my fist down on his table making his drink spill on his pants.

I grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground. I sat on top of him and started to wail on him. He kicked me in the gut and I rolled off of him. He got on me and threw a couple good punch's before I nailed him in the nose and heard a crunch sound. He was laying on the floor holding his nose as he cried.

I looked up and seen that the coffee man had the phone in hand which meant he called the police. Which meant that Jason was coming.

I got up and ran out the door and down the street. I could here the cop car as it approached. Trying to act innocent I turned my head to find Jason in his car staring right at me. Waving at him and then noticing that I had blood on my hand I took off running.

'He was going to kill me for this one.' I thought as I ran through an alley. I knew these streets well but it had been over a month since I ran them so I was a little shaky. But the last time Jason ran them was probably yesterday.

I ran across the street dodging cars just as I heard sirens go on. Jason had just rounded the corner as I ran through the park. I ran behind a tree and hid. I looked around after the siren was gone and what I heard made me shake in my boots.

A man was staring right at me with a sick smirk across his demented features. He slowly walked past me as I heard him say something that I would do anything for. "If you want your sister back, meet me at the south bound alley at 2 in the morning."

I was chocking on my words as I started to run away from him just to get tackled by who do you think. Correct we have a winner. It was Jason.

I grabbed onto his shirt and hid my face in his shoulder as I started to cry. I was shaking really bad as he held me and yelled at me at the same time.

"I saw him, I saw the man who took Jaz." I whispered with fear in my eyes.
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So here is chapter two, tell me if you like it.