Status: Active

A Twisted Friendship

Chapter 4

I ran forward just to get yanked back as an arm wrapped around my throat and something cold was held to the side of my head. I took a deep breath and grabbed on to the arm that was started to choke me.

"Now lets not get to far ahead of ourselves. Maybe you should calm down a little before we discuss this." The main man said with a smirk on his face.

"Just give me back my sister you bastard." I gasped as the arm got tighter and the man told me to shut up. I knew that voice, the guy holding me was the guy that had passed me in the park and told me to come. I started to struggle against his grip but he only tightened it and I started to gasp for air.

"Let her go, she wont go anywhere unless she wants her sister dead." The first guy said. The guy held me tight as we heard the mans voice again. "Let her go Roxz." (pronounced rocks)

He let me go as I dropped to my knees and my hands held me off the ground. I chocked and tried to steady my breathing. I was taking huge breaths and it was hard to stop it.

"Now where is the fun in that Braydon. It was funny watching her squirm and try to break out of my grip" He said with a smirk.

I looked up to the boss man named Braydon. Then over to my sister who was now in tears. I sat on my butt with my legs bent backwards so that they were to the sides of me. My head fell forward in defeat as I put my arms in between my legs and leaned on them. "What do you want?" I asked with venom in my voice.

"Well what do you think we want. We wanted to say hi, let you see your sister. If you want we can let her go, but only for an hour or so." He was teasing me and I was getting sick of it.

"Just tell me what you want." I yelled at him as my head snapped up, my hair flying behind me as my eyes filled with rage.

"I want a trade. We could use her but I want someone older and I seen you the other day how you broke that kids nose. Poor kid didnt have any chance against you since you where filled with rage." I cut him off before he could finish.

"What do you want. Quit toying around just let her go already." I could feel my eyes filling up with tears. I shook my head, I have shed to many as it was. I wasnt going to show weakness in front of these people.

"Cant you see, we will trade your sister for you. We wont hurt her if you say yes." He said.

Before I could think I blurted out my answer. "Yes" I yelled as he rose his eyebrow at me.

He smirked and then walked over to my sister. My eyes widened as he pulled out a knife. I got up in the next second and ran at him just to get blocked off and knocked back off my feet. The man held the gun out at me and I stared at Braydon in fear.

He walked over to my sister and cut the bonds on her wrists and pulled off the gag around her mouth.

"Frost. Im so sorry, dont do it. Just leave me, go save yourself." She started to yell. I got up and started to walk over to her. I could feel all their guns on me as I got closer to her.

I grabbed onto her and pulled her into my arms as she burst into tears. My grip got harder as she wouldnt let go of my jacket. Braydon gave one look that said it was time for me to go. I pulled her off of me as she tried to grip my jacket again.

"STOP IT JAZ!" I yelled in her face. She stopped and the tears just fell harder. "Look you need to be strong like me and take care of the family. They need you Jaz and when your older you will understand why I did this. Just dont blame yourself." Tears started to fall from my eyes and I kissed her forhead and gave her a push in the direction I came from.

"Dont forget, I'll always be there even if you dont see me. I'll always be watching over you."

"You'll always be my guardian angel Frost, always." She whispered to me.

She started to run down the road as I took a step back and walked right into someone. I didnt care right now though, they could kill me for all I care. I just lost the most important person in my life.

Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me not to the van but to a nice car sitting next to it. They opened up the back door and pushed me in forcefully. The guy closed the door and got into the passenger seat while another got into the drivers seat.

I grabbed a hold of the front of my hair and pulled on it as I continued to cry. I couldnt get my breathing under control so I was gasping for air and sobbing. My elbows were on my knees so I was looking at the floor.

I tried to calm down but nothing worked as they started to drive faster. I pulled on my hair as I screamed in frustration. My hair felt like I was ripping it out when I probably was. I threw my head back and it hit the back of the seat pretty hard as another scream ripped from my throat.

The next thing I know is that the person in the passenger seat got back and tried to get me under control. They grabbed a hold of my arms and kept them to my sides and pulled my body to their chest. I couldnt control myself and it scared me even more.

"You need to calm down or I'll make you." I heard Braydon hiss in my ear. For some reason his voice helped me calm down some. "Thats much better. Its not like you wont see her again. It will just be awhile thats all." He whispered in my ear. "Not until we can trust you."

My body stopped shaking and I was just to exhausted to fight anymore. My back laid against his chest as I sat there trying to get my breathing under control. I looked out the window and suddenly I felt something cold and hard on my lower back.

I could feel the barrel of the gun as he pressed it to my skin. I bit my tongue and laid my head on the back cushion of the seat. People were running about and cheering and yelling so I knew they had found my sister.

Thats why his gun was to me. He didnt want me to draw attention to use so I kept my mouth shut. Soon we were out of town and doing 70 down the road. That was pretty fast since the speed limit was 55 on this road.

Braydon never let go of me in the car. Hours past by as we didnt stop for food or gas. I was praying that we would stop at a gas station and someone would notice me but that never happened. The sleep was getting to me but I couldnt sleep cause of how anxious I was.

I could feel Braydon moving behind me as he got something out of his back pocket. I was listening intently hoping to see what he was doing as I turned my head slightly. The driver who I now figured out was named Tyler handed him a bottle.

My eyes widened as I turned around completely to see Braydon pore the stuff onto a piece of cloth. I jumped out of his hold and backed until I hit the other door. Braydon smirked at me as he moved over to me.

I tried to fight him off but he just grabbed my hands and pinned them to my left side as he pressed the cloth firmly to my face. I held my breath but couldnt hold it any longer as I took a deep breath. Slowly my vision started to get blurry and my hearing was all wack. My eyes started to close and I fell into nothing.
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So tell me how you like the story so far.