Status: Active

A Twisted Friendship

Chapter 5

My eyes slowly fluttered opened and I closed them instantly. The lights were so bright and I could tell I was going to get a headache. I tried to open my eyes again and slowly let them adjust. I had to squint my eyes to see anything as I looked up. I really wished I hadn't since the first thing I saw was Braydons face.

"How did you sleep sparky?" He asked. I looked at him confused for a second until I remembered what happened. I had freaked out in the vehicle and traded myself for my sister.

My head dropped as I tried to move my hands to find them tied behind my back and behind the chair. My ankles were tied to the legs of the chair and I felt sick. I swallowed and took a deep breath as I heard foot steps leading to the door.

I looked up at Braydon to see his smirking face as he stood up straight. "It was great till I woke up to this nightmare." I said as the doors opened and a lot of men walked in. By the end there had to be over twenty men in the room.

There was one man that was standing in front of me as Braydon move to his right side. I rose my eyebrow and looked up at the man.

"Its nice to meet you finally Ms. Evans. Or should I say Fae.(pronounced fay)"

"Dont ever call me that." I yelled just to get hit in the side of the head. I gritted my teeth as the pain coursed through my head.

I moaned in pain as I looked back up at him. I noticed that he must be the one in charge of all this. My view changed to look at Braydon who had a blank face on. Slowly I looked around me to see everyone watching me very closely.

"So you all know my name, how about you tell me yours." I hissed at him. A man stepped toward me with a pole in his hands about to hit me again.

"Dont!" The man in front of me said with authority. "How rude of me, you can call me Boss. Since thats what I am to you now." My eyes filled with rage as he walked behind my and started to pet my hair.

I yanked away from him only to be pulled back by my hair. He pulled my head back so that I could look at him.

"It may be hard for now, but you will listen and you will join us. Im sure your going to need to go through an attitude adjustment but that can be arranged. Each man here has a unique quality that I like about them. But you, you confuse me, yet intrigue me. I dont know what it is about you but you will fit in perfectly."

I spit up in his face and felt a sting to my left cheek. I gasped as I realized that I was just slapped. No one ever slapped me, ever. Gritting my teeth I tried to get control, I wasnt going to make a fool of myself.

I felt my wrists suddenly let free. I pulled them forward and rubbed my wrists as I looked at them to see red lines. 'Boss' walked around to the front of me and cut my ankles free, but that was the wrong move.

I brought my foot up and nailed him right under the chin. I got up just to get tackled down, gasping my breath was knocked out of me. Looking up I saw a fist that shortly collided with the side of my face. My head whipped to the side from the force. My lip was split and blood was dripping down my chin.

I felt his fist make contact with my abdominal and any air I had was now gone. Then the next hit was to my stomach, then his weight on me was gone. I turned on my side holding my stomach as I spit out the blood in my mouth.

Someone knelled down beside me and looked at my lip as I yanked away from them. They didnt stop me though which surprised me.

"Fine, if you dont want my help then deal with it yourself." He said as he stood up. I tried to clear my head but it wouldnt stop spinning. I slowly tried to get up but feel back down. Someone tried to help me up but I just pushed them away.

" me." I gasped. Slowly this time I got on my knees and then slowly to my feet. I staggered some but staid on my feet. I looked up at the 'Boss' to see that he was completely calm.

Braydon walked over to me and pushed me into the chair behind me. I gasped from the pain in my abdominal as I set my head on the back of the chair. He bent down in front of me and grabbed my chin and looked at my lip. I tried to pull away but he did yank me back.

"Stop being so stubborn." He lifted up my chin as I glared at him. "You know this wouldnt have happened if you didnt kick him. Your lucky he told them to stop or you would be a bloody mess."

"Whatever, see if I care. He has no right to keep me here and the first chance I get im getting out of here. Im going to make your life a living hell. Trust me on this, once I figure out what you did to my sister im going to hurt any of you who even touched her." With saying that I looked at Roxz.

He was the one who knocked me out and took my sister and a couple other people who I couldnt point out. I could hear people laughing at me and my threat but I was going to make their lives a living hell.

"You see thats where your wrong. If you dont listen to us, its going to be you whos going to be living in hell. Trust me, your going to have to work hard to earn even an ounce of respect from these men since your the only woman here." The 'Boss' said.

With that my eyes widened. I was the only girl here, and there had to be over 20 guys. They wanted me to fit in and one punch from them could leave me in a daze. "That and if you run or do anything funky then we'll have to go visit your sister."

That was it, no one threatened my sister. I stood in one swift movement and everyone shifted their position. Two men had my arms as Braydon stood in front of the 'Boss' and another big guy stood in front of me.

I was glaring at everyone in my sight. I pulled hard on my arms just for them to tighten their grip. It felt like they were going to rip my arms out of my socket. The next few words that exited the 'Boss's' mouth scared the life out of me.

"Teach her some manners. We'll be back in a few hours." With that everyone but four men walked out of the room. The two men that were holding me tightened their grip as the other two guys had smug looks on their face as they approached me.
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So chapter #5 here it is