Status: Active

A Twisted Friendship

Chapter 6

I spit the blood out of that was in my mouth. I feel to the ground not able to hold my self up for anything else. It had been over two hours of them beating me. My face had small cuts all over it and I bit my tongue when they hit me. My lip was busted and that wasnt even the worse part.

My arms had bruises like the rest of me and my ankle was twisted in a weird way. They broke a couple of my ribs and I think they dislocated my shoulder. All I know is that when I moved it, it hurt like heck. I coughed up more blood as tears ran down my face. Luke and his brother Duke were the ones who 'punish' people.

Luke came up behind me and kicked me in the back. I let out a shrill scream and my back arched from the over whelming pain. This was much worse than waking up in that bush. I sobbed on the floor as I felt a kick to the back of my head. I held my head and let out another scream. We could hear footsteps coming toward the room as I was hoping they came to stop it.

As the door opened Duke picked me up by my hair. I yelped as it felt like he was going to pull out my hair. He laughed and then dropped me on the floor. I was seing black dots and knew that wasnt good. The tears and sobs kept coming as the pain got worse.

I noticed that the 'Boss', Braydon, and the guy that tried to help with my lip, I believe I heard his name was Corey, was here. The pain started to go away until Luke stepped on my twisted ankle. My scream was horrifying and loud. I tried to push his foot of but Duke just grabbed my arms as I let out another scream of pain as Luke pressed down harder.

Then his foot was gone and Corey stood there in front of me keeping him back. He gave Duke one look and he let go of my arms. He knelled down and looked to see the damage they have caused.

"Gosh, he said to teach her a lesson not kill her."

"Well I just do my job to the fullest. Hey, at least she wont disobey him again unless she wants to feel this pain for a second time." Luke said. Corey looked down at me then as he reached for my ankle. I pulled it away scared of what he might do which cause me to yell out in pain.

"Do you want my help or not. Cause I could leave you like this." He said looking at the ankle.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head and pushed my ankle out towards him. He took it his hands and was feeling it when I gave out a yelp. He gave a sigh as he twisted it back into place. A scream escaped my throat and tears started to stream down my face again.

I sucked it up and let him finish what he was doing. He wrapped my ankle and put a board on it to keep it straight. He then moved on to my arm. He rotated my right arm and found nothing wrong with it. He then tried to do the same with my left but I yanked it away as he started to.

"I...thi...nk...its disss.....located." I stuttered as he nodded his head and pushed hard on my shoulder popping it back into place. I yelped from the sudden amount of pain running through my body. He continued to fix up my cuts and such.

"Well, what do you have to say to me." The 'Boss' asked. I grit my teeth and sucked in a huge breath.

"Im sorry for what I did." I gasped as Corey wrapped my head.

"It looks like they did a number on you. So what do you say, we could let them finish what they started." He looked at you shocked face and then added. "Or you can cooperate and do as I say and join us."

He had me there. I didnt want to die so I had to say yes. I looked at my feet and then slowly raised my head to look at Braydon as he nodded for me to answer. The dry tears became wet as I started to cry again.

I shook my head yes and laid my head on the back of the wall. Corey went to lift my shirt but I smacked his hands away before he could try. He looked at me but shook it off and went to something else. Once he was done he got up and walked back over to 'Boss' who had a large smirk on his face.

Curling up in a ball I laid on the floor and closed my eyes hoping that it would all go away. Footsteps made me aware that someone was walking over to me. Slowly looking up I seen that it was one of the men who held my arms. Markus picked me up and and started to carry me out the door.

He made sure to bounce a lot and put me in pain. I dug my face into his shirt to keep from screaming. My hands balled up in fists as he started to go up the stairs. The 'Boss' appeared next to us as he went to go show us my new room.

The path was slow and painful as he took me to my room. 'Boss' walked to the door in the middle of the hall and he took out a key and unlocked it. He opened it up and led us inside. It wasnt a big room but a good size at that. It fit a bed, dresser, and some room to move around.

There was a window on the far wall and the whole room was white. The bed sheets were a grey color and the dresser the same. The floor was black carpet and the window shades a dark black also. It was a real plain room but I didnt care. I just didnt want to feel this pain anymore and be set on the bed.

He walked me over to the bed and dropped me down on it. His face was full of disgust as he just shook his head and walked out of the room. My body was full of pain as I twisted in the bed and turned on my side.

I put my hands over my face and grabbed onto my face. Gasping for breath I looked down at my ankle. It was swollen and I dont think I will be able to walk on it for awhile. I took deep breaths and reminded myself that I had already shed way to many tears.

My thoughts were all about my old life and family. What Whill said when I left with out him, he must have freaked. Jason was probably pissed for me doing this but she was my sister. Ahh, my poor Jaz. She must be so happy yet so sad. I would give my life for her any day of the week. She was so young that she never had a chance to live so I cant say I regret my actions to do this. I just wished I could see her again one day.

I was brought out of my thoughts as the door opened to reveal Braydon with a glass a water and some pills. He walked over to the bed and sat the glass of water on the bed side table. I tried to sit up but my back hurt way to much.

He slid his arm around my back and helped my slide up so that I was sitting. My back was set up against the post of the bed. He got a piece of cloth out of his pocket and set it by the glass of water. He handed me two pills that I looked at them with wondering eyes and he just nodded his head towards them.

Shoving them in my mouth then grabbing some water, I then looked at him. He took the cup from my hands and put the cloth in it. He then started to clean up the blood on my face. I didnt have the energy to fight him so I just let it be. His hand lifted up my chin as he started to dab my bottom lip.

I was watching his every move as he looked me in the eye. His face was full of disappointment, I got that look from my father all the time. I hated that look almost as much as pity. I ripped my face away from his hands but froze as pain shot through my body.

"You do know that no one here is going to give you any pity. They are also not going to go easy or give you any respect so when your healed you better get used to getting pushed around cause thats all their going to do till you prove yourself. So just be prepared cause no one is going to help you."

With that he got up and left the room but before I could fall asleep I herd a click of the lock.
♠ ♠ ♠
So she got beat up a bit and is going to have an interesting time dealing with the guys.