Status: slowly active

All Hockey Players Are Players... Right?

Chapter 6

Thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump...

I inhaled deeply in my pillow, not remembering it was that comfortable.

Thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump...

As I came to my senses, I realized that my pillow was falling and rising. What was that noise anyway? I lifted my head and the noise disappeared. To tired to bother, I let my head fall down. The rise and fall of my pillow came in quicker as I heard someone laugh right over my head. I jumped up, sitting in my bed looking around, as my eyes fell on a laughing Josh Gorges.

“You should of seen your face!” He managed to say through his laughter as I glared at him.

“Could explain to me why you became my human pillow?” I asked him, getting out of bed.

“Only to see your face!” He said laying back down in the bed, straightening his shirt. “Argh! You drooled all over me!” He screamed jumping out of bed and throwing his shirt as far away as possible. He then glared back at me. I couldn’t help the smirk forming on my lips.

“Well, you asked for it!” I said, throwing him a shirt from his bag that was right at my feats.

“What, are you trying to say you don’t want any of this!?” He asked, surprised, motioning at his body.

“Please just put you shirt on, and why not some pants with that.” I said throwing him the first pair of jeans I found in his bad.

“I wouldn’t dig to deep it that bad if I were you. I’m not sure what you might fall on.” He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

“You should shut up cause I’m not sure if the next thing I’ll throw at you is a punch.” I threatened with a smirk. He only got closer to me with a wider grin than mine.

“Oh, are you threatening me?” He said coming dangerously closer, I backed a step away.

“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise!” I said.

“Oh... THAT my friend means WAR!!!” He said grabbing me and putting me on his shoulder. He than ran through the condo.

“Josh!! STOP IT!! JOSH!!!” I screamed. As we passed my sisters room, I saw her get out with a smirk on her face. But before I could say anything I saw the floor coming dangerously close to me. “JOSH!!!!” And I landed on the couch.

“What!?” He asked as he didn’t do anything. I punched him in the shoulder. “Hey, what was that for!?” He said grabbing his shoulder. “Hockey player here! That arm makes my money! And ah, come on, that’s my good arm.” He whined. I got up off of the couch proudly and went in the kitchen.

“You want anything to eat Josh? Cait?” I asked as Cait entered the kitchen. Josh came running after her only to get in front of her.

“Could you PLEASE make me pancakes!?” He begged. I sat on the counter.

“I don’t know... have you been a good boy?” I asked.

“Well, if you want me to be a bad boy, I can.” He said putting his two arms each side of my body so his face was right in front of mine.

“Sorry Gorges, but I only fall for the good ones.” I said slapping his face gently. He took out his lower lip and looked at me from under his eyelashes. I should really put a stop to that puppy face. “If you continue to use that face like that, I’m gonna have to call Mike and ask to destroy it for me!” I said, referring to Mike Komisarek. He stepped back shocked.

“You wouldn’t do that?” He asked as I stepped down from the counter. I took out the flour, eggs, butter, milk... “Would you?” He asked again, a bit afraid since I wasn’t responding. I only looked at him. “You would?!” He asked surprised.

“Well, I still have his number. So I should at least use it for something.” I said, taking my concentration back to the batter.

“What, you would seriously take the chance of destroying my beautiful face. Think about it! If you do that no other girl would want anything to do with me and you’ll be stuck with me after all.” He said, taking back his confidence. Why did he have an answer for everything. Oh God? Why!?

“I guess I’ll have to live with your face the way it is then.” I sighed, putting some of the batter in a pan. I heard Cait sighing as she sat down at the bar like counter.

“You guys act like kids.” She said with a smirk.

“Hey! I’m older than you!” Josh whined as he sat down beside her.

“Then start acting like you are!” She said as I pilled another pancake in a plate

“Nah, that would be boring... just look at you!” He said with a playful smirk. I know he didn’t mean any harm by that but it did. She tried a smile but I could read right through it.

“You’re right, maybe I should just forget all my plans. They’ll probably end up being nothing anyways.” She sighed. Josh’s smile fell.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too say it like that.” He said looking down.

“I know. But what you said is true. I am too serious for my own good. I take all like it’s gonna affect my future or something. I should just slack a bit.” She said as Josh stood up and walked to where I was cooking. While I wasn’t looking, he stole the pancake I had just put on the pile, rolled it and took a big bight out of it only to end up jumping... more of dancing around in circles.

“Ow... hot, hot, hot.” He said trying to breath in cold air. I shook my head and took a cold bottle of water out of the fridge.

“Here.” I said giving it to him. “That would teach you to come and steal food away from somebody while he’s cooking.” I said as he chugged down half the bottle.

“Thanks.” He breathed.

“Can you tell me how you manage to survive without me?” I asked him, turning back to the rest of the pancakes.

“I barely make it.” He said coming back beside me. He tried to sneak up and take another one but a glared him down.

“Haven’t you learned your lesson!?” I asked, hitting his hand with the spatula.

“I’m hungry! And what is it with you hitting me today?” He asked, jogging away from me to hide behind Caitlin.

“You deserve it.” I only said putting the last pancake on the pile. “Go get out the stuff you want on it.” I said taking the full plate to the table as my sister got 3 other plates and forks. Josh came out of the kitchen with his arms full of sweet condiments, going from whip cream, chocolate sirup, bananas to maple sirup and strawberries, just to name a few. Me and my sister looked at him as he put down the stuff. “How many pancakes are you planning on eating?” I asked the question, but I knew Cait was thinking it too.

“Uh, everything you two wont eat?” He asked, not sure. Cait sat down with a small laugh.

“Oh, and what will your dietician think about that?” She asked him with a smirk. Josh had lately fallowed some dietician’s orders so he would have more energy on the ice. But lets just say that he didn’t really fallow every order.

“What he doesn’t know wont hurt him.” He simply said sitting down, taking to pancakes and starting to put stuff on it. I shook my head in disbelief.

“And I’m guessing you’ll still be hungry in 2 hours when we’ll meet the girls?” I asked. He only nodded.

“And yes, I’ll all loose those calories on the ice this afternoon.” He said with a smirk. My sister looked at him.

“You know I hate you right?” She said with a glare.

“And I love you too!” He said before swallowing a huge bite of pancake.

“I still don’t get how you guys manage to put it all in your mouth.” I said in disbelief... not that I really wanted to know.

“I’m not sure either.” He shrugged taking another bight. The rest of breakfast went silently. Not that we didn’t have anything to talk about. It was just that Josh’s mouth was full most of the time, managing only some ‘uh huh’ here and there.

“Are you done?” I asked him as he managed his 10th pancake. He stopped chewing, looking up at me. He swallowed hard and gave me a sweet smile.

“Yeah, I guess.” He said looking around him while taping his stomach with both hands. As he said, he ate everything that me and Cait haven’t eaten. And we were only an hour away from our lunch with Jess and Marie. “When do you want to leave?” He asked getting up.

“Why, you wanna take a nap before?” I asked with a smirk while taking away his plate.

“You know me so well!” He said kissing my cheek. “Thanks for the pancakes.” He said before crashing on the coach.

“Aren’t you going to help us?” Cait asked, but I knew better. “Josh?”

“He’s already asleep.” I said putting the plates in the sink. As I started the dishes, Cait put all of the condiments back to there place.

“You guys act like a married couple.” She stated with a smirk, taking a towel to dry off the plates. “You know each other so well it’s funny.” She said and I smiled at it. We finished the dishes and put everything back to it’s place. “You two would make such a cute couple.” She said and I stopped in my track. Would we? No, we were just friends.

“Nah, I know better. He’s to much of a player for me.” I said fallowing her to her room, not wanting to wake Josh up.

“Well, he’s probably just looking for the one. Until he finds her, he wont stop looking.” She said with a smirk, referring to me. I wanted to turn it back on her, to ask her if she thought it was the same with her and Price. They were the perfect couple, I wanted to tell her. But I didn’t want to break her heart even more, not now. Which made me thought that I needed to call the girls to know where we would meet.

“I’m sorry, I need to make a call.” I said going to get my phone in my room and hitting Jess’s number.

“Hello?” A drowsy voice answered... a MAN’s drowsy voice.

“Hello? Who’s this?” I asked curiously. “Can I talk to Jess?” I asked.

“Uh, she’s still sleeping.” He said annoyed.

“Well, I need to talk to her, we have to meet at 11.” I said. I heard sheets moving around.

“What time is it?” He asked, slightly more awake.

“10:14...” I trailed, getting annoyed with his slowness. “Just wake her up and ask her to call me back.” I sighed.

“Okay... who is it?” He asked me.

“Just ask her to call Ruchi... she’ll know who it is.” I said ready to turn the phone off and call Marie.

“Ruchi?” He asked. I knew I had heard that voice before.

“Yes Price. Ruchi. Can you manage that?” I asked even more annoyed realizing Jess had passed the night with him.

“Uh, yeah. Bye.” He said quickly, like ashamed. I sighed. Why was I feeling like that? I couldn’t be jealous. No, I was just sad that Jess was just another of his toys. Yeah, that was it. I hit Marie’s number.

“Hi!” She answered brightly, seemingly being up and ready for hours.

“Hi Marie! You ready for lunch?” I asked. I could almost see her nod on the other side.

“Yep, I was born ready. So where were you planning on going?” She asked.

“Well, Josh is coming with us so somewhere that will feed and shut him up.” I said with a smirk. She laughed on the other side.

“Okay, I know the perfect place. And at that time of day it’s deserted so he wont have to bother over crazy fans... oh wait, Jess is coming with us. He’ll just have to deal with one fan than.” She said. I wrote the directions down to the restaurant as she gave them to me. It was right beside the practice arena.

“Okay, thanks, I’ll see you at 11.” I said. Not even 5 second after our conversation ended, There and Back Again from Daughtry blasted through the speakers of my phone. I quickly snapped it opened.

“Hey Jessica.” I said firmly. I wasn’t to impress with her.

“Hey Ruch? I’m sorry, my alarm didn’t went off.” She started but I cut her off.

“We’re going to this place Marie told me about, something Joe?” I asked, not sure of the name of the place.

“Oh, yeah, okay. At 11?” She asked.

“Yes. And don’t bring Price.” I said before hitting the off button. I didn’t want to hear her ranting about it.

“Ruuuchiikaaaa.” Josh said in my room’s doorway, extending every part of my name. I snapped up at him, not being used to being called by my full name.

“What?” I asked as he entered the room. He took his coat off the ground and put it on.

“You ready to go? I’m hungry.” He said patting his stomach. I looked at him shocked.

“How can you still be hungry after all you ate not even an hour ago!?” I asked taking my backpack and putting in what I would need. Some sheets, my keys, cell...

“My mom always told me it went straight to my toes.” He shrugged. We made our way to the door, where I took put on my coat and my Maple Leaf’s scarf. Josh looked at me with a disapproving look. “You’re not gonna wear that while walking with me miss.” He said motioning my scarf.

“You’ll have to live with it! CAIT, WE’RE LEAVING!” I screamed in the house. I heard a faint approval and we made our way out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
here we go, the next chapter.. and yes, I just managed 6 chapters in a day... maybe I'll be able to write another. That's one's just a filler... the interesting stuff's coming next!

