Status: slowly active

All Hockey Players Are Players... Right?

Chapter 9

“You know, you should really make a move on him if you want the plan to work.” Josh said, walking beside me to the locker rooms.

“Yes, I know. It’s just... I don’t know.” I sighed. He looked at me with a weird face. “I’m confused okay, I’m just not sure on how to do it.”

“But you’ve dated other guys!?” He stated. I nodded.

“But I liked them.” I said, stopping in front of my room. He stopped, rather close to me.

“So you liked me?” He asked in a low husky voice. I felt the blood drain from my face. I looked down.

“Like I said...” I was cut off by his soft lips on mine. To surprised to react, he stopped, taking a step back.

“I... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t...” He said, walking away. He shook his head, looking down. I was shocked, not sure of what to think, or how to feel.

“Hey... are you okay?” I jumped at the soft voice. I turned quickly in its direction, coming face to face with Carey.

“Uh, yeah... sorry.” I said, turning around to get in the room. As I was about to get in the room when he gripped my arm, turning me back around. He looked me deeply in the eyes as I got lost in his soul. He looked down at my lips and back up at my eyes, his breath becoming deeper. He leaned in closer, giving me quick glances. I didn’t move. I didn’t fight back. I was dazzled. I was still in shock from Josh’s kiss. I wasn’t ready to fight Carey off. I felt his lips work softly but surely on mine. I started kissing back, to only start thinking again. I opened my eyes, afraid of what I’ve been doing and took a step back, looking at a confused Carey Price.

“Is everything okay?” He asked, slipping his hands around my waist. I grabbed his hands and loosened them just enough to slip by the door, half opening it.

“Is it normal for you to randomly kiss girls?” I asked furious. “Do you go kissing strangers around?”

“Only the hot ones!” He said with a victorious smile. That was it, I was just another prize for him. Just like all the other girls who got played by him. That’s why I needed to seek revenge. For my sister. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.” He said leaning on the wall beside me. “You did kiss back you know.”

“Maybe I did.” I said, playing the game. He looked at me surprised. He wasn’t used to me acting that way, all flirty. I could see it in his eyes. I gave him a sweet smile and slipped through the door, closing it behind me. I breathed in, deeply, trying to steady myself. Carey was a really good kisser. As I felt his strong lips on mine, I saw everything around me go black. It was only me and him, the world was ours. I felt my body going limp, numbness taking over me. Only he was Price. I could not feel that way for him. He was my enemy. His kisses couldn’t have the power to make me feel that way. It was impossible for a human to do so. Only I just witnessed it. And than there was Josh. His kiss was just so... true. It felt right. I couldn’t even describe it. It was soft but secure. It was the fitting key to the lock, the missing piece in the puzzle. I sighed and sat on the bench, throwing the equipment off of me. Why oh why was this happening to me. Why NOW. I got in the shower, letting the hot water drain my worries. What was up with Josh? Why did he kiss me. I thought again about what he said to Roman. Did he really mean this? Did he really like me? I shook it off. I didn’t want to think of that now.
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I know... it's REALLY short... but I just felt I had to stop there. God I love this chapter!
