Spinning Lights, Don't Be Scared

Seemingly Perfect

The operator said it would be about 40 minutes until help arrived and then god knows how long to actually get them out. Elody was still gasping, and Craig didn’t know what to do. He held her tight in an attempt to stop the shivering, but it didn’t help much.

“Elody, you need to calm down.” Craig said into her ear. “We’re going to be fine, they’re sending help.”

The elevator flinched a little, and Elody let out a sound somewhat resembling a squeal, and huddled into Craig, hiding her face in his shoulder. He put his other arm around her securely. Craig thought maybe if he got her talking, it might distract her.

“How long have you lived around here?” he said quietly, rubbing her back gently with his thumb.

“Two-Two years” she wheezed, not knowing what he was getting at. This was hardly the time for small talk.

“What’s your major?” he said, now softly tugging at a stray piece of hair.

“Un-undecid-ed” she answered, catching her breath a little.

They went on like that for a while, Craig asking questions about her life aimlessly, and her croaking answers. Slowly, she calmed down.

He learned that her parents lived in Maryland, and she went to a private school. She moved here to go to college and get away from her overbearing parents. Arianna was her best friend since two years ago. She loved chocolate, and hated bar soap. She had a deep fear of elevators, and didn’t know why she rode in one numerous times a day.

She was now taking deep breaths, and spoke shakily, but clearly. The shivering lessened and she resting her head on his shoulder.

“Can I ask you something?” Elody said nervously.

“Sure” he said, with warm voice, his breath dancing on her neck.

“The other night..” she started, thinking of their time in the stairwell. “What was that?”

He couldn’t see, because they were still in the pitch black, but she was blushing deeply.

That was almost a kiss.” He said simply, a smile apparent in his voice.

“W-why almost?” she asked shakily, secretly wishing that he had taken the plunge that night.

“Because I didn’t want to put pressure on you..” He said leaning his head on hers.
She smiled, and said nothing, just snuggled into the crook of his neck.

A few minutes later, there was the gentle sound of steps on the ceiling of the elevator, and the emergency exit door was opened, a light shining down on them.

If only they could have seen themselves through that fireman’s eyes. They were all wrapped up in each other, seemingly perfect.

“You folks alright?”


I'm quite proud of myself for these last two chapters :]
Anyone who comments can have my first born child <3