Status: Finished!!!

Life Starts After Dark


Skylar’s POV

Everything was a blur as my car flipped head over tail before being hit by something else. But whatever this was seemed to have pushed my car in another direction, and then I was rolling again, only this time my car was flipping on its side rather than fender to fender.

I hit my head against the window of the car before it shattered against the ground, and my eyesight grew fuzzy for a moment.

After a while I realized that the car had stopped moving. I was upside-down in my car, and my head was pressing painfully on the dented roof.

I went through the assessments: How bad was I hurt? Where had I landed? How had I gotten in the accident?

One move told me that my left collar bone and arm were broken. I looked around me from my reverted position in the car, and saw nothing but trees around me. I had somehow rolled off the road and into the woods.

As for the last question, I knew exactly how I had wound up here. Someone had purposefully run into me, and they would be sure to come and check how damaged I was before they killed me.

I knew this because not a second later, my old vision came back to me with even sharper clarity than it had come the first time. Because now, I was at the scene of my vision, and it was about to come true.

There I am, lying on the ground. I look so very…broken. Eric is fighting someone, moving so fast that I can’t see him or who he is fighting clearly. And I am lying on the sidelines, dying.

That was when I started screaming.

“Eric! Eric! Help! SOMEONE HELP!!!” I yanked at the seatbelt, but it must have become jammed by something while I was rolling around. It wouldn’t come undone.

A hand shot inside the window and ripped me from the car.

My body was wrenched painfully from the seatbelt of the car, and he had grabbed onto my broken arm. I could not hold back the screams that brought on, and was glad for them. Maybe someone would hear me. Maybe Eric would hear me and save me like he had in my vision.

As the man threw me down onto the cold ground outside of my car, I began to doubt my own vision’s accuracy.

“Shh, it will all be over soon,” I heard a velvety smooth voice say. “It took me quite some time to find you. Especially after your friend, Sarah, was it? You took off very quickly. But now, here you are. And it is just you and me now. I knew you were special from the day I first caught your scent. And now you are mine.”

He laughed then, a cruel laugh. I was so angry. This was the monster that had killed the only friend I had ever had. “What did you do? Glamour the police into reporting it as just your average rape and murder? How clever of you,” I spat sarcastically.

“You’re very smart. I wonder what other intelligent thoughts you have in there. No matter, you won’t go on thinking them for much longer.”

Then he bit down on my throat.

“Eric!” I tried to scream, but it came out in a choked whisper.

The vampire stopped for a moment. “Who is this Eric you keep calling? Is he supposed to be protecting you? Well, he is doing a fine job with that.” He stopped wasting his time then, and bit down again, making new wounds on my neck.

Things had started to become fuzzy very quickly. This was like donating blood only ten times worse. Dizzy times a thousand. I was slipping away very fast. And Eric would not be there to save me.

It was when I had gone limp, giving up the fight, that the vampire suddenly flew backward, hitting a nearby tree and turning it to nothing but broken splinters.

I heard a growl coming from somewhere beside me, and then I closed my eyes and surrendered to the darkness that pressed in at me from every angle.
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Dun Dun Dun! Comments, anyone?