Status: - The Academy Is Song Contest (: -

You've Got That Seed In You

If I Could Express It In A Different Dialect Or In A Delicate Way

[William's POV]

I rolled over feeling for Michael only to find him gone. I got out of bed sighing. After taking a quick shower I went into the kitchen to make lunch. Just as I was getting done I heard the front door open and close.


"I'm in the kitchen." I answered

Michael walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my waist. I turned slowly pushing my lips to his.

"So how was your morning?" he asked

"Fine. Where did you go so early this morning?"

Even though I already knew I had to ask.

"I went for a quick walk.." he replied.

He slowly made his way over to the table and sat down. I placed a plate of food in front of him.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked

"Actually I already ate....."

"Of course you did." I picked up his plate and slammed it into the sink.

I ran to the room Michael following close behind me.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked turning me to face him.

His anger melted away when he noticed tears streaming down my face. He hugged me tightly as I clung to him.

A soft moan escaped my lips as Michael began kissing my neck.

As fast as it began it ended. I rolled onto my side as Michael got up to take a shower. His phone began vibrating loudly. I reached over grabbing it off the night stand. Mike's name flashed on the screen.


"Michael?" he asked stupidly

"No it's William."

"Oh, where's Chizzy?"


"Well can you tell him I'm on my way over?"

"Sure thing." I mumbled.

"You okay? You sound kinda down."

"No, I'm fine just a lot on my mind I suppose."

"Try not to think so much it's bad for you." he replied

"I'll try not too..."

"Guess I'll see you in a bit."

"Yeah, bye."

As I hung up the phone Michael came out of the bathroom.

"Who were you talking too?"

"Carden. He told me to tell you he's on his way over here." I said.

His face lit up happily. I felt my stomach flip as he smiled a real smile. I slowly got up off the bed and grabbed some clean clothes out of the closet and made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stepped in. I began scrubbing my entire body trying to get the feeling of him off of me. Tears spilled from my eyes as I began thinking about how I'll never be good enough for him. I turned off the water stepping out. I silently pulled on my clothes before walking into the empty bedroom.

I heard moans coming from the living room. I walked over to the door and slammed it hard on my way out to give them a warning that I was coming. There was a brief moment of panicked whispers. As I entered the living room Mike was just pulling on his shirt. I pretended that I hadn't seen a thing.

"Hello Mike."

"H-Hey Bill."

Michael looked at me then at Mike.

"We were about to go eat do you want to come?" Michael ask

I took a deep breath shaking my head.

"I think I'll stay home."

I looked over at Mike whose eyes glimmered as I said I wasn't going.

"I'll bring you something home then."

"I might not be here when you come home." I mumbled locking eyes with him

"It's okay I'll just put it in the fridge."

I sighed when I realized he didn't understand. I pulled him into a tight hug not wanting to ever let him go.

"I'm going to miss you."

"I'll be home early." he replied

I pushed my lips to his lightly.

"We have to get going." I heard Mike whisper to him

He pulled away and without so much as a goodbye he was gone. Slowly I walked into the bedroom and pulled my suitcase from underneath the bed.

Hope now, as I walk away, you're the one that finds me out.

[Michael's POV]

I slowly pulled into the drive way not wanting to wake up William. It was almost 2 o' clock and I promised him I'd be home early. I was having so much fun with Mike that I had lost track of time. All the lights in the house were off. As I approached the door I noticed a envelope was taped to it. I pulled it off the door and walked inside.

I felt for the light switch and flipped it on. I sat on the sofa and tore open the envelope. Inside of it was a picture of me,William,and Mike. But William had been scratched out with a sharpie marker leaving only me and Carden in the picture.

I turned it over. As I read the words that were scribbled on the back I felt my heart clench.

We turned into something else entirely
We fake it
But I wanted it so desperately to be real

I jumped up and ran to the bed room only to find it empty and to find William..gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it sucks. But at least I tried (: