Angel Don't You Cry


Delilah's POV

“I don’t know. She said something about my Aunt Libby taking care of me if she dies young,” I said looking at the ground. Cars zoomed past my friends and I as we walked back to my house from school.

“Does your mom even realize how much your aunt hates you,” Frank asked. Ashley sighed.

“That’s one way to state the question,” she said. I looked up and smiled at Ashley’s comment, but then I thought of Frank’s question and frowned.

“No…” I sighed.

“Well then tell her,” Ashley said. Frank nodded, but I shook my head in disagreement.

“I can’t. We don’t have enough money to by a new house. The thing is that my Aunt would hit me when my mom’s not around and then she would act all innocent around my mom because she’s knows her little sister can kick her-“

“Wait is your mom at work right now?” Frank said interrupting me. I thought about it for a second. I couldn’t remember if she told me she had to work today or not. I think she had to though.

“I think so- crap,” I said as I realized I’d be at the house with my Aunt Libby. Ashley had a troubled look on her face.

“Can you guys-“

“Of course,” Ashley said interrupting me. People just loved doing that.

“Frank,” I asked. He looked at me.

“Huh,” He said sounding confused. He was probably off in his own little world or something before.

“Are you going to stay at my house with me until my mom gets home,” I asked.

“Defiantly,” Frank replied. With in 10 minutes we reached my house. I sighed as put my hand on the door knob. Slowly I opened the door and walked in…Ashley and Frank followed. I went down the hall way to the left and made a right into my bed room.

“You guys can just set your book bags anywhere,” I said throwing my no homework filled book bag in the corner of the room. It was super hot in the house.

“Can we just sit outside? I mean I know it’s a little cool out but it’s just like dying in here,” Frank said throwing his sweater off. I nodded. We left our book bags in the room and went into the back and sat on the patio. A small breeze blew my Jet black hair into my face. I took a deep breath of the crisp fall air. I loved fall. Its not to hot and its not too cold and it usually cloudy.

“You know I threw that Frisbee perfectly and you didn’t catch it,” I said to Ashley as I crossed my legs.

“I wasn’t paying attention,” Ashley replied.

“Wait, what happened,” Frank asked looking at me then at Ashley then back at me then back at Ashley.

“We were practicing throwing Frisbees for ultimate Frisbee and I threw it perfectly and she didn’t catch it,” I explained to Frank.

“Yeah, instead it hit my shoulder,” Ashley added.

“That was funny,” I replied. Ashley just smirked and rolled her eyes. We sat there and talked for a few minutes until my aunt came up the stairs onto the patio. I turned around and looked up at her.

“Delilah, can I talk to you for a second,” She said. She used that innocent tone…probably because my friends were sitting right there. I looked at them and rolled my eyes. Not at them but because my Aunt was putting on that act.

“Sure,” I sighed getting up. I followed her into the house. The second she shut the door… oh boy.

“Room,” She said angrily. I quickly walked into my room. My aunt Libby followed me shutting the door behind her. I didn’t have any blinds on my window so she couldn’t have it so no one could see into my room and call the police. Well they couldn’t there was a tree right outside of my window.

I looked at my Aunt. She looked awfully mad. Her boyfriend probably broke up with her or something bad like that happened. When it did she took it out on me. She pushed me against the wall…hard. I winced.

“You can never do anything right,” She yelled. Oh, I probably didn’t say this but I was like her slave. Before I left to go to school I did the dishes.

“What did I do,” I asked. Aunt Libby glared at me.

“You’re supposed to let the dishes air dry! I don’t like using wet towels to wipe my hands on,” She yelled. Ugh… I did let the dishes air dry.

“There must be some other reason you hate me right now,” I yelled back.

“It’s your fault Nick broke up with me! Your entire fault,” She yelled. I pushed her off me.

“It’s not my fault he broke up with you at all! It’s your attitude that causes this,” I yelled back. Wrong thing to say.

“Excuse me,” My aunt said lowing her tone. I glared at her.

“Its. All. Your. Fault,” I said slowly. I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. If you’re guessing my Aunt just slapped me… you’d be correct.

“Don’t you ever tell me anything is my fault,” Aunt Libby warned. Well it was her fault. She had a new boyfriend every month. No lie. Every month she’d take it out on me.

“The only reason you say anything is my fault is because you’re jealous. Jealous you can’t get a boyfriend. You wanna know why you never had a boyfriend,” My aunt asked me as she pointed a finger at me. I just continued glaring. I loved my aunt, really I did…but why did she have to act like this?

“I’ll tell you why. Because you’re ugly. A potato is more beautiful than you’ll ever be,” She continued throwing nasty comments about how she thought I was ugly. I laughed for a second at the fact she compaired me to a potato. I knew she could come up with a better word than potato. After every else she said though, I wanted to cry. Her words were very offensive. There was one thing she said that totally set me off.

I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I walked up to my aunt and slapped her. We we’re fighting now. She pushed me up against my door harder than she pushed me up against my wall. She yelled at me.

“You don’t know me,” I screamed pushing her off me again. This time she went back super far and ran into my book shelf. Aunt Libby stormed over to me and grabbed my arms… tight too, and she pulled me away from my door and slammed me into it with my side. I struggled to get out of the grip. I screamed and begged her to stop. I moved back so I wasn’t hitting the door. It’s not like slamming up against the wall is any different.

This time she used all of her strength and slammed me into the wall. I blacked out.

Ashley’s POV

I heard screams coming from inside the house. Frank looked at me in fear.

“Come on,” I said springing up from the floor. Frank hopped up. We ran into the house. Thumping came from behind Delilah’s wall. Then it was quiet. A few seconds later it sounded like something was being dragged across the floor and thrown onto the bed.

I looked over at Frank who looked like he was scared to death about the noises. With in about 1 in a half minutes the door opened. Libby blocked the way so we couldn’t see inside Delilah’s room.

“Oh, hello,” She said kindly, “I was just about to give you your book bags. Delilah is super tired. I was telling her how her mother would be working late and she got mad. She really loves her mother.”

Most of that was a lie. I knew it. I took Frank’s book bag From Libby’s hand. I took mine and rolled my eyes.

“Come on, Frank, Let’s go,” I said pushing him down the hallway. I didn’t look forward, but backward at Libby. I glared. Frank and I left the house.

“She lies,” I said. Frank didn’t say anything.

“Why doesn’t she just tell her mom,” I added. I looked at Frank. His eyes were focused on the cold concrete sidewalk. The walk back to my house was quiet until I actually said “bye” to Frank.

“Bye,” Frank mumbled. He was acting strange.

“See you tomorrow or something,” I added. Frank just nodded and walked away. There was something wrong with him. He was deeply disturbed… and I think I knew why.

Frank’s POV

I walked by myself down the side walk. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I let a tear roll down my face. No one deserves to live like Delilah. I mean her aunt yells at her for something Delilah didn’t even do. Every time some how Delilah ends up getting hurt. She’s so strong about it.

Honestly to tell you the truth I think I love her. I don’t know.

Delilah’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock across from my bed. It was 9:00. I sat up and rubbed my head. I looked over to my right.

“Gerard,” I said sleepily. He smiled.

“Sup,” I asked.

“Oh nothing. You know just waiting for you to wake up,” he replied. Gerard was like a father to me ever since my real one died. He was always there. Gerard sat down at the foot of my bed.

“Your mom’s home,” Gerard informed me. I smiled.

“Awesome,” I said. He just smirked. I leaned forward to give him a hug but as soon as I stretched out my right arm it killed.
I closed my eyes tightly and let a tear tail down my cheek.

“What,” Gerard asked sounding concerned.

“My arm kills,” I replied. I threw my head back onto my pillow.

“Tell your mom,” Gerard said.

“You tell her,” I replied. Gerard sighed.

“I can’t Delilah, You know I’m not really here,” Gerard reminded me. He seemed so real.

“Mom,” I called. My mom ran into the room.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong,” She said giving me a hug.

“OUCH,” I yelled. My mom backed off.

“What,” she said.

“I think my arms broke mom. It kills,” I replied. My mom rushed me to the hospital. I was right… my arm was broke. The doctors were suspicious about the burses on my body. They asked my mom if she had ever beaten me recently. My mother told them she didn’t and she had no idea who did. I wanted to scream out Aunt Libby but by the way my mom looked at me its like she already knew.

“She… she got beat up in school…her aunt had to go pick her up” My mom lied. The doctors believed her and let us go. I left with a cast on my arm.

(3:00 AM)

My mom and I got home. I ate and then I ran into my room and called up Ashley and Frank. I knew they weren’t up but my mom was already in bed and so was my aunt so they wouldn’t hear me talking on the phone. I grabbed a blanket and went out side on the patio.

I sat on of the chairs and folded my legs then dialed Frank’s number.

"Hello?" Frank asked sleepily.

"Frank, it's Dee," I replied.

"Delilah, are-"

"Hold on I have to call Ashley I’ll put you on 3 way," I said inturrupting him. I dialed Ashley’s number. It rang a few times.

"Hello?" Ashley said the same way Frank had before.

"Hey, Ash. It’s Dee," I informed her.

"And Frank," Frank added.

"And Frank," I repeated.

"Delilah, I would love to talk to you right now, but I have a wedding to go to tomorrow that I’m standing up in. Remember?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, yeah sorry," I whispered.

"It’s okay. I’ll call you when I’m done getting ready," Ash replied.

"Okay," I said. Ashley hung up.

"So, I guess it’s just us two, huh," Frank said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Delilah, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I blacked out and when I woke up I found out my arm was broke."


"Dude, my Aunt beat me and slammed me into the wall making me break my arm and all you can say is 'I wanna sign first'?” I asked with a slight laugh.

"Sorry. I will be. I’ll come over tom- today and maybe we can go for a walk or something and talk about it. I’ll bring a sharpie."

"Aww. You see Frank this is why I," I said, pausing.

"This is why you," Frank said trying to make me finish.


"Love me?"

"This is why I let you sign my cast first," I lied.

"Alright?" Frank replied.

"Okay, well I’m super tired," I said.

"Dude, you just woke up."

"I don't care! I’m tired!"

"Alright. See you later then."


"Bye," said Frank.

"Bye," I replied.

I hung up the phone and went back into the house. I dragged my feet across the wood floor boards into my room. I changed into my pajamas, turned the lights off, and hopped back in bed.

“Good night,” Gerard said. He smiled.

“Night,” I said. With in no time I was sleeping. It was going to be a long 6 weeks.