Angel Don't You Cry


Delilah’s POV

“DELILAH,” Frank called, “Delilah, wait!”

He ran after me as I ran away from him. He had left that other girl in the dust. I shook my head and tears ran down my face. I reached the exit of the building when Frank finally caught up to me. He grabbed my shoulder. Quickly I turned around as tears ran down my face. “Delilah, wait. Please” he pleaded. I shook my head. “Frank, let go” I snapped pulling away from him. I back out of the door and opened the car door. “Go” I commanded as I got in. Ashley and my Aunt were waiting. I took one last look back at Frank as he stood there. That ‘come back’ face didn’t faze me as much as it used to. I watched him stand there as he watched the car I sat in, drive away.

“How’s Frank getting home” Ashley asked looking out the back window. I shrugged. “I told him to take the bus” I replied.

“Why,” Ashley questioned.

“It doesn’t matter” I said. Ashley looked at me with a confused look. “It doesn’t matter, okay? It’s history” I added. My Aunt looked back at me as we waited at a stop light. “Delilah, you’re mom isn’t coming home today. They thought the stitches would come out today but they’re not ready” she informed. I sighed and banged my head on the widow letting it rest there. “Okay” I muttered. She would never come home if they keep changing their minds about things.

“Okay now will you tell me what happened?” Ashley asked. I sat on the chair in my room as she sat on my bed. “Ash, did I ever tell you how I felt about Frank” I asked.

“No… but I’ll take a wild guess.”

“Okay then what is it?”

“You love him.”

“Ugh… well yeah-“

“I knew it… okay so what happened?”

I explained what happened. She hugged me, “Aww. Dee… it’s okay” she cooed. “I know” I
said. I lied. I knew it wasn’t okay. I knew he liked me.

Frank’s POV

I quietly entered the house. Well… I tried. “Hi, Frank” My mom greeted. She looked up at me. “Frank… we’re you-“

“Whatever Mom, it doesn’t matter.”

“Frank Anthony Thomas Iero” my dad snapped looking away from the hockey game that flashed on the TV screen. “Sorry” I mumbled as I ran up the stairs. I slammed my door behind me as I stormed in my room. I took my cell phone off the charger and scrolled down my phonebook list. “Come on man… where are you” I whispered. I found his name and
pressed the green call button.


“Hey man, it’s Frank… I need to talk to you.”


I explained everything to him. I couldn’t tell if he was listening or not but I had to tell someone.

“What do I do,” I concluded.

“Well… I know you probably haven’t tried to talk to her since. But tomorrow or something go over to her house and explain to her what was going on.”

“She’ll slam the door in my face. Dude, I know her.”

“Then knock on her door again. Hold the door. Quickly say sorry and she’ll stop trying to close the door… just explain yourself.”

“Can’t I just tell her in school?”

“Yeah you could do that too.”

“Awesome okay man thanks.”

“No problem.”

Delilah’s POV

(October 30th YYYY)

“Hey! Delilah right,” A boy asked as he ran up to me. I nodded. “Sorry about your mom” he said. “Thanks” I replied. He wasn’t the first one to run up to me and say that. I started messing with my lock trying to get it open. The dark brown haired boy watched and said something… I was too busy trying to remember my combination to hear what he had to say. I pulled on the lock to see if it would open. It didn’t. “Dang it” I mumbled. “Delilah” he asked. “Huh” I grunted. “I asked if you wanted to go and hang out with me and my friends” he said.

“No,” Gerard said, “they just feel bad.”

Yeah but they wanted to make me feel better. I honestly didn’t care whether or not they felt bad. They offered to make me feel better… I couldn’t just say no.

“Ugh…” I said slowly still thinking about it. “Well did you want to,” the boy asked.

“Wait what’s your name,” I asked.

“Marcus” the boy replied.

“Marcus,” I repeated, “I don’t know how to accept your offer. I mean you know I’d love to but-“
“Great see you after school then.”


“Bye” Marcus said walking away. He brushed past Frank how was coming in my direction. I sighed and continued to try to open my lock. “9-11-21” said Frank as he slowed to a stop next to me. I tried it. The lock popped open. I opened my lock and wasn’t able to see Frank’s Face. “I’m sorry” he said. I didn’t say anything and just put things away in my locker. “I wasn’t thinking she just kind of just talked me into it. I didn’t know you were right there,” he continued. I sighed and hung my jacket up on the small metal hook that was screwed into the metal sides on the lock itself. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he said. I sighed once more and closed my lock and put the lock back on it. Then I turned and look at Frank. “Maybe we could like hang out after school or something” he added. “Sorry I’m busy… I’m going to hang out with people after school” I replied and then I walked away. I didn’t even look back at him.

Frank’s POV

Hang out? With who? That guy was talking to her be- that guy! She doesn’t even know the dude all that well. I groaned and opened my locker which was right next to Delilah’s. I looked over to see if Delilah had walked away completely. Lucky she didn’t but unfortunately she was talking to different people and laughing. They were going to change her… I could tell. I knew Ashley didn’t want that to happen… I definitely didn’t want that to happen. I showed no expression as I looked at watched her gossip and be social with other people. People who only felt bad for her they didn’t want to be her friends. Then again if they didn’t want to be friends then why would they try to make her feel better? Well they felt bad. This just confused me even more. Maybe they really did want to be her friends. No. I knew now… they don’t like Delilah but they just want to make her feel better but they don’t mean it because it’s just a set up and they’re going to make her look like a fool in front of her self. And if they didn’t do that then they would just pretend to be her friends and go talk about her behind her back. Either way she’d get hurt. The problem was, she already hurt. I hurt her. I felt stupid, completely stupid. I mean Ashley wasn’t mad at me. But Delilah, of course, was the one that would tell her to pick sides. She hasn’t done that before- so I take that back. Delilah was the kind of person that wouldn’t be mad at her friend for being friends with some she hates. This whole thing just confused me.

(After school)

I’ve tried to talk to Delilah all day in school. It didn’t work. She just walked off. I didn’t know if she would ever forgive me.

Delilah’s POV

“So… where are we going,” I asked. 4 of us walked down the street. Me, that Marcus kid and two other guys. Their names were something like Brett and Matt. Brett had a sandy brownish color hair and dark brown eyes. He was probably like 6 inches taller than me. As for Matt he had blond hair with Green eyes. He was about 4 inches taller than me. The guys shrugged. “Starbucks,” Brett suggested. I agreed along with matt and Marcus. Starbucks it was. Nothing really big happened at starbucks. “Dude, what do we do now,” Matt asked. I smiled. “We could go over to my house” I suggested. The guys liked that idea. So we left starbucks and went to my house. My Aunt looked at me funny. “Who are these guys,” She asked. “My friends” I replied.

“Oh… I didn’t know you had friends.”

“Whatever” I answered. I lead the guys into my room.

“Nice place you got here” Marcus commented.

“Thank you” I said.

He nodded.

“So…” Brett said slowly.

“What do we do now,” asked Matt.

“Ugh… I don’t know I mean I have a play station… I don’t have a lot of games but I have a play station” I pointed out.

“Like what games?”

“Ugh… Guitar Hero, that ATV game, the nightmare before Christmas game, Harry Potter, Tomb Rater-“

“Tomb rater” Marcus exclaimed. The other guys agreed. Soon they were playing Tomb Rater. I stole it from my cousin. Don’t tell anyone.

Frank’s POV

I kept calling Delilah’s Cell phone and I kept texting her but she ignored it. Every time the same message would come up. “Hey you’ve reached Delilah. Unfortunately I can’t get to the phone or I saw your number and don’t want to talk to you. For those who I can’t get to I’m deeply sorry just leave your name and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP as for those who I just don’t want to talk to… hang up now.”

I know long message. Ash and I told her she has to change it but she won’t.
The only way I could talk to her was to go over her house after I finished my home work.

Delilah’s POV

“Alright, guys I’ll see you tomorrow then” I said. I waved as they walked down the steps. They all said bye and agreed that they would talk to me tomorrow. I closed then door and started to walk to my room. We we’re going to see my mom today. Her friends were going in to see her. My Aunt Libby grabbed my shoulder. I turned around. “Please… not now…” I begged.
“Delilah I’m not going to do anything… but I’ll be nice just this once and let you off the hook for inviting your friends over with out asking me.”

“I bring my friends over all the time with out asking.”

“And that whole time I’ve been holding it back.”

“Oh… okay” I replied. Just looking into her eyes reminded me of that one day when Frank was over. When she knocked him unconscious. She was drunk. That was the one reason he was passed out on the floor. She was strong when she was drunk. I remember that earlier that day we went to the park. I missed Frank dearly but I thought he knew how I felt about him. I thought he knew. “I’ve got a lot on my mind, can I go now,” I asked. Aunt Libby let go of my shoulder and I walked into my room.

Thoughts of Frank kept running though my head. I hated it. I didn’t want to think about him but I couldn’t help it.

I finished my homework in about 15 minutes…we didn’t have a lot. But as I did my home work I put Forgotten by Avril Lavigne on repeat. And yes… I sang along.

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

I'm giving up on everything

Because you messed me up

Don't know how much you

Screwed it up

You never listened

That's just too bad

Because I'm moving on

I won't forget

You were the one that was wrong

I know I need to step up and be strong

Don't patronize me

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Have you forgotten

Everything that I wanted

Do you forget it now

You never got It

Do you get it now

Yea yea yea yea yea

Yea yea yea yea yea

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah

Gotta get away

There's no point in thinking about yesterday

It's too late now

It won't ever be the same

We're so different now

Yea yea yea yea yea

Have you forgotten

Everything that I wanted

Do you forget it now

You never got It

Do you get it now

I know I wanna run away

I know I wanna run away

Run away

If only I could run away

If only I could run away

Run away

I told you what I wanted I

I told you what I wanted

What I wanted

But I was forgotten

I won't be forgotten

Never Again

Have you forgotten

Everything that I wanted

Do you forget it now

You never got It

Do you get it now

Have you forgotten

Everything that I wanted

Do you forget it now

You never got It

Do you get it now


Yeah yeah yeah


Yeah yeah yeah


Yeah yeah yeah


Yeah yeah yeah

Frank’s POV

I ran out of the door as soon as I finished my home work. I had to talk to Delilah. The more I waited the worse things got. The air nipped at my nose and my finger tips. I didn’t put a jacket on… all I had was a hoodie. It wasn’t a thick hoodie either… the air went right though it. This made my arms cold but that didn’t slow me down. Half way to Dee’s house I started to slow down. I had to catch my breath. She didn’t live right down the street… she lived around the corner. But me being in the middle of the street and Delilah living near the end of her street it was long.

I walked up the steps to Delilah’s door and knocked. Her Aunt opened it a few seconds later. “Ugh is Delilah home,” I asked. Libby smiled. “Yes she is” she replied. She let me in. “She’s in her room. Can you tell her I have to go out,” Libby asked me. I nodded. “Thanks” she said as she grabbed her purse. She put her jacket on quickly and walked out of the house. I was trembling as I walked down the dark hallway to Delilah’s room. The candles weren’t lit. I thought her mom was coming home. Then I remember Ash told me she wasn’t until next month. The only light I had was from the kitchen on the other side of the house.
I reached Dee’s door and knocked. “What” I heard her say. I didn’t say anything. I turned the door knob and walked in. Delilah turned her head away from her book bag. She zipped her book bag up and got up from her desk. “You just won’t give up will you” she asked. “Your aunt said she had to go out,” I informed her.

“She would. Did she tell you to watch me so I don’t run away?”

“No… Delilah I came over here on my own. I want to talk to you.”

“Well you’ve been calling my phone and I haven’t been answering so apparently I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Please just let me explain.”

“What is there to explain? I poured my heart out on stage and I find out that you left. I get proved innocent and you’re not there you’re off making out with some girl you just met. What else is there to explain?”

“A lot more than that… Delilah I’m sorry.”

“You should be.”

“Would you just let me explain? I feel bad enough!”

“Well then go! Don’t let me stop you!”

“You’re right I didn’t even know the girl! She just… just…”

“Exactly! Frank, you meant to do that. That’s why you were whispering to her and making her laugh! That’s why you-“

“That’s why I ran after you! That’s why instead of taking the metro bus home I walked! That’s why I’m giving you your money back!”

“So what? That doesn’t mean anything!”

“Delilah yes it does!”

“Then what does it mean?”

“It means that… that…”

“‘That’ what, Frank?”

“Delilah, it’s because I love you!”

Delilah smiled, “I hate that I love you so much.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You should” she replied. I held her in my arms and gently pressed my lips against hers. I didn't have to kiss that other girl... I wanted to. But I realized I was wrong. That kiss I gave the other girl meant nothing. The kiss I was giving Delilah... that... that was something.