Angel Don't You Cry

Halloween II

Delilah's POV

(October 31 YYYY)

“Delilah! Where are you going,” Frank whispered. The old floor board of the abandon house creaked as he walked closer to me. Quickly I looked over my shoulder at him. “Shh,” I said. Frank sighed. I tip toed to the old, paint chipped door. I took shallow breaths as I reached for the door knob.

“Dee, don't,” Frank warned. I jumped and quickly turned around as I gasped. He scared me. A strong gust of wind made the old house sway side to side. I bit my lip as the sudden movement made a vase, which must have been sitting on the old wooded table for years, fall.

My shallow breath became shallower as the glass shield of the pictures left on the wall began to crack. My heart nearly stopped. Quickly, Frank sprinted over to me and pulled me away from the door as its knob started turning. I looked at the door knob as it turned while Frank was pulling me away.

We ran to the front door that wasn’t far from where we were standing.

“Open it,” I said panicking. Frank pulled and pulled on the door knob but the door wouldn’t open.

“Open it,” I cried.

“I can’t,” Frank replied still tugging on the door knob. Pulling on it wasn’t going to do anything but break the door. I pushed Frank aside and tried opening it my self.

“Move,” I commanded. I got more and more frustrated as I pulled on it. The old iron doorknob broke off in my hands. Of course, like before, pulling on it wasn’t going to open the door.

“No,” I whispered. Frank and I turned around at the sound of a door opening. The door I was about to open creaked as it moved.

“Come on,” Frank yelled grabbing my arm. He dragged me into what looked like it would be a front room. Old sheets were spread out over the furniture.

It’s like on the x-files I thought.

“Frank, the windows are boarded up,” I pointed out. Frank looked around quickly still panicking. I couldn’t blame him. We could hear the foot steps from the hallway Frank and I had been before. I had no idea what to do. There was no way out.

“Delilah,” Frank whispered turning to me, “We’re going to run up the stairs in the hallway okay. Pay no attention to anything else just try to get to the attic.”

“What,” I asked. Attic? Oh, he so owes me. The foot steps sounded as if they were getting closer to the stairs.

“Go,” Frank commanded pushing me into a running start. I heard him follow me as I ran up the stairs, successfully getting past the shadow that had come out from be hind that stupid door. The shaking of the house made both of us trip up the stairs but get immediately back up on our feet.

Doors flung open as we ran down halls to get to the next flight of stairs. I screamed each time they did. I couldn’t hear anything but Frank kept running on my feet so apparently I had to keep moving.

We reached the top floor… At least I think it was the top floor. There were no more stair cases to run up. Thank the lord. But then I realized,

“Where do we go?”

Frank was focused on something else though. I didn’t know where he was looking.

“Pull that string,” Frank said pointing to the string above my heard. I looked up. Oh. That’s what he was looking at. I pulled the thin sting making the door on top open. Which I didn’t even know there was one. With that a latter slid down as if it were attached to the door. I climbed up the latter right away, and Frank followed.

The widows up here weren’t boarded up at all but the glass still remained unharmed. Witch I found kind of wired. A quick yet harsh shake of the house made both of us fall. I slowly backed into a corner close to the windows as the creaking of the upstairs floor boards moved towards the latter. Frank ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He shook dramatically.

We watched as a figure of all black appeared on the attic’s floor. It moved quickly, though. It move from one side of the room to another. My heart was nearly pounding out of my chest.

Grime from the roof fell upon the floor as the shaking grew harsher and faster. The shadow appeared in front of us as quickly gained color of a man who must have been in his thirties. His eyes filled with rage as he looks at me. I clutched Franks arm as he glared. I must have lost all color cause’ I was feeling faint. Words started to appear on the floor where the dust and grime lay as if it were being written by a finger.

I read out loud taking a breath before each word.

“I… don’t… care… any…more.”

I looked back up at the man. Care about what? This ghost guy not only made me scared but he confused the heck out of me. Both mine and Frank’s breathing got heavier as the man look up at the roof. He laughed and disappeared. I looked at Frank.

He himself was completely white even though it was hard to see in the dark. The chimney on the other side of the room collapsed making the roof fall and the floor give out towards us.

“I love you, Delilah,” Frank yelled quickly pulling me closer to him. We screamed as the floor below us gave out. I screamed and cried as I fell and then it was silent.

“Ow,” I said getting up. I looked around. I didn’t see the old house. It didn’t see its remains. I didn’t see anything but white fluff.

“What the-“I murmured. There was nothing around. Nothing but white fluff.

“Frank,” I called as I carefully stepped around. I looked down at my feet at the touch of the what-ever-it-was. I had no shoes on.

“Dude someone stole my shoes,” I exclaimed. I heard a small laugh. I turned around.

“Dad,” I asked the stranger. The man smiled.

“Lila, sweetie,” He said opening his arms. Only my dad called me that so it had to be him. I screamed in excitement and ran over to him giving him a hug. I felt a wing like thing on his back.

“Dad, where am I,” I asked as I opened my eyes. He had wings. WINGS! Where the heck was I?

“Delilah… sweet heart… you are in the best place in the world. Or… if it can even be considered on earth at all. But sweetie, you’re in Heaven.”

“I’m in where? I can’t be,” I said.

My father’s eyes got big as he looked at something then back at me.

“Delilah we can’t stay here right now… follow me,” he said pulling me into a big fluff wall. There was every thing behind this “fluff wall”. Every thing you need to live. It looked exactly like the way our old house did.

“Dad, what’s going on,” I asked.

“Delilah… I can’t believe I didn’t notice before but… you have black wings and a red dress,” he said softly.

“I have wings,” I asked looking behind me. I saw nothing but a big black feather blanket. Also call wings.

“Oh, look at that,” I said slowly.

“Listen black wings are not a good thing,” Dad said.


“If you have black wings up here but you have a white dress that means its okay. But since you have a blood red dress… you’re an intruder.”

“A who? I didn’t even- wait I’m dead?”


“Oh… okay… well… intruder what are you talking about?”

“It means you don’t belong up here. You belong with… with…”

“The… devil?”


“Oh… but why? I didn’t do anything.”

“I know. But Delilah you have to get out of here.”


“I’m sorry… I hate to do this,” My dad said as he stomped his foot next to mine.
I could feel my self falling. I screamed as I got closer to the ground. I looked up once more at my dad. He looked hurt for letting me go.

I didn’t even feel the collision with the ground. I looked at my feet. I had shoes on again. I still had my old torn jeans on and my black and white stripped shirt on, still in the wreckage of the old house.

I saw Frank. He was holding someone in his arms and crying. Suddenly a big bolt of lightning hit the tree. It started falling towards Frank and the person he was holding.

“FRANK,” I yelled. I ran as fast as I could to try and reach Frank. But just as I was about 5 feet away the tree was ready about to crush him. I leaped and found out that I was in the path of a tree branch.

“NO,” I screamed sitting straight up. I looked around. I was back in my nice warm room. My covers were over my legs keeping me comfortable. Every thing was where I had left it. No one came in to ask me how I was or what happened.

I jumped as my cell phone rang. I grabbed it from under my pillow where I usually had it and looked at the caller ID.

“Hello,” I asked.

“Hey, you ready,” Ashley asked.


“Yeah. It’s Frank’s birthday.”

“Ashley, we have school.”

“No we don’t… the school blew up.”


“Yeah so we should go over to Frank’s house… you know?”

“Yeah… I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

“Okay, well just come over when you’re done.”


“Okay bye.”


I hung up my phone and looked at the clock.

“9:50,” I groaned, “I want to sleep in!”

I got out of bed and took a really quick shower. Which is hard for me to do, I usually take at least half an hour in the shower. Today it took 10 minutes. I got dressed faster than usual. I was out the door by about 10:15.

Ashley and I got to Frank’s house at about 10:20. Frank was still sleeping.

“See if you didn’t call me so early I’d be sleeping too,” I whispered as we sat down on the couch in Frank’s living room. Even though I probably still would have been up after that stupid nightmare. Ashley and I talked to Frank’s mom for few minutes.

“So the boiler b-“

“NO,” we heard someone yell. Mrs. Iero ran up the stairs. When she came back down she told us Frank was up and that he was getting ready.

When Frank did come down stairs it took us forever to figure out what we were going to do. But eventually we figured something out.