Angel Don't You Cry

Where were you?

Delilah’s POV

(October 31, YYYY)

Frank and Ashley went home and so did I.

“Oh, Delilah,” Gerard sighed.

“Oh, Gerard,” I replied, “where were you this morning?”

“What,” he asked.

“I woke up after having a bad dream and you weren’t there,” I told him. Gerard sighed.

“I was just… not there,” he replied. He hung his head letting is silky black hair fall into his face as if he were trying to hide from me. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets and sighed.

“Gerard, are you serious,” I asked, “you know I’m nosey, and I need to know where you are.”

“I’m in your head. You just didn’t want me to be there. So I wasn’t,” he explained.

“I didn’t want you to be there? Gerard… I need you. Why would I not want you in my head,” I asked. I sat down on my bed. Gerard sat next to me and put his arm around me.

“Dee, I don’t know. But listen,” he said, gently turning my head so I was looking at him, “I’m always there for you. I’ll never let you get hurt.”

I smiled. I went to hug him but I just ended up falling on to my bed. I sat up again and looked around. Where the heck did he go now?

“DELILAH,” I heard my drunken aunt call. I rolled me eyes and put my comic book down on my night stand. I went out into the front room and saw her standing there looking mad as ever. Yes, she was drunk… but she was probably the angriest looking drunk on the face of the earth. It didn’t scare me though. Okay, so maybe it did. I’ve never seen her so mad before.

“Y-yeah,” I asked nervously. She stormed over to me and clutched me shoulder… hard. I started to feel her nails digging into my skin. I tried not to cry. I tried hard not to cry.

“It’s your fault,” she yelled, “your fault! Rebecca is in the hospital because of you and your stupid friends! You just had to go spy on her!”

“It’s not like you cared about her anyway,” I mumbled. Aunt Libby slapped me in my face super hard. I looked back up at her, still trying to hold back tears.

“She’s my sister… of course I care about her!”

I didn’t dare say anything. She tossed me around the house. She started throwing me into walls, tables, and lamps. She even beat me with a frying pan. I fought back after that. I didn’t do much. But with one punch and shove into the wall, I passed out.

Ashley’s POV

“Oh… well yeah we should ask Dee if she wants to go,” I said into the phone. \

“Took you long enough to get what I was saying,” Frank replied.

“I’ll call her,” I said.


“I’ll call you back and tell you what she says.”


“Okay, bye.”


I hung up the phone and punched in Delilah’s cell phone number. It rang… and rang… and rang. It must have rung for about one minute, and then her voice mail came on.

“Hey you’ve reached Delilah. Unfortunately I can’t get to the phone or I saw your number and don’t want to talk to you. For those who I can’t get to I’m deeply sorry just leave your name and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP as for those who I just don’t want to talk to… hang up now.” Beep

“Hey, Dee, it’s Ash. Frank and I wanted to know if you wanted to go to umm… the… some concert. The tickets are only $10 so. Yeah, just call me back when you get this. Okay bye.”

I called Frank back. “What’d she say,” he asked.

“She didn’t answer,” I sighed.

“Delilah? Not answer? Please.”

“She didn’t answer.”

“You’re not kidding?”


“Well I’ll try. Maybe she was in the bathroom or something.”

“Call me back when you’re done.”

“Alright, bye.”


Frank’s POV

“Hey you’ve reached Delilah. Unfortunately I can’t get to the phone or I saw your number and don’t want to talk to you. For those who I can’t get to I’m deeply sorry just leave your name and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP as for those who I just don’t want to talk to… hang up now.” Beep

“Dee, it’s Frank. I guess Ashley tried calling you before and you didn’t answer. Ugh… we just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a concert with us tomorrow. Tickets are $10. Alright well call one of us back when ever you get this.”

I sighed and hung up the phone; then I called Ashley back.

“Any answer,” she asked the second she picked up the phone.


“Wow. Usually she’d be up reading comic books or watching TV or-“

“You know she doesn’t watch TV.”

“What ever. But usually she’s up.”

“And if she was sleeping she’d answer.”

“She probably just doesn’t have her phone on her.”

“Well we’ll just text her or whatever. You can keep calling I’ll text her because my parents are taking me out to eat.”

“Where are they taking you? McDonalds?”

“No! Yes.”


“There’s no other place open this late!”

“Dairy queen.”

“You know what… shut up.”

“Well okay.”



“MOM, CAN WE GO TO DAIRY QUEEN,” I yelled down the stairs.

“Yeah,” she replied. I snickered to my self and went back in my room and put my shoes on.

“Dee,” I reminded my self, pulling out my phone. I quickly sent her a text message.

Dee you OK?

I sighed and closed my phone and ran down the stairs. I kept texting her just incase she didn’t get the first few 1,000.

Ashley’s POV

Every voice mail I left her I started sounding more nervous.

“Delilah, it’s Ashley again. For the like… 1,000th time. Ugh I just wanted to know if you’re okay because you always answer your phone and your not now and I know there’s no one out trick-or-treating anymore. And I’m positive you’re not sleeping. Just call me back and let me know you’re alright. Alright, bye. Even though I’ll pro-“

“Ashley, go to bed,” my dad said opening up the door.

“Or not… just let me know you’re okay.”

A few minutes later after I got ready and hopped in bed I got a text message from Frank. I felt relieved when I heard the sound meaning I got a text message thinking it was Dee. But I was a little disappointed when I saw it wasn’t.

Did you reach her? the text message read.

No, you?


I’m getting a little scared.

I’m sure she’s alright.

What if she’s not?

Then I guess we’ll never know.

Well, maybe we should keep trying to call her and stuff.

You’re lucky I have free texting.

Haha sorry.

That’s alright

Just keep texting her.

My fingers hurt! And when she opens her phone and see she has… 90 new messages
asking if she’s OK she’ll be pretty mad.

Then don’t text her

She probably can’t receive anymore text messages.

The call her!

Then she’ll have like, 700 voice messages asking if she’s alright.

So what?! Call her anyway!

Alright, alright, alright.

And you’re not Mr. Cos.

Mr. Cos. was our English teacher. He always was like, “Alright, alright, alright.”

Ha, ha you’re funny.

Aren’t I?


Shut up and call.

I will! Stop texting me so much.


Frank’s POV

I called Delilah like Ash told me to. I left her a few voice messages. I called her one more time before I went to bed. I, too, was a little scared.

Delilah’s POV

(November 1st YYYY)

“Are you alright,” Gerard asked when I opened my eyes.

“Hmmm,” I grunted sleepily. I started sitting up. Gerard rushed over and helped me.

“Are. You. Okay,” he repeated. I bit my lip as I stood up on to my feet and nodded.

“Ow,” I whispered in pain. Gerard sighed. Before he could say anything my Aunt Libby walked into the kitchen and Gerard disappeared.

“It’s about time you got up,” she said in a harsh tone.

“Yeah,” I mumbled walking away.

“Oh… come on,” I exclaimed, looking in the mirror in the bathroom. I had dried blood on the side of my face and coming from my nose. My mouth looked like it had been bleeding, too. I looked at the wall clock we had in the bathroom that read 11:34. I rolled my eyes and decided to take a shower. I hurt just to move but I had to deal with it.

“You know how annoying it was getting from hearing your phone ring,” Gerard asked as he sat on my bed. I put my brush down and grabbed my phone off of my night stand. I had to check my voice mail first though.






“Come on, Ash! How many times are you gonna call,” I said to myself. Gerard laughed.






I must have listened to like 90 voice messages from her.





That was fun. I felt bad though. They both sounded pretty worried. I read all the text messages from Frank. They all said the same thing. “Are you okay?”

I thought it would probably be a good idea to call them up and let them know I was… alright. I though I’d call Ash though because she sounded like a nervous wreck.

“Hello,” she asked after a few rings.

“Hi,” I replied.

“Dee,” questioned Ashley.


“You okay?”


“Why didn’t you answer last night? Frank and I tried calling you and texting you last night.”

“I saw that…”

“So why didn’t you answer?”

“Listen, call Frank. I don’t want to have to explain it twice. I’ll be right over.”