Angel Don't You Cry

It's not your fault.

Frank’s POV

All I could think about that night was Delilah. With her Aunt Libby coming home and beating the hell out of her. I don’t even know how she would have found out unless they called her cell phone. They probably did, too. So now everything in my mind was worse. I tried not to think about it while I tried to go to sleep. But it didn’t work.

I cried my self to sleep that nigh. Not just because my best friend’s mom just died, but because my best friend was next.

Delilah’s POV

“Delilah Roxanne Hanson,” an angry voice shouted.

“Libby,” Gerard and I whispered, looking up from the box to look at each other with terrified looks one our faces. I was wrong… she was coming home tonight. I quickly closed the box and shoved the key in my pocket. Gerard helped me up and I put the box back in the drawer. Just as I started closing it Aunt Libby was standing in the door way.

“No,” I whispered as softly as I could. Quickly I closed the drawer completely.

I looked back at her. Her face was beat red and twisted into the angriest look I’ve ever seen. Her eye’s filled with fury and fire and her fingers curled tightly into the palm of her hands. Anybody who saw this would be scared out of sanity, or at least break down and cry. I was tired, upset, and weak. I couldn’t fight her.

“This is your entire fault,” She screamed, storming towards me. What wasn’t my fault?

“You fucking slut, bitch ass,” she cursed dragging me out of my mom’s room by my shirt. She slammed the door shut behind her, and shoved me against the wall while grasping my neck. I held on to her arm with both of my hands.

“Please, no,” I cried.

Ashley’s POV

I got birds in my ears and a devil on my shoulder and a ph-

“Hello,” I answered my cell phone, sleepily.

“Ashley,” Frank’s voice said.

“Frank, what do you want,” I asked.

“I can’t get back to sleep,” he replied.

“Bad dream?”



“Delilah. Ashley we have to help her.”

“Frank, it was a dream… go back to sleep.”

“Ashley, she needs our help. Are you with me?”


“Great… I’ll meet you at your house.”


“Ugh Frank,” I repeated, “He hung up on me… how rude. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.”

I threw a pair of jeans on along with a hoodie. I quietly tip toed out of my room and wait out side for Frank. He was there 4 minutes later. We ran down the block to get to Delilah’s house. We had to hide behind trees as cars passed by.

“We’re here. See everything’s f-,” I started until I heard a soft scream from inside. Frank looked at me.

“Not fine,” he said.

Delilah’s POV

Aunt Libby choke slammed me on the floor several times. I tried pushing her off me but she was too strong. She grabbed my arm and threw me at the wall. I tried defending my self by kicking and punching but she didn’t seem to feel anything. I could feel blood running down my chin and from the side of my face. Aunt Libby grabbed my shoulders, pinching them in her hands, and slammed my body against the wall a few times.

“You did this! It’s your fault! I hate you, little faggot! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck,” she yelled. Each slam got harder and harder.

“Stop! Please! Stop,” I pleaded.

She let go of my shoulders and punched me in my face. The force made me fall and hit my head on the night stand. I wasn’t knocked unconscious, though. Aunt Libby kicked me hard. Extremely hard. I tried crawling towards the door.

I’ll be safe with Frank and Ashley, I thought. Then Libby (I’m going to call her Libby from now on. I find it hard to believe she’s my mom’s sister) Grabbed my leg and dragged me across the living room floor.

“No! Please,” I screamed.

“Yes,” Libby hollered.

She picked me up, literally, so I was above her head. She threw me into the kitchen. I hit the refrigerator. The magnets fell off and hit me in my head, along with a few things on the top of it. Still concuss, I opened up the cabinet under the counter and grabbed a frying pan out of it, just to block the punches. I held it up as she approached me, calling me nasty names. She snatched the pan out of my hand and whipped it at me. I blocked my face with my arms.

“Stop,” I cried softly.

I noticed Libby was walking towards the stove, which I had on because I was going to make my self a hot drink. The water in the kettle was boiling hot and whistling. Libby turned the stove off and grabbed the kettle off of it by the handle. She took the top of it off and started walking towards me.

“You ruin everything,” she sneered, placing the bottom of the kettle on my arm. I screamed. “Please… don’t,” I said while shaking my head. She glared and tipped the kettle over my head. At its boiling point of 100 degrees, scorching hot water was poured over my body. And I screamed bloody murder.

Frank’s POV

“Come on,” I said running up the front steps. I tried opening the door, but it was locked.

“Shit,” I whispered, pushing on the door.

“Frank, it’s locked,” said Ashley.

“No shit, Smarty,” I replied, sarcastically. Ashley rolled her eyes.

“Back door,” she gasped, jumping off the porch. I followed her and ran to the back of the house. She tried opening the back door but that didn’t work either.

Then a man walked out of the kitchen with tears in his eyes. He had longish black hair and was very pale. He had on a black suit with a red tie and looked awfully familiar. The he noticed me and Ashley standing there. He had hazel colored eyes.

“Are you seeing this,” I asked nervously, nudging Ashley with my elbow.

“Mhm,” she squeaked.

He started walking towards the door and unlocked it.

“Hurry,” he said. Ashley and I steeped in the dinning room and heard Delilah screaming and crying. We looked at each other and then went to look back at the man. But he was gone. He vanished into thin air.

“Who the hell was that,” Ashley said weakly.

“I… I do- doesn’t matter! Come on,” I said, taking off towards the kitchen. I stopped right before I stepped foot in the kitchen to see red tinted water running towards the end of the narrow space between the door way and the counters across from it. I looked over and saw Libby standing over Delilah and hitting her with a hot kettle. Ashley peaked over my shoulder.

“Oh my god,” she whispered. I shook my head and charged at Libby. She hit the wall hard. I fought with her while Ashley did what ever she was doing.

Ashley’s POV

Frank fought with Dee’s aunt. I grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed 911.

“Hello, 911 emergency, please state your problem,” a man said on the other line.

“Please help! My best friend was just abused by her Aunt. And she’s fighting with my other friend! Please! She’s winning,” I cried.

“Address,” the man asked.

“138 Dell Avenue.”

“An ambulance and the police will be there soon, stay put.”

“Thank you! Bye,” I said quickly hanging up the phone.

I ran over to Delilah. She had cuts and burns and bruises all over her body.

“Shh, Delilah,” I cooed. She grabbed my shirt and looked up at me. Her face was covered in blood and water.

“Don’t let me die, too,” she cried.

I broke down and grabbed her hand, “I won’t, I promise.”