Angel Don't You Cry

Too much trouble

Delilah’s POV

Frank and Ashley left about half an hour later.

(Half an hour ago)

“Anyway, both of our parents kind of freaked out when we told them we were back at the hospital. So my dad is gonna come pick us up,” Frank said with a sigh.

“Oh… Okay. Well, I hope you guys don’t get in too much trouble,” I replied.

”We did it for you, so hopefully, you know, they’ll understand,” said Ashley.

When they did leave I turned to Gerard. I was going to say something to him but a nurse came in.

“Are things okay,” she asked, examining my gauze wrapped arm.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Good,” she replied, smiling. I smiled back.

“Alright, well Delilah,” the nurse said looking at the clip board on the end of my bed,
“We’ll have someone come in the later morning to change those bandages. Good-night, sweetie.”

“Good-night,” I replied. I scooted down my bed to I was laying flat on my back and pulled the covers up to my chin. The nurse smiled and turned off the lights and closed the door.

I bit my lip and gulped. I hated being in dark hospital rooms. Then I looked out the window. The moon was out and shining brightly. It’s silvery light shined into the small hospital room making chairs and other objects, cast dark and creepy shadows. But I knew they were only shadows, now that I was older.

When I was younger I used to cry when I saw the shadows, I thought they were monsters or that there was another person in my room. My dad would come in and tell me that they were only shadows. I didn’t believe him thought.

“They’re monsters,” I would sob. That’s when he would sit on my bed and run his long boney fingers though my hair and he would point every ‘monster’ out. He’d give them a name and tell me they were friendly and they were there to keep the mean monsters out. Soon I became friends with the monsters and would go to sleep with out a problem.

When my friends, who were no longer my friends, would sleep over I’d introduce them to my other friends, who were the monsters. I pointed out a shadow made by a corner by my door, and tell them that it was Sparky the friendly shark, since the shadow was a triangle and it reminded me of a shark fin.

I laid there look out the window at the moon. It reminded me so much of my parents. We were such night people and we’d go out for walks in the moonlight. Or when we went camping we’d go swimming in the lake right outside of our tent. We’d stay close to shore, though. Times when my mom and I would sit out on the top of the house talk about stuff. Like her wedding, or her honey moon. Or the night her and my father met. We’d talk about life and make fun of each other. We would just have some of the most fun times on nights like this.

That’s when I realized, I no longer had parents. I had no one but Gerard, Frank and Ashley. I would go home to an empty house now that Libby was in jail. I wasn’t going to sue her. I knew nothing about suing anyone because I was never the one in action. I was going to loose the house all my memories were in. Where my mom’s most valuable belongings were. I cried. Gerard sat on my bed and wiped every tear off my cheeks with out saying anything. Slowly I fell asleep and I didn’t even dream.

Frank’s POV

“Why the hell would you even think about sneaking out,” my dad yelled, as we drove home.

“Dad, Delilah was in trouble,” I replied, raising my voice a little bit.

“Mr. Iero, she could have died, though,” Ashley said though tears. She was a good girl. She never ran away from home or got detention in school. She always followed the rules; she was polite to most people; she never lied. Now her parents were going to kill her, all because of me.

“I understand,” my dad said lowing his voice so he wasn’t yelling, “But you guy’s know it’s not safe to be out this late. Lord knows what could happen.”

“But nothing happened. The only thing that happened is that Delilah got beaten and burned pretty badly,” I said. I looked out the window and watched as we passed by other cars and houses.

“Frank, I don’t care! You should have never snuck out! End of discussion,” my father replied.


“End of discussion!”

I sighed and shook my head.

What in the world has gotten into him? He cared about Delilah and would have been proud me and Ashley put our lives at risk just to save hers. I’d have to talk to my mom about it. And I hope she isn’t the same way.

Ashley’s POV

I didn’t know how I got into this at all. Well, I did. But it was never in my nature. I was a good girl, always. I would never run away from home or get detention in school. I always followed the rules; I’m polite to most people; I never lied. Now I was going to be beacon.

Soon we approached my house. I gulped as I got out.

“Ugh. T-thanks m- Mr. Iero,” I stuttered as I got out of the van.

“Sure,” he replied, using the nicest tone he could at this point. My parents were waiting on the porch. I sighed and closed the door and waved ‘good-bye’ to Frank. As I started walking away the vehicle sped down the street. I bit my lip, still slowly walking towards my house.

My mom’s hands were on her hips and my dad stood therewith his arms crossed. He almost looked like a security guard. I hated it when he looked like that. I always did. Soon I reached the first step. Then climbed to the second. Third. Fourth.

“Kitchen, now,” My mother said angrily, as I stepped on the fifth step. They moved said so I could walk in between them. I walked into my house and headed for the kitchen.

“Take a seat,” My dad barked, pointing to a chair. I quickly obeyed and sat down. They too, sat down.

“Explain,” said my mother.

I sighed. I wasn’t about to blame this all on Frank either. Meaning…

“I’m sorry. I had this feeling Delilah was in trouble. It was all my idea. I’m the one who called Frank and told him we had to help her,” I said quickly with the most serious look on my face. I might have never lied, but I was good at it.

“He was thinking the same thing. He said he was just about to call me. So we quickly planned it all out and we went to Delilah house. We were surprised the door was even open-“

“Wait. Why was Delilah in trouble,” My mom asked, her tired eyes widening.

“Well it wasn’t because of something she did,” I said.

“Okay, so she was in ‘help me,’ kind of trouble,” asked my dad. I nodded.

“Why,” asked my mom.

“I’m getting there,” I said. Now there was nothing to lie about.

And so I continued, “So we went in and her Aunt was like throwing punches at her and beating her with a hot tea kettle. Now let me tell you, this has gone on for years but it was never this bad. That’s how Delilah broke her arm and got those scratches and bruises.” I continued on with the story.

By the time I finished the expressions on my parents face we no longer angry expressions, but sympathetic expressions. They let me go to bed and told me everything was fine and that I wasn’t in trouble. They did tell me I was grounded for 2 days for lying, but whatever.

Frank’s POV

When I got home I told my parents everything, from Delilah talking about her mom saying ‘if she died young her aunt would get custody of her’, to now. They told me I wasn’t in trouble at all because I didn’t lie, and Ash and I saved our friend’s life. I wondered how Ash was doing anyway and if she told them everything.

That night as soon as I hit the pillow I fell asleep. This was too much action for one day.