Angel Don't You Cry


Delilah’s POV

“Frank! Frank! FRANK, DAMMIT,” I exclaimed trying to catch up to him. He just ignored me and kept walking. The girls walked along the sides of me as I struggled to reach Frank. He was pretty far a head of us. My ankle hurt, it stung actually. Frank knew I was hurt, so I couldn’t think of a reason why he was storming off.

“WHAT?” He yelled, turning around sharply.

“Friggin slow down,” I replied.

“Why?” Frank yelled. Frank never ever yelled at me. Never. I felt like I had done something completely wrong. Chances are is that I did. I was scared of a lot of things. Out of all of them, I found this the scariest. My response when I’m scared: never the best ones.

“Because, Frank, storming away from us isn’t going to help you find your parents,” I replied.

“Delilah, how would you know? Your parents are dead! Your ankle problem isn’t that bad, you’re just over reacting to it! A gash in your flesh isn’t going to slow me down his search for my parents is for me! The world doesn’t revolve around you, Delilah! You try to make everyone’s situations about you when it barely even involves you! For once, could you just care about anyone else that’s not you?”

I blinked. I was too shocked to cry. I was too shocked to say anything. I just stood there looking at Frank with a blank kind of stare.

There was an awkward silence. All I could hear was the sound of the rain, the zoom of the cars on wet pavement, the steady breaths of Jen and Ashley, and the fast beat of my heart. My cheeks started to burn, and I felt a lump in my throat. I felt like crying, but I didn’t want to start a scene.

“Go,” I said softly. Frank raised he eye brows and got a sorry look on his face.

“Delilah, I-“

“Go. Don’t worry about me. This is about you. Not me. I don’t want to slow you down,” I replied strongly, “Now, I know, is not the time for my ‘drama’.”

I took a deep breath and sucked it up. I tried walking solidly with out a limp, and with out having Ashley and Jen hold on to me. I pushed my way past Frank and stopped a few feet in front of him.

“Lead the way,” I said.

(Day 4)

“I’m starving,” Ashley groaned. Jen sighed and nodded. We continued walking down the street with the name of Poland Avenue. It was a long suburban street. My stomach began to hurt a little bit later, but I didn’t say anything. I’ve barely said a word since I told Frank to lead the way. I was too upset to even say anything.

Frank’s POV

“You girls wanna rest for a little bit,” I asked politely. They nodded. I had seen a sign about fifteen minutes ago that said there was a park that was close by. I told the girls that we’d be there in about five or ten minutes. They nodded.

Ashley and Jen walked behind me talking about stuff like boys and shopping. Talking about vacations they’ve taken. I looked back at every one and sometimes Dee would have a slight smirk on her face or a straight face.

“Here we are,” I said as we walked into the park. Jen and Ashley both stopped talking and looked up. Delilah was already looking up though. We started walking again and found benches to sit on.

The girls all sat together. I stood alone. Delilah hasn’t really said a word since before. I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I definitely shouldn’t have brought up her parents. I’m such a jerk to her. I’ve put her through so friggin much. I don’t even know how she could stay with me.

“Delilah,” I said, gesturing her to come over. She looked up from the ground at me. I continued to gesture her to come over. Dee rolled her eyes and stood up. Slowly but surely she made her way towards me. Soon enough she was standing in front of me. She folded her arms and spread her feet about two feet apart.

“What?” she growled.

“Walk with me,” I replied in a polite tone.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I’m asking.”


“So walk with me.”

“Why should I?” Dee snarled.

“Because I love you.”

Delilah sighed and started walking. I walked along the side of her.


“Save it, Frank,” She said, interrupting me.


“Frank, I don’t care.”

“Let me talk, please, Delilah.”

“Fine,” She huffed.

“Baby, I’m-“

“You don’t even deserve to call me baby right now. Stick to Delilah, okay? Thanks.”

“Delilah, I’m sorry. I don’t wanna loose you, and I don’t want you to leave. You are who you are, I shouldn’t have pointed it out to you. I’m sorry for bringing up your parents in an extremely rude way. I’m sorry for putting you though all this. I don’t like seeing you get hurt. I don’t like seeing you hurt. I should have cared more. I-“


“No, I should-“


“Dee! I should have never-“


“What?” I asked quickly.

“Save it,” Delilah said. She walked back over to Ash and Jen. She sat down next to them and didn’t say anything. I stood there. I just gazed at her for about two minutes. Then I walked over next to Jen. Delilah continued to act as if I weren’t there.

“I think we’re gonna have to sleep here tonight,” I said, approaching the girls.

“Alright,” Jen said, smiling.

Delilah’s POV

“Delilah what’s your problem,” Gerard asked, later that night. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail as I looked at Gee.

“A lot,” I whispered in reply.

“You wanna talk about it?”

“Na,” I said.

“You sure?”

“Positive,” I replied. Gee sighed and leaned on me. I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his around me and sighed again.

“You know, You can tell me anything, right?” He asked. I nodded.

“So tell me,” he added.

“Gee, It’s too much.”

“Too much of anything isn’t good for you. Weather it’s carrots or paper, it’s not good for you.”

“That’s why I don’t wanna tell you.

“Delilah, why don’t you?”

“I just can’t,” I said.

“That’s not any better,” Gee smirked.

“I can’t, Gerard!” I replied. I pulled away from Gerard’s hug.

“Is it that- never mind. You’ll kill me if I say it,” Gerard said looking away. I looked at him with that “say-it” kind of look. Then I told him to tell me.

“Well, I was gonna ask if it was that special time of month,” Gerard admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck. I lunged at him and an extremely tiny bit.

“Why does it matter if it is or not? Either way I can’t tell you!” I said.

“That doesn’t answer my question.”


“You sure?”

“Don’t you start,” I warned. Gerard smirked and gave me a hug. I looked up at the sky. There were no stars. The clouds were coving them. They were an orange-ish color because of the street lights from the city below. The light reflected off them, giving the park an orange-ish glow.

“Tell me,” Gerard said, pulling my focus towards him. I pulled away.

“I can’t, Gerard. I’ll tell you when I’m ready to let you know.”

“Well, tell me before you do something stupid.”

“Delilah,” Ashley called, running towards me. I quickly looked her way. She scared me.

“Yo,” I replied in a startled tone.

“Frank wants to talk to you,” She said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gerard at me. I took a deep breath and look at the ground.

“Go,” Gee whispered.

“Tell him to save it for someone who cares. I don’t wanna deal with it,” I replied. Ashley sighed and frowned, then walked away with an ‘okay’.

“Good-night, Gerard,” I mumbled. I rested me head on my back pack and pulled my hoodie closer to my body. I took my journal out.

“Night, Delilah,” Gee sighed.

Dear Anybody,

I’ve never thought like this before in my life. I am extremely selfish. I really do act like the world revolves around me. If I find a situation isn’t even about me, I make it so I’m in the spot light. Franks right. I do over react to everything. I act like every little thing is a big deal. I act like I have to be in the spot light.

My mom’s friend, Delilah, (ha I find it funny that she has the same name as me.) said that she’s felt the same way before. She told me she started thinking about it for a totally different reason, though. She told me it was because she always got picked on and couldn’t have kids. I haven’t talked to Delilah in for ever. I hope she’s doing okay.


She told me not to let it bug me and that people love you because of it. Anyways… again. It’s gonna take me a while to forgive Frank. He should have known better no matter what the situation is. Yes, I know my parents are dead. Yes, I know how stressful it is to look for them.

Ever since my Dad died, I’ve been looking for him in everything I do. I do the same thing for my mom. No, pictures don’t count. I mean I’ve been looking for them. Their spirit, their life, their well… body.

Something that saves me from crying. Something that helps me get though the day. Gerard… well, he’s one of the friends I couldn’t risk loosing. Guardian angel or imaginary friend, I love him. He’s been helping me look for my parents, and I don’t even think he knows it.

I think that maybe I’ll have better luck finding them at home. If I haven’t found them in the fifty-eight miles I’ve walked, then maybe I missed something back at home. Being around Frank isn’t getting better. Maybe it’s my reactions or responses to what he does. Maybe I’ll get over it and possibly feel better at home. All in all, don’t tell anyone, but I’m leaving.

Ex oh ex oh,

Delilah Roxanne Hanson.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote it for you guys while I was camping.
Hope you liked it.
Well duh.