Angel Don't You Cry

Following through

Frank’s POV

(Day 5)

“Frank,” some one said. I felt somebody’s hand on my arm as they shook me. I slowly opened my eyes. The bright morning sun hurt my eyes. A dark figure was kneeling beside me. As my eyes started to adjust, I realized it was Jen.

“Frank,” She repeated.

“Hmmm,” I grunted, closing my eyes. Jen shook me again. I sighed and slowly sat up.

“Frank,” She said again.

“What, Jen?” I asked. Jen bit her lip and looked around then she looked back at me. I noticed a slight fear in her eyes.

“Delilah’s gone,” she said finally. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. I let out a small laugh. She wasn’t really gone. She wouldn’t just leave with out telling anyone.

“No she’s not,” I giggled, “She’s exactly where she was when I fell asleep.”

Jen had a more serious face on, I realized. She wasn’t kidding. My stupid smile slowly turned into a straight face. I looked Jen right in the eyes.

“She’s gone,” Jen said. I blinked.

“Gone? What do you mean gone?”

Jen pulled a piece of paper out of her hoodie pocket. She handed it to me. I unfolded it carefully and read it.

I’m safe. I’m okay. I’m gone.

Talk/ see you guys later,
Delilah R. Hanson

I looked up at Jen. I couldn’t believe what I just read. She really did leave us. How she did and why she did, I don’t know. Jen just sighed and hung her head. I did that same.

“Frank, Jen,” Ashley called running over to us. We both looked up at her. Ashley’s blonde hair waved in the wind from her speed. She skidded to a stop a few feet in front of us.

“Frank! Jen,” She repeated.

“What?” Jen asked.

“Delilah’s gone,” Ashley exclaimed. Jen and I sighed and looked at each other. Then Jen looked back at Ashley. I followed her.

“We know,” Jen replied. Ashley frowned and kneeled down on the ground in front of us. She sighed and looked back and forth between Jen and I.

“Well, what are we gonna do? She can’t be that far. I mean we have to get her back,” Ashley said worryingly. I shook my head. Her and Jen continued to think of ways to get her back. I listened and thought about them deeply, but knowing Delilah, none of them would work.

“Girls, It’s not gonna work,” I said. They ignored me and continued brain storming.

“Guys,” I exclaimed. Ashley and Jen stopped talking and looked at me.

“Huh,” Ash asked.

“It’s not gonna work. Delilah left us. She’s probably not going to come back,” I explained. The girls both agreed and gave up. Dee wasn’t going to come back no matter how much we begged her to. She wasn’t going to come back no matter how much we offered to help her with anything. She wasn’t that kind of girl to just give in. There was always something you had to say to make her agree with doing something she didn’t want to do. What is it? Well, if I knew I would call her up and say it.

The three of us left the park about an hour later and continued our journey to find my parents. We ran out of flyers a few days ago. Each of us carried one in our pocket to show people, but we had to keep them because we needed them.

All of us were starving. We didn’t have much money. We had like 10 dollars each, now. $30 may seem like a lot, but when you need it for other things; you really can’t use it up. Now we’d each have to chip in a little bit for a bottle of water and a bag of chips. Only one bottle of water and one bag of chips. We would have to live off that for about a day. We would be able to buy at least two bottles of water and a family size bag of chips if Delilah were here. Since she’s not, we can’t. It may not be the best food, but we’re still alive, so it works.

“Frank, I can have the bottle of water,” said Jen, tiredly. I pulled the bottle out from the bottle holder on my back pack and passed it to Jen. She unscrewed the top and took a quick sip of it.

“Thank you,” she said putting the top back on.

“You’re welcome,” I said as Jen handed me the bottle. I took it and put it back in my bag.

Delilah, Why?

Delilah’s POV

“Where you off to,” said the man standing next to me. The bus made a sharp turn, making me almost loose my balance. I stood up straight again and looked at my feet.

“Huh,” He asked, nudging me with his elbow. I looked up at him. He was young. Maybe a few years older that me. The guy was way taller than me. He had greenish colored eyes and curly brownish, red-ish hair. It was more like a small afro. I could tell that he was Porto Rican, but I didn’t want to judge too much.

“Ugh, home,” I said, uncomfortably. The boy curled his lips inward and nodded.

“Me, too,” He replied.


The bus made a sudden stop, making me stumble from where I was standing. The boy grabbed my arm just before I fell.

“Thanks,” I said, smiling.

“No problem. Well, this is my stop. It was nice talking to you,” he said, smiling as he pushed his way through the people.

“Yup, you too,” I said softly. The bus shook as several other people got off. I looked out the window when I heard the doors close. The boy had already started his way down a side street. I sighed and held on to the metal bar above my head so I wouldn’t fall. It was still warm from when the last person was holding it.

I looked out the window across from me. These buildings started to look very familiar. I noticed the hotel Frank, Ashley, Jen and I slept in when I ‘stole’ free food. I noticed our flyers were still in the windows and on street light poles.

The bus stopped and I got off. I had to wait for the next one. It wasn’t long until the bus came either. I hopped on and found an open seat after I paid to get on. It was next to an old lady and a three year old boy, but I could live with it.

A young boy, maybe my age or a little older sat across from me. He had light brown hair and oval shaped glasses. From where I was sitting, it looked like he had hazel eyes. Almost exactly like Gerard’s. I shook my head and looked at the ground. I just wanna go home.

In about 15 minutes I got off the bus. I could walk home from here. I knew my way around now. I only had a few dollars left in change. I didn’t want to spend it all. Besides, I was close to home, what would I need to buy?

Soon I reached my house. I looked at it. It didn’t change a bit on the out side. Then again, what could happen to it in five days?

I felt a huge smile come across my face. I ran up stairs on the porch up to the door. I opened the storm door and turned the knob on the wooden one. It was locked. I sighed and ruffled through my book bag to find my house key. After about 5 minutes I finally found it. I slipped the key into the door and turned it until it clicked. It turned the knob again and slowly opened the door.

Carrie wasn’t home, but Gerard was. I smiled at him, but he just kept a serious face on. My smiled slowly faded. I turned around and closed the door behind me.

“Hey, Gee,” I said happily, as I started to smile again. Gerard folded his arms. I continued smiling.

“Hey, Gee,” I repeated.

“Delilah,” He said plainly.

“Can you believe this?! I mean, look! I made it home alive,” I exclaimed.

“I can see you’re home,” Gerard said, “But are Ashley, Jen, Frank and his parents home?”

“Is this a trick question?”


“I don’t know. Are they? Last time I check Frank, Ash, and Jen were passed out in a park,” I said. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge.


“Delilah, don’t you even touch that food,” Gerard said strictly. I spun around and looked at him with a shocked expression.

“I’m hungry,” I replied.

“So are your friends.”

“What? Are you not going to let me eat until they come home?”

“Exactly,” said Gerard.

“That’s not fair!”

“It wasn’t fair leaving them to come home, Delilah. Do you think it’s fair for you to sit here and stuff your face with healthy food while all they eat is chips and drink water? Do you think it’s fair that you get to shower while they have to walk around smelling horrible?”

I pondered Gerard’s questions. I sighed when I realized he was right.

“No,” I mumbled.

“So are you gonna go back and help Frank?”

I thought about it again. When I found my answer I looked Gerard directly in the eyes.
