Angel Don't You Cry

Gerard... help!

Delilah’s POV

7:43 pm

“I’m going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything,” I asked Frank as I got up.

“Ugh… no that’s okay,” he replied.

“You sure?”

“Pos- Yeah, but I’ll go out there with you.”

“Frank no one’s gonna jump out and kill me.”

“No it’s not that… knowing you you’ll poison my Pepsi with apple cider vinegar.”

“I’d never,” I gasped.

“Psh,” Frank got up. We went into the kitchen.

“We have… nothing… Great… now I have to go to the store and buy stuff to drink,” I said closing the refrigerator. I turned and looked at Frank.

“Fine,” he sighed. We got ready and left. I had to use my own money.

“I have to get a few things. I’m responsible for feeding you… what do you want to eat,” I asked as we walked down the frozen food isle. I held the empty basket in my good hand as Frank looked in the freezers.

“Ugh… Can’t we just buy macaroni and cheese? I mean you don’t have to worry about burning it or anything,” Frank explained. I smiled.

“We can just do that too,” I said, “Go get it… I have to get a few things, like I said.”

“Okay,” Frank replied and he left. I walked down the dairy isle and got a gallon of milk, and then I had to go get bread. I decided I’d pick up some chips too.

“You only got 3 things,” Frank asked walking up to me with a box of macaroni and cheese in his hand.

“You weren’t gone that long,” I pointed out. He nodded and put the box in the basket.

“What else do we need,” I asked.

“Pop,” Frank said. I nodded.

“Pop,” I repeated. We walked over to the isle that had pop.

“What do you want,” Frank asked me.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged.

“How about…” Frank bent down and grabbed a 2 liter bottle off the shelf, “Root beer”

“Fine with me,” I replied. Frank carried the bottle over to the cash register. We paid for our items and went home. Well, back to my house.

“She’s not home yet,” Frank said.

“Who, my mom or Aunt Libby,” I asked. Frank frowned.

“Libby,” he said finally.

“Of course she’s not.”


“She doesn’t come home till about 1:00.”

“And when does your mom come home?”

“Some time tomorrow. She usually brings a pair of clothes because her and her friends would stay at the hotel there because they’ll all too tired to drive home.”

“She didn’t bring clothes today.”

“Meaning she forgot and she went and bought clothes.”

“She just doesn’t want to come home does she?”

“She does. But she too worried that when her friend drive home they’ll fall asleep and the wheel and she thinks she’ll die. She’s only doing what’s best for me.”

I started boiling the water for the macaroni and cheese.

“So, we have to stay up till one,” Frank asked. He jumped up and sat on the counter.

“Yeah. It’s not like that’s a problem we stay up till one even if Aunt Libby didn’t exist,” I pointed out. Frank nodded.

“Got a point,” he added. I went and leaned against the wall as I talked to Frank.

“They have a Father Daughter dance, but they don’t have a Mother Son dance,” Frank complained.

“Because we can all see you actually going to it,” I replied sarcastically. He laughed.

“I would,” he said.

“Not,” I added.

“Would too!”

“And I would go to the Father Daughter dances but I don’t have a dad.”

“Delilah… that was deep.”

I frowned.

“I can’t believe I just said that,” I said sliding down the wall. Frank jumped off the counter and sat next to me.

“Delilah if they have a father daughter dance my dad would defiantly take you. He said you we’re practically like a daughter to him since you’re over all the time,” Frank said.

“It’s not the same but I would do that,” I replied smiling. I’d take Gerard I said to my self. I got up and finished making the macaroni and cheese.

“Ugh… Frank can you get the cups out and pour the pop,” I asked. My hands were full… I had the strainer in one hand and the hot pot in my other hand.

“Sure,” Frank replied. He walked over to the cupboard that had the cups in it and took 2 out. Just as he finished pouring the pop I finished making our food.

“Now should we be lazy and just eat it out of the pot or should we use bowls,” I asked Frank. He raised an eyebrow.

“Ugh… bowls,” Frank replied. I laughed. That’s exactly what I was thinking.

“You want anymore,” I asked Frank as I got up from the dinning room table. He shook his head.

“No,” he added.

“Good… Because there’s none left,” I replied. I took his empty bowl and brought it out to the kitchen. I placed in the sink and went back into the dinning room.

“I want more beer,” Frank said, holding his cup up. I laughed.

“Because the first thing you need is more sugar,” I joked, “Wait… I thought you said you didn’t trust me.”

“Right… then, I’ll get it my self.”



Frank got up and poured himself some more root beer. No… he poured himself the rest of the root beer. I sighed.

“Sorry,” said Frank. I nodded.

“Yeah don’t worry about it… I’ll just have whatever else we have,” I replied.

“You better start drinking your milk to build strong bones and help heal your arm faster,” Frank said laughing a little bit. I laughed.

“And you should start walking into the front room before I have to take your root beer and push you in there,” I joked. Frank acted like he was scared and quickly walked into the front room.

“Frankie, what time is it,” I asked, snickering a little bit.

“8:34 and don’t call me Frankie,” he replied.


“Any second now,” I said worryingly, “Frank, you don’t have to stay really... I don’t want you getting hurt. I don’t even know why I brought you into this situation. If something happens then it’s my entire fault. I want you to stay in my room… you’ll know when it’s over because you’ll hear the door across the hall slam.”

“Dee. Stop. I’m not leaving you out here with some violent drunk just so you can be dog food,” Frank replied. I smiled weakly.

“Okay, but whatever happens to me, I don’t want you to stay-“

“Delilah I’m staying… no matter what happens, I’m staying. Why are you trying to get rid of me?”

“I’m not… really it was just a bad idea because if you get hurt-“

“It’s worth it. I’m helping you and that’s all that matters.”

I smiled and hugged Frank tightly.

“Thank you so much,” I said. Gerard smiled. But it quickly faded when he looked out the window. My eyes widened.

“She’s here,” I mumbled. I pulled away from Frank and got up.

“Really, this is your last chance my room is right down the hall,” I said quickly. My heart beat faster.

“No,” Frank said pulling me back down on to the couch, “Not happening.” I sighed.

The door quickly opened. My Aunt Libby walked in looking drunk… and mad. She slammed the door and turned towards me.

“Where is she,” she slurred.

“Where is who,” I asked stupidly. She stormed over to me pushing Frank out of the way. Grabbing my arm she hoisted off the couch so I was face to face with her. The strong smell of beer and whisky almost made me dizzy.

“Don’t play dumb with me! Where is she,” she yelled. She was drunk… she’d believe me if I lied about where my mom was.

“She’s at the store,” I said. I glanced at Frank. He looked worried himself… and clueless about what to do. But then he got up.

“Leave her alone,” he said. I didn’t even notice that I wasn’t touching the floor until my Aunt dropped me, and I fell hard. She went up to Frank.

“And who do you think you are,” She asked. But before Frank could say anything she pushed him, making him fall to the floor. Gerard where are you? My Aunt kicked me in my stomach. Pretty hard I must say.

“GET UP,” she yelled. I scrambled to my feet.

“What the hell is your problem, bringing a boy into this house,” she yelled. She slapped me in my face more harshly than she did Friday.

“He’s here so I don’t have so much trouble dealing with you,” I yelled back. Really… never say that to her… it’s a bad idea.

Frank’s POV

I got up off the ground and stood there breathing heavily.

“What was that,” Delilah’s aunt yelled. Dee pushed her away.

“You know what I said,” she replied. This was going to be like dealing with Godzilla or something because I could just tell that Libby was more violent now. Libby charged at Delilah and pushed her to the wall and started screaming in her face. I went up behind her and pulled her away then pushed her to the floor.

“Delilah,” I said turning to her, “instead of me going into your room it should be you. I promise I’ll be there when this is done.”

“No. I’m not letting you get-“

Before Delilah could even finish I was also pulled down to the ground.

“Holy crap! Get off of him,” I heard Delilah scream. Her Aunt Libby hand me in a choke hold so I was pinned in the floor. She slapped me also yelling in my face.

Delilah’s POV

I hurried over to Frank and my Aunt Libby.

“Beat her up with your cast!”

I remember Frank saying that earlier today. I took a deep breath and swung my plaster covered arm at my Aunt’s face. She let go of Frank’s neck and fell on her back next to him. You could tell where I hit her. I grabbed Frank’s arm and pulled him up.

“We can’t run from her… she’s too fast,” I said. Frank nodded.

“I noticed that,” he added. Aunt Libby got off the ground. She grabbed Frank arm and threw him across the room.

“Frank,” I screamed as he collided into the night stand thing. The lamp on top of it fell on the other side of Frank and shattered. I breathed heavily and looked at Aunt Libby who was storming towards me. Now we were really fighting. But I get beat up more to the fact my mouth was bleeding, my nose was bleeding, I could feel blood slithering down the side of my face from my temple. And she only hand a burse on her face and a bloody nose.

Pretty soon she passed out. Probably from being so drunk. I left her laying there on the floor and ran over to Frank.

“Frank,” I said worriedly as I looked at his face.

“Frank,” I repeated shaking his arm a little. I took all the strength I had and lifted the top half of his body up and hugged him.

“Frank, Wake up,” I said. I started crying.

“Gerard, help,” I said as tear streamed down my face burning my cuts. Gerard looked worried.

“Delilah,” Frank mumbled.

“Frank,” I cried hugging him tighter, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m… I’m fine,” He replied. He pulled away from me and stood up. I got up myself. He was now fully concussed.

“Delilah… you’re face…” he said.

“I know. I know,” I cried hugging him.

“I can’t live like this anymore. I don’t wanna live like this anymore. I can’t have kids and teachers wondering what happened to my face. Living like this just isn’t worth it,” I cried gripping Frank’s shirt. He hugged me.

“Delilah you know what. Don’t ever say that again,” He said.

“I’m sorry,” I said. I still gripped his shirt.

“Now let’s go get you cleaned up,” Frank finally said. I looked up at him and smiled.

I went into the bathroom and cleaned my face off. The scratches weren’t THAT bad. I walked out of the bathroom. Frank just smiled.

“Alright let’s get her into her bed,” I said walking over to Aunt Libby. Frank nodded. We dragged her into her room and plopped her down on her bed.

“Crap… What am I going to tell my mom? She doesn’t know Aunt Libby does this to me,” I said panicking.

“Oh! Tell her it got really windy while we were walking to the store and a tree branch fell,” Frank said.

“Good idea,” I replied.

“Okay. Well good….night,” Frank said.

“Night,” I replied. Frank walked out of my room. I turned the lights off and crawled into my bed. And Frank… he said he would sleep on the couch. And that’s what he did.