Angel Don't You Cry

Another Come Back

Delilah’s POV

“Delilah, get up,” I heard Gerard say. I slowly opened my eyes. I had to get going. I had to get my stuff and leave. Quickly I threw my covers off and got up. I snatched my back pack up off the ground and put new clothes in there, yesterday I cleaned them out, not thinking I’d be going back.

Swinging my book bag over my shoulder, I opened my bed room door and walked out into the kitchen. I grabbed four packets of pop tarts and put 3 off them in my book bag. I grabbed eight bottles of water out the fridge and put them in my book bag, too.

Just as I walked out of the door my cell phone rang. I looked at caller ID.

“Ashley?” I questioned out loud. I flipped open my cell phone and put it to my ear.

“Hello?” I said.

“Delilah?” Ashley’s voice came across the line.

“What’s up?”

“What’re you doing?”

“Umm, walking out my front door.”


“You guys…”

“Don’t bother,” Ashley replied.

“What? Why? Did you find them?”

“No, but Frank thinks he could do this by himself. So I went home. I’m on the last bus now.”

I blinked.

“But what about Jen?”

“She… I don’t know what she’s doing. She couldn’t make up her mind. She doesn’t really know her way around so she’s probably going to stay.”


“You can go back if you want, but I’m not going to,” sighed Ashley.

“What exactly happened?” I asked.


Ashley’s POV

“Frank, we just passed this street half and hour ago,” I groaned.

“Ashley, I know what I’m doing,” Frank said some-what annoyed. I huffed.

“You’ve been saying that for the past 5 days! No wonder Dee left, she got sick of not getting any where,” I pointed out. Frank just shook his head. I looked over at Jen and sighed. Jen just frowned slightly and looked away.

“Jen, you have to admit, it’s annoying when you’ve been passing the same street for about 2 hours,” I said, nudging her with my elbow. She looked at me and nodded.

“See what I mean Frank? Just turn down a different street and go a different way,” I suggested.

“Ash,” Frank exclaimed, “I know what I’m doing! I don’t need your help! I could do this my self! You only joined because Delilah wanted to help.”

“You’re the whole reason she left! All you ever did was yell at her when she was just trying to help! Could you blame her for leaving us here?”

“I tried talking to her, Ashley! She wouldn’t listen! You act like she’s my daughter and that it’s my fault she’s so stubborn!”

She’s stubborn? You won’t listen to a simple suggestion about going a different way. You’re wasting your energy walking around the block four freaking times! Delilah just wanted to help you because she cared about you being happy, and all you did was tell her she was slowing you down!”

“Well, I was mad, okay?”

“Why were you mad? Because she witnessed someone getting shot and informed us Lily fell into the creek?”

“No, Because she got hurt!”

“Oh. Right, because she stayed perfectly strong about it and tried to keep up with you and your temper, because she totally didn’t try talking to you about what was wrong even when she was hurt. Delilah does everything for you. I’m proud of her that she left. You’re lucky she even stays with you. You’re lucky I didn’t leave when she did!”

“I wouldn’t care if you left or not! I don’t need your help,” Frank yelled. I took a deep breath and huffed. I glared at him for a second and then turned around. I started walking the opposite way we were before. Then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around.

“Ash, come on. You can’t leave me and Frank,” said Jen. She hadn’t gotten sleep in days, her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was a mess, and she sounded extremely tired. I sighed.

“Jen,” I whispered, “He’s just gonna yell and boss us around if we stay. If he believes he doesn’t need our help, then so be it. If he doesn’t need my help, what’s the point of staying and helping?”

“He’s your frie-“

“He was.”

“Ash, come on,” Jen said pulling on my arm. I snatched it back.

“Jen, I’m not going with him. I’m going home.”

“We need your help, though. Come on!”

“Listen to me,” I said lowering my voice in a really soft tone, “If we stay, he’s just gonna blow off on us. He’s gonna hurt both of our feelings. I don’t want to hate Frank nor risk the ant crap amount of patience I have left with him. It’s better off if I went home. I suggest you do the same.”

Jen looked at the ground.

“I don’t know. I’ll probably stay with Frank.”

“Well, I’m leaving now. So make up your mind fast,” I said and I turned around and walked away.

Delilah’s POV

“Oh,” I said plainly.

“Yeah. So I don’t know where they are, how they’re doing, or what they’re doing. I wouldn’t go back,” Ashley said.

“Ah. I see. Well,” I looked at Gerard. I sighed. I didn’t know weather I should go back or not. Maybe I’d stay home another day and try to convince Ashley to go back. If she didn’t want to tomorrow, I’d go back myself.