Angel Don't You Cry

There's no stopping me

Jen’s POV

“Sam,” I called again. I turned the corner and ran through a door way. It was like pitch black and I couldn’t see anything. I held my hands out in front of me and continued running.

“Frank,” I said. I must have run into a different room. I could tell because of the way my shoes collided with the floor. I saw the light from Frank’s flash light. I ran towards it.

“Frank,” I repeated grabbing his arm. He jumped and turned around.

“Oh my god, Jen! You scared the living crap out of me,” He replied in a whisper, “I thought you were waiting out side.”

“It was getting dark, and I kind of started getting the feeling I was being watched,” I replied in a whisper. Frank sighed and looked at the ground then back up at me.

“Grab my hand,” he said. I scrunched my eyebrows together.

“Just do it,” he added. I looked down and found his hand and held it in mine. “That way we don’t loose each other.”

“Oh,” I replied. Frank started walking forward again. I gulped and followed him. He took me upstairs. We found nothing but more spray painted walls.

“Now what do we do?” I asked.

“Check the one place we didn’t check yet,” he replied, going back down stairs.


“The basement,” said Frank. He pulled me back down to where we came in at, then turned the corner so we were standing in front of a door. I looked out side. The sun was no longer out. The moon wasn’t out, meaning the stars probably weren’t out. I grasped Frank’s hand tighter.

“You don’t wanna go down there do you?” Frank asked.

“No, not really,” I replied.

“You want to stand here while I go check it out?”

“You’re bravery is going to kill you,” I sighed.

“Trust me, Jen, It’s worth it,” he replied looking in my eyes. I let go of his hand and nodded.

“Here,” said Frank as he handed me his flash light, “Take this.”

“No, you need it more than I do,” I said pushing his hand away. He smiled and gave me a hug.

“Thanks, Saw,” he said, pulling away. I smiled and he returned the favor. Frank’s smile faded as he looked at the door knob. He put his hand on it cautiously and opened the door. He shined the flash light into the basement and then looked back over at me.

“Be careful,” I whispered. Frank nodded and took a deep breath. Slowly and carefully he walked down the steps. I stood there and waited for him. Everything sounded as if it were going alright.

“Oh my god,” I heard Frank exclaim. I saw the light from his flash light move quickly across the ground at the beat of his running. He spotted the stairs and ran up the as fast as he could. Grabbing my hand, Frank ran out of the house with me following him.

He kicked the gate open and ran. I was of course, following right behind him and holding his hand. We ran into the street. A car screeched to a stop and we stood there for a second.

“Come on,” Frank demanded as he took off farther down the street. Lights and sirens went off on the car that had almost hit us. It followed us. I let go of Frank’s hand so we could ran faster.

As we got farther and farther down the extremely long street, the more and more my legs burned and my lungs hurt. My mouth was dry, but when you’re running from the cops, it’s worth it.

Frank skidded to a stop. I stopped as soon as I caught up to him. With the light from the flash light and the nearing headlights, a big chain linked fence stopped us. Frank and I looked behind us at the cop car coming closer and quickly looked at each other.

Frank tossed the flash light over the fence. With a run and jump, he leaped onto the fence and landed in the middle of it. He climbed the fence quickly and sat at the top of it. He gestured me to hurry up. I looked behind me one last time and jumped onto the fence. Like Frank, I climbed it quickly. Frank held his hand out for me to grab it.

“I got it,” I said. Frank nodded and fell to the other side of the fence. I did the same. Frank picked up his flash light and we kept running until the car was no longer in site. Well, we ended up running into a woods, it didn’t stop us though.

I struggled to keep up to Frank as he kept running. The kid could probably run forever.

“Frank,” I called. He stopped and turned around. I didn’t notice right away and collided into him, making my weak legs give out and fall to the ground. I took in deep breaths and sat up. Frank pulled a bottle of water out from the side of his book bag and handed it me. He leaned up against a tree and slid down it, joining me in sitting.

“Why were you running?” I asked after a minute of panting.

“Dead people, a whole freaking army of them.”

“Zombies?” I asked.

“No. I mean there were a lot of them, all in the front of the basement. It looked like there was at least 10 or 15 of them,” he answered. I felt my eyes widen.

“Gross,” I replied.

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

Delilah’s POV

“Hey! What’re you doing here?” Ashley asked when she opened the front door.

“I gotta talk to you,” I replied. Ashley stepped aside and let me in. I took off my shoes while Ash shut the door behind me.

“Ashley, whose at the do- Oh, Hi, Delilah,” Mrs. Lasser exclaimed. I waved and smiled at her.

“Hi,” I added. Mrs. Lasser walked back into the kitchen. Ashley looked at me and I looked at her.

“About what?” Ashley asked, getting back on track.

“Not here,” I replied. Ashley sighed and walked into the front room. I followed her to the back of the house where he bed room was. I walked into her room and sat on one of her small chairs she had. She closed the door and turned on the radio, then sat across me on her bed.

“What?” She asked.

“Ashley, we gotta go back,” I said.

“I’m not going back, Delilah! It was a living hell. I hated it! You don’t want to go back. It’s horrible. It’s gross. Most of all, it’s dangerous. If he wants to risk my life, your life and his cousin’s life, to save his parent’s life, I’m sorry, I can’t do it. If you, Jen, Frank or me got hurt do you have any clue how guilty any of us would feel?”

“I got hurt and no one felt guilty except for me. Everyone else just felt bad. I don’t know why the hell you would feel guilty if you didn’t do anything.”

“Frank was a wreak! He felt guilty because he didn’t say that you shouldn’t go. He felt guilty because he didn’t say no. If he said ‘no’ you wouldn’t have a huge gash in your leg. If he said ‘no’ I wouldn’t have had to jump in that cold water and loose one of my shirts and I wouldn’t have gotten sick.”

“We saved that girl’s life, Ashley! All of us did. I told you what happened, you got her, Frank held me back from getting hurt any more, and Jen helped you get Lily back onto dry land. He shouldn’t have felt guilty at all!” I replied.

“Tell him that!”

“I will!”

“Oh, really? How?” Ashley asked.

“I’m going back.”

“Just to tell him that?”

“No,” I replied, “I’m also going back to help him find his parents. If you’re not going to go back, then that’s your choice, but when you have that dream that they need your help, I’ll already be gone.”
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Ooooh I did it again! Two updates one day!