Angel Don't You Cry

Short Journey

Frank’s POV

“So, you ran from… dead people?” Jen questioned, bringing the water bottle up to her mouth. I nodded, but I lied.

“Okay,” she said slowly. Wait, you lied?

Yes, I lied. It wasn’t just dead people, no. There was some cannibal man down there. He was… gross. The thing is, he wasn’t a homeless guy. It was obvious that he had a home some where else. Maybe he lived in that house and didn’t hear us.

When I shined the flash light on him, right away he looked at me. His eyes were full of anger, blood dripped from his chin. The man growled. He growled like Delilah with her food at the hotel.

He wasn’t like a werewolf. He was more like a human dog, if that makes sense. Like he was a dog trapped in a human body. It was scary. So I obviously ran. If I didn’t I probably would have been his next meal.

“Frank,” whispered Jen, gently pushing my arm. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. Well, I couldn’t really see her that well. I could just barely see her.

“Hmm,” I grunted sleepily.

“I had a bad dream,” she replied. I groaned softly and sat up.

“Okay,” I said.

“I want to talk to you about it.”

“Go right a head. I’m listening,” I replied feeling around for the flash light. When I felt it’s cold plastic shell, I grasped it in my hands and turned it on.

Jen started explaining her dream to me. She told me that it included a woman with black hair and angry blue eyes. She described her as tall and skinny she looked like she was 30 but said that ‘in her 45 years of living she never thought she’d get this far.’

Jen also said that me, Dee, and Ash were also in her dream. Delilah was being yelled at by the black haired woman and pushed around. She said that there was nothing we could do because we were held back by something.

Then she said she saw my parents, but only for a quick second. It was just a quick flash so she couldn’t see much detail.

Black hair? Blue eyes? Sounds like Dee, but it couldn’t have been.

I shook my head and got back to Jen’s dream.

“Jen, it’s just a dream,” I whispered, “I know you’re not scared of a dream.”

“It was so real though,” she replied. I crawled on my knees closer to Jen. I wrapped my arms around her and sighed.

“It’s fine,” I reminded her. Jen pulled away.

“I know.”

“Alright. Now go back to sleep, you’re gonna need it. I promise it’ll be okay.”

Jen smiled and went back over to her back pack. She laid her head down on it, using it as a pillow.

“Good night, Frank,” she whispered.

“Good night, Jen,” I relied getting back into my sleeping position. I turned off the flash light, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.

Delilah’s POV

“Where are you going?” Carrie asked as I opened the front door.

“Out,” I replied. Carrie raised her eyebrows. I sighed.

“I’m gonna go hang out with Frank and Jen, I might stay there for a few nights,” I added. Carrie smiled.

“Okay, Sweetie,” she said, “have fun.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll have loads,” I said, trying not to sound sarcastic. I opened up the storm door and walked out of the house. It was dark, and humid. It was going to rain. I could tell.

I took the metro bus back to the park that we were at when I left. They couldn’t have gotten that far if they were only going in circles for two hours. I frowned and decided to take a metro bus another two or three miles to where ever it would take me.

As I waited for another metro bus, I felt a few rain drops touch my hands. When the bus pulled up I got on and paid. I stood in the front of the bus looking out of the windows. A man, maybe in his forties, sat all the way in the back of the bus. He seemed to be out in space a little bit.
There was a woman, a very young woman, with blonde hair sitting a few seats away from him. Hair hung into her face as she looked down at her baby, who was wrapped in a blue fleece blanket. The mother just kept staring at her sleeping child. She seemed tired, drained actually.

About 25 minutes after being on the ghost bus I spotted a street full of vacant houses.

“Can you stop here?” I asked the bus driver politely.

“You’re gonna have to wait till we reach the next stop, kid,” he replied in a deep voice. I sighed and swung around, plopping myself in a seat. Soon we reached the next stop. Quickly, I got up and ran off the bus. I slowly walked down the non crowed street. It was scary here at night.

I just hopped that Jen and Frank were okay.

In no time I reached the street I had spotted before. I started walking down it. There was only one street like on whole street, and that was at the corner I was standing at. I looked up at the sign then down the street.

I took a deep breath and started walking cautiously down its cracked sidewalk. It was a long street, I’d have a ways to go.

I had to pull my cell phone out of my pocket, not only for light, but to show who ever might have been watching met that I had it.

I saw lights from a car shine on vacant houses and slowly approach the upcoming turn.

It could be the cops, I thought. Panicking I looked around. I spotted a tree and hid behind it. As the car slowly drove my the tree, I scooted around it so I wouldn’t get caught. I peaked around the tree truck watching the cop car slow down at the corner. As it started turning I quickly ducked my head back over behind the tree. Quickly I started running towards the end of the street.

Maybe there was something back there. I saw the lights flashing in the distance when I was on the bus. I didn’t know what it was.

I was hopping it was Jen and Frank though.