Angel Don't You Cry

I won't go down by my self.

Ashley’s POV

Olivia was right. I couldn’t just sit here, they needed my help. I went back in the house and went into my room. While I packed I turned my radio on. I restocked my clothes. When the song on the radio ended they had a brief news report. The only thing that caught my attention was went the announced another jail break.

“Most of us are familiar with the jail break a few days ago. Scott Belwood, arrested for shooting a his girlfriend, has yet to be found along with Libby Jones, arrested for child abuse. Police say that they might know where they’d be and suggest it’s best to say in at night.-“

I turned the radio off and sighed.


In the kitchen, I threw water bottles and cold snacks in a separate bag than my clothes. Cold snacks meaning pop tarts, fruit bars, fruit snacks, zebra cakes and so on. I made sure I had everything I needed from the kitchen. I had to grab a few more things I remembered I had to get, but after that I was satisfied.

I turned to go out into the dinning room which was connected to the kitchen, just had to go though the door way. I jumped when I saw my father standing there leaning up against the wooden molding.

“Hi, Dad,” I said slowly with a innocent smile. My Dad raised an eyebrow.

“Where are you going?” He asked, rubbing his 5 o’clock shadow. I blinked and thought of something fast.

“Frank, Jen and Delilah wanted me to sleep over Frank’s house,” I replied. My dad smirked and looked at the floor, shook his head, then looked back up at me. He let out a small laugh and sighed.

“Right. Now where are you going?”

“To Frank’s house,” I said.

“You suck at lying.”

I sighed and looked at the ground.

“Excuse me, Dad,” I said brushing past him. Suddenly I was pulled back my the handle on the top of my book bag.

“Whoa,” I exclaimed as I started falling back. Quickly I caught my balance and stood up straight. I turned around and looked at my dad. I couldn’t see his face much because of the kitchen light shining behind him.

“Where are you going?” he repeated.

“It’s personal, Dad. This is between me and my friends. If we’re lucky we’ll make it on the news,” I huffed and I walked away. Before my dad could say anything I had already shut the front door.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and called Frank. It went straight to his voice mail.

“Hey you’ve reached Frank. I couldn’t get to the phone in time to answer your call. So leave your info after the beep and I’ll get back to you when I can. Peace.”

The beep tone went off.

“Frank, it’s Ashley. I’m just wondering where you’re at right now. Alright well I’ll see you soon. Call me back. Bye.”

As I walked down the cold, empty streets all I could hear was the pitter-patter of the rain on the ground and distant cars zooming though the wet pavement. Hair clung to my face and my clothes clung to my body, like I had just jumped back into the creek.

I realized how fast time had gone by when I noticed I was about 3 miles away from home. An ambulance rushed past me. I remembered the girl we saved at the creek. I frowned.

I wondered if she made it. I hope both her and her baby made it. No person, baby or adult, deserve to be killed like that. If she did die that is.

Delilah’s POV

“Alright so let me get this straight,” said Gerard in a confused way. I looked at him.

“We’re lost… it’s raining. No, pouring. We have no one else here with us. No one knows were here, and we’re going to go into an old, abandoned cabin,” he said. I looked over at Frank.

“You’re sure you wanna try this?” I asked. Jen turned her head towards Frank. He looked at both of us.


Frank looked forward again and took several steps towards the cabin. Jen and I just stood there and looked at him. Frank looked back at us.

“You coming?” he asked. Jen and I looked at each other and caught up to Frank. When we reached the steps, Frank was the first one to go up them.

Carefully he tip toed up the stairs that creaked under every step. Lightning lit the sky which was followed by the ground shaking thunder. Jen and I had our feet planted on the ground. Nervously, we gave each other a quick glance. We were debating about who should go next.
While that was going on, I watched Frank carefully investigate the out side of the cabin. I looked at Jen then at the stairs. I took the first step. Jen followed after me. The tree of us stood on the porch.

“You see anything?” I asked in a whisper to Frank. Frank shook his head.

“We’d have to go in,” he added.

I looked at the door. There was a lock on it. It wasn’t an old lock. It wasn’t rusty or anything. It looked brand new and shinny. It’s silver coat reflected the light from Jen’s flash light. I pointed it out to Jen and Frank.

“How do we get in?” Jen asked. Frank thought for a moment.

“You and Dee go around back and see if there’s a back door. I’ll see if theirs another way to get in here,” he replied. Jen and I both look at each other and turned away. We went down there stairs and around back. There was no back door.

“There’s nothing back here,” I whispered. Jen shined her flash light around the ground and cabin. I walked forward a few step and looked up at the cabin. Next thing I knew I was on the ground and my foot hurt. I laughed a little bit.

“What the hell did you just trip over? Your feet?” Jen whispered trying not you laugh.

“No, I’m not that much of a klutz,” I replied in the same tone. I crawled over to where I had tripped and cleared away dead leaves and twigs. There was a small handle sticking out from the ground. There was a door there. Like a storm basement door or something. Jen shined the light on the pile of leaves that I eventually cleared away.

I look up at Jen and she looked at me.

“No lock,” Jen whispered. I shook my head.

“No lock,” I repeated.

“I’ll go get Frank,” said Jen. I nodded. I watched the light from her flash light travel across the ground. I kneeled down on the doors. My heart raced and my breathing got heavier. I was afraid of the dark sometimes. May I point out that we’re in the woods? I have a reason to be scared.

I watched Jen’s light travel across the ground again. Twigs snapped under her and Frank’s feet as they walked. They turned around the corner of the cabin and Jen pointed the light at the door.

Frank’s eyes grew wide. They were almost twinkling. I looked back down at the doors.

“Is there a lock?” Frank asked, walking over towards me. I shook my head. Under his breath Frank muttered, “Awesome.”

He stood there, pretty much hovering over me. I looked up at him.

“What are we waiting for? Open the doors,” He said quickly. I grabbed the door handles and stood up. Quickly I was pulled back down. It was stuck.

“Here. Let me try,” suggested Frank. I moved away from the doors. Jen walked over next to me and still shined the light on the doors.

Frank kneeled down and pulled on the handles. He pulled harder and harder every time he got pulled back down. I watched the doors loosen up.

This has obviously been closed for a long time, I thought. The doors are too hard to-

“Got em’,” whispered Frank.

Oh. Well, okay.

As he opened them, dirt, grime and dust fell from in between the widening doors. I couldn’t tell if I was happy or scared that the doors were open.

Frank leaned forward and looked into the room.

“Jen, bring the flash light over here,” He said. Quietly, Jen walked over to Frank and handed him the flash light. I leaped over to Jen and stood next to her. I got a sudden chill up my back, causing hundreds of goose bumps to appear all over my body. I pulled my hoodie closer to me. I looked at Jen.

“Did you get that chill, too,” I whispered extremely softly. She too, had her hoodie pulled close to her body. She looked at me.

“Yeah,” replied Jen, nervously. At the same time Jen and I turned around sharply. I felt like we were being watched. If Jen felt the same, I don’t know. I asked her and she just nodded.

“Would you to be quiet,” Frank snapped, looking over at us. “No one’s watching us. Nothing’s gonna go wrong.”

Jen and I sighed and huddled together like penguins.

“Anyways,” continued Frank, “It looks safe. Are you girls going down with me?”

“Like we’d let you go down with out your friends,” I said.

“Actually,” said Jen in her matter-of-factly voice, “It’s more like cousin and girlfriend.”

Frank and I looked at her with the same look. It was that ‘Thanks-for-the-information- smart-ass,’ kind of look. Jen shrugged. Frank sighed and looked back down into the room.

“I’ll go first,” he said. Jen and I nodded.

He handed the flash light to Jen. Her and I hovered over the hole in the ground as Frank slowly climbed down the stairs.

“You go next,” I said taking the flash light from Jen. She bit her bottom lip and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows and gestured her to get going. Slowly she crawled down into the ground with Frank. I gulped and started walking down the stairs.

I reached the ground again. Both Jen and I looked at Frank.

“Where do we go from here?”