Angel Don't You Cry

Surprise. Surprise.

Ashley’s POV





“Delilah! Hey wh-“

“You’ve reached Delilah. I can’t get to the p-“

“Grr,” I growled closing my phone. The metro bus came to a fast stop. Quickly I looked out the window. I didn’t see anything. I got up and looked out the front window. I still didn’t see anything. I looked at the bus driver. He just sat there. There was no stop sign… no stop light. I didn’t understand why he stopped.

“Excuse… is there something wrong?” I asked cautiously. The bus driver looked at me.

“I think the motor just died. I’m not sure,” he replied. I sighed.

“Let me off here,” I said. The bus driver turned his head towards the handle for the door. Slowly he reached his hand out and grabbed a hold of it. He pulled it and pulled it back at the same pace. The doors opened and I got off the bus.

I pulled my cell phone out again and called Jen’s cell phone.
It rang…and rang… and rang.

Delilah’s POV

“Holy crap,” Jen said jumping up. Frank and I jumped and looked at her.

“What?” we both whispered in a scared tone. Jen pulled her cell phone out of her pocket.

“I was vibrating,” she replied. Frank and I frowned and just glared at Jen.

“It’s Ash,” she said happily. She opened her phone and put it to her ear. Frank sighed and looked at me. I looked at him and shook my head.

“Hello? Hey... Yeah, we’re fine… Mhm, she’s right here… did you want to talk to her? Oh, okay… ugh... in a cabin… we wanted to look at it… in the woods, yeah… it’s better than looking in obvious places… Why?... No, why did you want to know?... Ooh… well ugh… go down that one street with all the abandon houses… No, we don’t want you to get raped… Hey, you want to come don’t you… alright then…jump the fence and keep going straight… like… a mile… you brought this on your self… Yeah, you did… haha okay… good luck… okay…bye.”

Jen closed her phone and looked at Frank and I.

“She’s on her way,” she informed us.

“Great, now lets look around,” said Frank. We looked around. Jen shined the light on the ceiling while Frank and I looked on the floor. I looked at Jen.

“What are you looking for? Drunk moneys?” I asked. Jen laughed, “What?”

“Drunk… monkeys,” I repeated. Jen looked at me like I was crazy.

“You’re not gonna find any thing in the raptors.”

I could here Frank snickering. Jen and I looked at him. He turned and looked at us.

“What?” he asked. We shook our heads. I looked back at Jen.

“Never mind… you keep looking for those monkeys,” I laughed. I turned around and continued looking for some way up stairs.

“Hey, Dee,” called Jen. I walked over to her, “Yeah?”

She shined the light at the ceiling, “Is that a drunk monkey?”

I looked up at the wooden ceiling. A square was cut into it and was attached by hinges.

“No, Jen… that’s a drunk trap door. Frank, come here… bring some stuff with you,” I said. Frank took a while but he come over eventually with a few boxes. He looked up.



Frank put the boxes down and climbed up on top of them. I stood there nervously while Frank carefully and slowly pushed on the trap door. More dust and grime fell to the floor and onto Frank’s face.

“Crap,” Frank said looking down and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. He looked back up and stood on his tip-toes and peaked into the room above us. It seemed like the second he looked in there he got right down.

The door closed quietly and Frank jumped down from the boxes. He looked at me and Jen.

“Well?” Jen asked slowly and softly.

“We best off look around up there… there’s something up there. I know it,” said Frank. I sighed and looked back up at the trap door.

“Up there?” I asked.

“No, Delilah, down there,” he replied pointing to the floor.

“Well, I can do that,” I smiled. Frank smiled, “I know you can.”

Jen’s eyes grew big.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked nervously.

“That’s she’s good at staying on the ground,” Frank said slowly.

“Is there supposed to be a sexual relation to that statement?”

“No,” Frank and I said in harmony. Jen looked at the floor.


Frank claimed back up onto the boxes.

“Whose first?” He asked. Jen and I looked at each other.

“I’ll go first,” She sighed as she passed the flash light off to me.

“I’ll give you a boost up,” Frank informed her. Jen smiled, “Okay.”

Slowly, Jen climbed up the small tower of boxes and grabbed onto Frank’s shoulders for support.

“Ready?” Frank asked. Jen nodded.

“Grab on to the beams a push the top of your body up. Then just push on the door and open it carefully and be sure too look around. Once you see that it’s clear open it up all the way. Then pull your self up and help me get Dee up,” Frank explained. While he was, Jen grabbed onto the beams on the ceiling. I studied how they worked carefully. Frank locked his fingers together and Jen put her foot on top.

With one arm she kept the top half of her body up and balanced carefully while she looked around. She looked down at Frank.

“Go,” he said in an exhausted way.

“Sorry,” Jen said looking back up. Slowly she pushed the door open all the way and looked around again. Quickly, she put her free hand on the floor which was the ceiling above my head. With in seconds she put her weight on the hand and quickly put her other hand on the other side of her on the floor. Jen hoisted herself up fully. Once she was up completely she looked down at us from the level above us.

Frank looked at me. I frowned and climbed up the boxes. Jen held her hand out. I gave her the flash light. She took it and set it down next to her. She put her hand back down. I grabbed it. I pushed my self up with Frank help and pulled my self out of the basement with Jen’s help.

It was quiet. All that we could hear was the sound of the rain on the roof and leaves of the trees, along with our quiet breathing.

Frank looked up at Jen and me in a confused way. Suddenly his face lit up and grabbed onto the raptors and pushed himself up. A loud slam broke the silence. Frank looked down into the room under his feet. His eyes grew wide with fear, as did mine and Jen’s.

We froze in our positions. All of us were too frightened to move. Heavy foot steps echoed below my feet. When I say below my feet… I mean in the room under me, where Frank was.

It was like someone pressed the fast forward button when Frank started moving again. With unbelievable speed, he lifted himself out of the cellar and on to the wooden floor. Quickly, he slammed the trap door shut and grabbed the nearest heavy object. At that time it was a night stand.

“What the hell was that?” Jen said in a shaky whisper.

“Not good,” replied Frank. His hands trembled uncontrollably.

“Frank, What did you see?” I asked. I was shaking. I couldn’t decide weather it was from being cold or being scared… maybe it was both.

“Nothing. It was too dark,” Frank replied. I frowned. We were quiet. We heard the foot steps from below us again. We looked around franticly.

“That way,” said Frank, quite loudly. He pointed to an empty door way. Jen shinned the flash light into it. Clearly it must have been the living area. We sprinted over to the room. In single file, we pushed one another though the arch way.

Jen slowly toured the room with the flash light. The furniture was covered in white, dusty sheets. The fire place was empty and black suet covered several bricks that surrounded it. It’s mantel was wooden and also covered in dust. It had a few old pictures and candles half melted setting on top of it. Above the mantel was a deer head. Cob webs connected each of the antlers together.

A rattling and banging quickly brought our attention to the room where we were just in. We looked at the stop where the trap door was. While looking at the floor, I noticed that foot prints trailed around the floor. Some of them leading to places we haven’t been to yet. I pointed them out to Jen and Frank.

Suddenly the night stand, that Frank used to block the trap door, fell over. I got sudden goose bumps on my arms, but I was too frozen in my fear to even do anything about it.

“Dee, Come on,” Frank called. I blinked and looked around. I noticed Frank and Jen had started running towards another room. Frank gestured me to hurry up. I sprinted over to him.

We saw a stair case that lead up stairs… obviously. I noticed there were foot prints there, too. With out even thinking twice about what could be up there, we ran up the stairs. Some how, I ended up in front of both of Frank and Jen. I looked behind me as I ran.

“Where am I going?” I asked.

“Because I know where we are,” Frank said. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. Jen ran into him, accidentally. This made Frank move up a little bit. Jen looked over his shoulder. I slowed down and looked a head of me. Not fast enough before I ran into something. I stumbled backward and looked up.

“Long time, no see.”
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Sorry it's been so long!
comments are love! =]