Angel Don't You Cry

Cold locks

Delilah’s POV

“Libby,” I snarled. She looked at me. She didn’t change one bit. Same old glossy black hair, dragger eyes, evil grin.
Scott looked at me and smiled. It didn’t scare me.

I looked at Ashley. She was shaking and fear looked like it was just glued to her eyes. I looked back at Libby and Scott. I tugged on the hand cuffs harder and harder. I paid no attention to the looks on their face.

The skin around my wrists started getting tender and it hurt to pull. The pain just got me even madder and made me pull even harder. I slammed my self against the wall. The plaster was chipping, exposing the grey brick behind it.

My bangs dangled in front of my face. I looked up at Libby. She just smiled.

“Let me go,” I growled.

“Delilah,” I heard someone say. I looked over to my left. Frank and Jen were awake. They both looked at me like I had just killed some one. Jen’s mouth was slightly open from shock. Frank’s eyes were wide.

“Calm down,” he added. I looked back at Libby and Scott.

“Let. Me. Go,” I repeated, angrily. Libby nodded her head slightly. Scott dug into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He walked over to me with out fear. He kneeled down and crawled between me and Ashley. Carelessly, Scott pushed Ashley out of the way. A small whimper came from her lips.

Scott touched my arm and harshly unlocked the hand cuffs. Quickly he put the key in his pocket. He grabbed the collar of my shit and lifted me up from the ground. I stood up and looked at him. With a little bit of my anger I swung my fist at his face.

“What the hell is wrong with you and abusing my friends,” I yelled. I noticed my wrists were bleeding from them rubbing frantically against the metal cuffs. I felt cold and pull me back. I quickly turned around, only to be welcomed by a slap in the face. Libby looked me right in the eyes. It didn’t scare me anymore. I leaned towards her and put my face close to hers.

“I’m not afraid of you anymore,” I whispered. She grinned devilishly.

“Good. I don’t have to listen to your annoying crying. You can finally put up a good fight,” she said, laughing slightly. I glared at Libby the same way she looked at me. She never glared, she didn’t need to. When I was mad, I didn’t have to either. I did because it usually made people back off.

She started laughing but it slowly faded into a realization. I wasn’t messing around. Everything she’s ever done just hurt everyone around her.

“What? Are you scared?” I asked Libby in a some what loud whisper. She didn’t look around for help. She just looked me right back in the eyes.

“Let’s see how much you’ve changed, Delilah. I hope you’re prepared,” Libby replied.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ladies, come on,” said Scott. He stood in the middle of us and pushed us with his hands. “There’s got to be a better way to solve this.”

“When you think of it let us know,” I said instantly. Libby and I hadn’t stopped looking at each other.

“Libby, come on. Stop it,” Scott said.

“What do you think I’ll get hurt? You think this little punk is going to beat me up?” She replied. Libby started raising her voice. It still didn’t hurt me.

“You want to know how much I’ve changed. You should be able to tell by the fact I’m still looking at you the same way, I never did that before,” I said.

“Oh, Delilah. That’s great news,” she said with a fake smile on her face. She quickly changed her tone into a serious, I’m-going-to-kill-you tone. The ‘smile’ on her face disappeared. “Does that make you any stronger?”

“Emotionally, yes. Physically, I still have to figure out.”

“When do you plan on finding out,” Libby asked.

“Right now,” I said lunging at her. Scott pushed me back. I kicked him in the back of his leg making him fall to the ground. I walked over him and then walked over to Libby. I looked up at her.

“When ever you’re ready,” I snarled. Libby glared at me.

“Make it worth it,” She replied.

“Can do.”

With every ounce on my anger I punch Libby in the gut. She swung back. The force of her punch sent me to the ground. I grabbed her ankle and pulled her down. Quickly I was lifted up again before I could send another fist to Libby.

“Let me go,” I screamed, attempting to lunge at Libby. Scott had a good grip on my bleeding wrists. The more I tried to get closer, the tighter his grip got. I stopped. He was close to breaking my hands. Libby looked up at him. I sensed a little bit of fear in her eyes. She tried to hide it, but she couldn’t.

She stood up slowly.

“Lock her back up,” she commanded devilishly. I glared at her as scoot pulled me back over to the wall. He slammed me against it, making me fall. I huffed as I felt the cold metal bracelets lock. Scott got up and walked back over to Libby. They looked at my friends and I starting from Frank and ending with Ashley.

“You’re freaking crazy,” Frank said, leaning forward to look at me. I looked back at him.

“I know.”

I pressed my back against the wall again. Suddenly, I heard Frank’s voice ask the question he’s wanted to ask someone for days.

“Libby,” He said, “Where are my parents?”