Angel Don't You Cry

Plus it's agaist the law

Delilah’s POV

(An hour later)

“Dee how are you gonna explain the burse on your aunt’s face,” Gerard asked whispering. I turned over so I was facing him fully.

“Ugh… bar fight,” I suggested in a whisper tone. Gerard sighed.

“Listen, can we talk about this outside? I don’t want it to be so that you can hear me talking down the hall and wake Frank up,” I said sitting up. Gerard nodded. Quietly I slipped out of my bed and slid a hoodie on over my tee shirt. I walked around bare foot… I didn’t like sleeping with socks on and trying to find them would be hard and make too much noise right now. I took a deep breath before opening the door. The sound of my cold feet on the cold floor bounced off the walls, but not loud enough to wake anyone up. I peeked around the corned to see in Frank was sleeping… and he was. I smiled. He looked so innocent when he slept.

Gerard and I tip toed into the kitchen and walked into the dinning room and then out the back door. I quietly shut the door behind me as I stepped out of the house behind Gerard.

“I thought your mother knew your Aunt beat you,” Gerard said. I sighed. This had to have been the twenty millionth time I’ve told him.

“No I said it looked like she did. But she thinks it’s the kids at school. But she doesn’t tell them. I mean I know she loves me… I’m all she has left… but she just doesn’t do anything about it….because its school too. You’re there when they trample over me and the teachers just walk right on by,” I explained.

“Yeah,” Gerard said frowning, “But you have to tell her some time.”

I shook my head.

“I can’t… I told you…or some one… I forgot… but I’ve said we can’t afford to buy our own house. We just don’t have the money. And if my mom found out about Aunt Libby we’d have to move. And chances are that if we did we’d move out of jersey. And I don’t wanna leave,” I said, “Can we change this subject?”

“In a way we could… “

“Gerard you we’re standing right there when I was fighting. Why didn’t you stop her?”
Gerard sighed.

“I’ve told you… I’m in your head,” he said. I frowned. It didn’t seem like he was in my head, he seemed real, like he was standing right there in the flesh. I pulled my hoodie tighter to my body and shoved my hands in its pockets.

“Sorry,” I murmured. Gerard raised an eyebrow… just like every one else did.

“Why,” he asked.

“I keep forgetting you’re in my head… you’ve been I there for so long it’s just like your real.”

I’ve become attached to Gee. I mean he was there all the time so he would seem real. I mean he talked to me, right? And he elbows me… he seems 100% real. Gerard smirked.

“Well just remember, I’m there for you,” he added.

“Okay well, then help me out. I’m confused about Frank,” I said randomly. Gerard smiled widely. Like this is what he actually WANTED to talk about.

“And how are you confused,” he asked.

“I don’t know. It’s just like… strange… it’s like I like him more than a friend but I’m not his type to be his girl friend,” I explained.

“Do you want to be his girl friend?”

I thought for a second.

“Ugh… sort of… like 88%. We’re just not ready and I think he deserves better than me.”

“Dee… you guys practically act the same… you have a few differences but you guys laugh at the same things you know.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’m trying to say I don’t know what I’m trying to say.”

“But I think I know what you’re saying. You’re saying that we’d make a good couple and he’s the one I’ve been searching for all my life.”


“What ever.”

“Well, you should probably get some sleep…”

I nodded and got up and gave Gerard a hug.

“Night,” I said happily.

“Night,” He replied hugging me back. I entered the house and walked into my room and went to sleep.

(Sunday October 14th YYYY)

I slowly opened up my eyes and sighed. Another day full of… day time stuff. The same old thing. But Frank slept over. I quickly jumped out of my warm bed and walked down the hall way. I could hear people talking in the kitchen. Two familiar voices… and I knew exactly who’s they were.

Frank’s and my mom’s.

I trusted Frank. I knew he knew never to tell anyone about my Aunt Libby. I walked into the kitchen.

“Morning,” Frank said. I smiled.

“Morning,” I replied. I looked at my mom and smiled.

“Delilah! Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay,” my mom asked panicking.

What’s she talking about? Oh… Crap… I forgot about those.

“Ugh, you see we were out of stuff and Frank and I were on our way back from the store and the wind was really strong and a branch fell down and all these wood chips came flying at us,” I said quickly.

“But nothing happened to Frank,” she pointed out as she examined the scratches on my face. I looked past y mom at Gerard, who happened to have a troubled look on his face himself. I say ‘himself’ because Frank and I also had a troubled expression.

“I was tying my shoe,” Frank said. I let out a small sigh of relief and nodded in agreement. My mother bought it. Gerard looked happy as well. I smiled at him when Frank and my mom had their backs turned.

“Good one… now you have to keep lying, and now Frank’s involved and-“Gerard started saying but my death glare stopped him.

“You know what, we’ll just talk about this later,” he said quickly. I nodded and turned around. My mom came back over to me.

“You can’t go to school like this,” she said looking at the scratches again. I had to agree with her on that.

“Delilah, scratch my face,” Frank said. My mom and I laughed.

“Why,” I asked.

“I don't wanna go to school,” he complained.

“Frank, your parents would kill me,” my mother replied. Frank frowned.

“Fine,” he sighed. So I wasn’t going to school. Doesn’t that sound fun?

(Friday, October 25th YYYY)

“Whose house,” Frank asked. Ashley shrugged.

“I don’t know,” I said.

“I choose…. Mine,” Frank decided.

“Fine with me,” Ashley agreed.

I smiled, “Yeah that sounds good.”

“Sweet,” Frank said slowly as he nodded. He had extended the ‘e’. I sighed, just randomly… I did that a lot.

“I’M HOME,” Frank yelled as he entered his home. I looked at Ashley. She shook her head.

“He’s so loud,” She said.

“Shut up,” Frank laughed.

“Hi Frankie, how was school,” His mother asked him from the living room.

“Alright,” Frank replied. I hit Frank’s arm.

“So, she can call you Frankie and I can’t,” I asked pretending to sound offended.

He nodded, “Yup.”

Ashley laughed softly. We followed Frank up to his room.

“Ashley, we’re going on a crazy jungle adventure,” I said as Frank opened his door.

“Whoa,” Ashley said.

“Mission one… look for something called a ‘floor’,” I added.

“Hardy-har-har,“ Frank laughed sarcastically. Ashley and I shrugged.

“It’s true,” Ashley added. Frank glared at us. Ash and I just smiled and followed Frank into his room.

“Hey, Frank,” his Dad called.

“What,” Frank yelled back.

“Come help your mother make dinner!”

Frank groaned.

“Okay,” he called back. Frank rolled his eyes.

“I’ll be back,” he said. Ashley and I watched Frank walked out of the room. Then we looked at each other. “

You ready for that mission,” I asked. Ashley nodded.

“Let’s do this,” she said. I started cleaning out Frank’s closet.

“We’re picking up his clothes right,” Ashley asked.

“Yeah… With this,” I said holding up a dinosaur stick like thing. You know those things where they open up at the mouth and you can pick things up?

“Why does he have a dino stick,” Ashley asked laughing.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “But we can use it!”

Ashley laughed.

“Here,” I said throwing the toy to her. She found Frank’s clothes basket, witch was completely empty, and started putting Frank clothes in there. I organized his closet. It looked pretty good by the time I was done with it. And Frank was still helping his mom.

“Ash, you’re good at organizing desks,” I said.

“Alright well you make the bed and see if you can vacuum the floor when you’re done throwing his clothes down the shoot and making his bed,” Ashley compromised. The shoot she was talking about is small so no one can fit down it… only clothes could… and those clothes went down into the basement to get washed.

“Fine,” I said. Starting with the bed I finished quickly and then throwing his clothes down the shoot and by the time I was going to vacuum Ashley was almost finished with his desk. And it takes me a long time to make beds because when I make them it has to me perfect. I went into the computer room where Frank’s Dad was at.

“Frank,” I said.

“Yes Delilah,” he asked turning his head towards me.

“Can you distract your son so he can’t hear me vacuuming,” I asked. His dad thought about it.

“Sure,” He finally said getting up.

“I don’t know what you can do to do that but I’m sure you’ll find away,” I said quickly.

“Why are you vacuuming,” he asked.

“Go check out Frank’s room,” I whispered. Frank’s dad moved swiftly over to his son’s bed room door and slowly opened it.

“Holy crap,” He said, “Yeah, I’ll remind him about the string for his guitar and tell him that the store is closing soon and he’d have to go now. And I’d drive him.”

I smiled. “Okay,” I said. His dad went down stairs. I heard Frank and his father leave. Quickly I got the vacuum cleaner. About 10 minutes later I was done. The kid had a lot of stuff on his floor. And he and his father were still gone.

“Frank has guitars,” Ashley asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. I looked in his clean closet. His guitars were all safe in there cases. I took the one he had on the stand out and placed the guitar and the stand in the corner on his room so it looked like it was on display.

“And I’m done with his desk,” Ashley said as she placed the last pen in his pen and pencil cup. Ashley and I stood in the middle of Frank’s room and looked around. Then we looked at each other.

“Air freshener,” we chimed. I ran down stairs with Ashley.

“Hey, Linda,” I said walking into the kitchen.

“Yes sweetie,” She asked.

“Do you have air freshener,” Ashley questioned. Linda nodded and handed Ashley a bottle of ferbreze after looking for it in the cabinet under the sink.

“Thank you,” I said. And we went back up stairs. We sprayed the ferbreze around his room.

“Done,” Ashley said. I nodded.

“Done,” I repeated. Ashley and I sat back and relaxed as we waited for Frank to come home.

“Guy’s I’m back,” I heard Frank say as he walked up the stairs.

“Okay,” Ashley and I replied. We saw the door knob turn. I smiled; I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face. Frank walked in with a bag in his hand and froze.

“Holy… crap,” he said slowly. Speechless. He was speechless.

“Alright… I should get going,” Ashley said. I nodded.

“Yeah me too,” I agreed. We said bye to Frank and his parents.

“Alright, well, see you tomorrow,” Frank called.

“Yeah,” I called back. Frank walked in the house. Ashley and I talked about how things in our classes went and what was going on this weekend.

“Alright then… see you tomorrow,” Ashley said walking down the short path to her front door.

“Alright,” I replied. She went in and I continued walking. I hoped my mom was home… I didn’t want to deal with my Aunt.

I knocked on the door since it was 8:00 the doors would be locked. My mom answered.

“Hi,” I said smiling.

“Hey, sweet heart,” she said moving aside so I could get in.

“So, whose house did you go to after school,” She asked giving me a hug.

“Frank’s,” I replied. I looked over at the couch. No Aunt Libby…but a man… he had short blonde hair and blue eyes. And I had no idea who it was. Gerard shrugged.

“I don’t know who it is either,” he said.

“Oh. Delilah, sweetie this is Scott,” My mom said introducing me to the man.

“Scott this is my daughter, Delilah,” she told him. Scott got up and walked over to me.

“She beautiful,” He said. I raised an eyebrow. Me? Ha. You make me laugh I thought. Scott stuck his hand out.

“Hi,” He said. I shook his hand.

“Hi,” I replied sheepishly. I was always a shy person.

“Ugh, Delilah there’s some food out in the kitchen if you’re hungry,” my mom said. I smirked and went into the kitchen.

“Delilah,” I heard my mom call.

“Yeah,” I asked walking over to the archway that lead into the living room.

“You don’t mind if I go out for a while do you,” She asked. I shook my head no.

“Okay, well, Aunt Libby is out… she’ll be home soon she had to work late,” My mom replied. I nodded.

“Fine with me,” I said. I had to pretend I didn’t care I was home with some abusive family member. My mom came and gave me a kiss and left.

“I just want her to be happy,” I said knowing Gerard was standing behind me. I turned around and walked over to the counter.

“She won’t be happy when she finds you knocked out on the kitchen floor,” He replied. He sat on the counter. I sighed.

“Why do you have to be so negative? I’ll just go in my room and act like no one’s home. She’ll think no one’s home,” I said. Gerard looked at me uneasily.

“You think that’s gonna work,” He asked.

“Hey, I’ve never tried it before… it just might,” I replied. I poured my some orange juice and stood there talking to Gerard about Scott.

“Delilah, I really don’t like this guy at all,” he said.

“Why not? He seems pretty nice.”

“That’s how they all seem at first… Delilah, this guy is bad news.”

I thought back to when I saw him sitting on our couch. He looked like he had something planed. But I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad.

“Why are you telling me to be careful... you should be telling- wait…”

“I’m telling you because only you can tell your mom.”

“She’ll think that it’s because I’ll say no one can replace my dad and she’ll say ‘sure he can’t replace your dad but give him a chance.’”

“Yeah… you have a point there.”

“Gee, I know my mom, and telling her I don’t like this guy won’t work.”

“I thought you said she wants what’s best for you.”

“Yeah but sometimes she’ll think I’m wrong with saying something and think I’ll change my mind about it.”

“Just don’t let her get hurt.”

“What do you want me to do? Stalk the dude?”

“Good idea.”

“Bad idea.”


“Gerard, you know some how he’ll find out that I am, and then he’ll tell my mom. It’s gonna be like one of those movies where the kid gets grounded and the mom and some other dude go out and something bad happens. I’m not stalking him. And you call your self wise.”

“Well I have my days.”

“We all do.”

“But what are you going to do about this guy?”

I sighed and put my glass in the sink and then look Gerard directly in the eyes.
